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anakron is recommended by Jan91 (7/12/2020)

Had a very fun and quite exhausting submission fight with anakron and three other guys today. anakron is quite fit and has great technique, which made for a very nice match. He is also a very friendly guy. I can‘t wait for our rematch next week - who knows, maybe I‘ll finally get him to tap? ;-)


SebMicka is recommended by MisterNoGi (7/12/2020)

Une très bonne rencontre avec Seb.

Un gars très sympa d’abord avec lequel on discute facilement et Il a su trouver un moment pour cette rencontre.
Ensuite c’est un combattant acharné et joueur, bien plus puissant qu’il le laisse entendre, un vrai défi !
Je précise: sa photo de profil ne lui rend pas justice, il est bien mieux en vrai 😉

Je le recommande totalement. A refaire !


Asian Wrestle is recommended by SeattleFight (7/12/2020)

We brawled a few years back and this hot creative nasty musclestud still ranks High in my book. We occasionally keep in touch via chat and phone to make sure the grudge stays white hot for our next encounter as soon as this mess is over. Imaginative scenarios and real fights - nothing better and he knows how to deliver. FYI also a handsome, smart man who knows how to keep it safe and sane but wild and rough. You ready for round 2, tough guy?


FerrelFighter is recommended by DCJobber (7/12/2020)

I got to wrestle Ferrel Fighter and had a great time. to be honest, I had seen him wrestle a couple of times and was a little intimidated by his level of fitness. When we wrestled, I found my assumptions were pretty accurate. Hopefully we can have a few more matches and then we will know for sure. What I do know, is that he is a very good wrestler that can hold his own with the best of them. No ego though. He is Just a nice guy that wants to have a good time and wants you to have a good time. He is fun to talk to, fun to wrestle, fun to watch wrestle. I guess to sum it up, you will have a great time if you get together with ferrel fighter. Look out for his leg scissors though. You will tap...


DCJobber is recommended by FerrelFighter (7/12/2020)

I met DCJobber a couple of times at open mat events, but we never managed to hook up for a a match. We finally met up, and I'm glad we did.
Had a great time rolling with DCJobber. I don't remember if either of us ever tapped, but we definitely wore each other out. I guess I'd call our match a draw.
Looking forward to the next time I can roll with DCJobber. Good strong wrestler, and a great guy to know as well.


Amateur Fighter is recommended by Noby (7/12/2020)

Amateur_Fighter hat richtig viel Kraft und ist sehr stabil beim fighten er hat auch schon ein paar Monate Vereinserfahrung und kann sich dadurch auch sehr gut verteidigen. Es ist echt schwer ihn in eine Submission zu bekommen. Wir hatten viel Spaß auf der Matte und wenn er weiter so trainiert wird er bald zu einen der besten hier auf meetfighters gehören.
Auch abseits der Matte ist er ein angenehmer Gesprächspartner. Ich kann ihn nur wärmstens empfehlen also nutzt die Chance ihn zu treffen. Ich freue mich schon auf unseren nächsten fight.


Kubaw466 is recommended by Noby (7/12/2020)

Kubaw466 ist ein kräftiger Gegner und trotz seiner bis jetzt wenigen Kämpfe hat er schon eine gute Intuition um sich zu verteidigen. Wir hatten viel Spaß auf der Matte und ich denke in 1-2 Jahren wird es schon deutlich schwerer gegen ihn zu gewinnen.
Auch abseits der Matte ist er ein angenehmer Gesprächspartner der zudem sehr zulässig ist und sich an die Absprachen hält. Von da her kann ich ihn nur wärmstens empfehlen. Freue mich schon auf den nächsten fight.


Noby is recommended by Kubaw466 (7/12/2020)

Es war ein toller Nachmittag mit Noby. Er hat echt einen schön eingerichteten Raum für die Fights. Der Kampf war super - sicher und anstrengend. Es war von Anfang an klar, dass ich keine Chance als Anfänger hatte. Er konnte sich gut an mich anpassen und es war ein fairer Kampf, der viel Spaß gemacht hat. Er ist schnell, kräftig und verfügt vor allem über viele unterschiedliche Techniken. Echt empfehlenswert. Bis zum nächsten Mal.


marconi is recommended by fracono (7/12/2020)

Now that it's a little safer to do so, and after months of chatting with him, we managed to get a match in up in Glasgow during his weekend visit!

We both had a really great time, both before the match getting to know each other a little better over food, and when we got to business. He has a very specific type of wrestling in mind, which I was happy to try out, despite all of my instincts begging me to fight back and not be the jobber!

He was a great heel, strength to back up his trash talking and a good knowledge of moves and holds! Unfortunately the match had to be cut short (migraine!) but I'm confident we'll find the time to meet again for round two!

High recommendations for this reliable and strong opponent, but only if you're alright with being the jobber throughout!


SmartFighter is recommended by AsPalepsoume (7/12/2020)

His nickname says it all; both Smart and a Fighter! We had such a great streak of fights, both in wrestling and boxing and a great time off the mats!

I believe SmartFighter is one of the best boxers on the site. Having a very long experience, I was very happy that he showed me some things and then went on a hard boxing fight, as I wanted. And, man, was that tough! I'm happy that at least I tired him there!

As for the grappling part, he says he doesn't have any experience, but be careful, don't take him lightly at all! He learns quickly, moves fast and can give you a hard time there, as well!

Outside of the mats, a really educated person with which you can have a great conversation and laugh!

Thanks a lot, as well, fellow fighter! I'll definitely meet you again! 😉
