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MorenoSunga is recommended by wrestlersp (8/22/2020)

Cara é intenso e passou por SP. Então combinamos uma luta buscando os cuidados necessários. Luta com máscara, rostos nunca frente a frente, golpe decisivo era quem aguentava na montada com o montador de costas. Deu certo. Criamos o combate pandêmico. Ambos testamos negativo


newstravel is recommended by Edubcn (8/22/2020)

Menuda máquina. Luchador fuerte y tenaz, le gusta jugar, pero si te confías, te verás en serios problemas. Sudor y risas a partes iguales, un placer haber compartido tiempo con él, fuera y dentro del tatami.


Kubaw466 is recommended by mastiff (8/22/2020)

I'm so happy I met Kubaw466 and I'm so grateful he came all the way to Heidelberg to fight at my place.

We fought for a while and he taught me a few basic and very useful BJJ moves and holds that I will apply in my next fights. He is strong and resilient, a perfect opponent for my taste!

We even had time for some cooking and sightseeing! Totally recommended. See you next time, z nadzieja w Polsce, na razie i pozdrów Kasie!


Crazy146 is recommended by discover (8/22/2020)

Chouette rencontre, garçon sérieux et fiable. Il est volontaire et cherche à progresser en lutte. Cela se fera, je n'en doute pas.


ohboy is recommended by piledriverva (8/22/2020)

Woof! We have wrestled a few times over the years. A couple times at NYC Wrestlefest and most recently in Chicago. This handsome jobber is always a glutton of punishment and keeps coming back for more! Not sure how he is so flexible as I crank on a variety of holds! Always fun, friendly, genuine, and down to earth. Look forward to our next match!!


mastiff is recommended by Kubaw466 (8/22/2020)

mastiff is a pretty strong and motivated fighter. It was very hard for me to control and submit him. We gave each other hard time and were very tired after all. After some nice sweating rounds I was taking care of him, improving his technic and showing some Tipps. So guys be careful! He knows what he is doing.

Out of matt he is an amazing host. He was taking care of my needs during that hot summer day and after a nice dinner he showed me Heidelberg. After a very long walk I left the city hoping to meet him again soon. My recommendation


Edubcn is recommended by newstravel (8/22/2020)

Edubcn nuevo en este mundo lucha con un gran espíritu y ganas de aprender. Es capaz de enfrentarse a luchadores mucho más experimentado y plantar guerra con todas sus ganas por todo esto hace de él ser un gran rival en el tatami con el que pasar buenos momentos de lucha 💪👍.


Muscsteve1 is recommended by dadwrestle (8/22/2020)

This is one strong guy, as you can see from his pics! If you get the chance, wrestle him. I am looking forward to the rematch! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!


dadwrestle is recommended by Muscsteve1 (8/22/2020)

Powerful guy who can use his great weight to pin you down. Great and welcoming guy too.


Wrestling Ace is recommended by Olivier91 (8/22/2020)

Alexandre est un jeune lutteur qui a envie de lutter. De l'énergie à revendre. Malgré la différence de poids il n'hésite pas et il a un très bon jeu de jambes.
Et en plus il est super sympa en dehors du combat. Je recommande et au plaisir de se faire un nouveau duel :)
