
RelentlessRival is recommended by TakeDown000 (9/20/2020)

RelentelessRival lives up to what his profile says! He will not hold back trying to torture your abs, kick your balls, choke you out with his biceps and legs. He likes to see you begging for mercy like a bitch and it was hot. Cant wait to have at it with him again soon


kasada is recommended by quadi1 (9/20/2020)

Nach wirklich jahrelangen Chatten hat es dann endlich geklappt mit ihm. Meine Vorfreude war entsprechend groß und zwar auf beiden Seiten. Und was soll Ich sagen, es hat einfach sehr gut gepasst. Er ist ein sehr sympathischer, fairer, gesund frecher, starker und attraktiver Mann, mit dem Mann stundenlang Spaß haben kann. Die Zeit verging wie im Flug. Da Ich ihn doch eindeutig fertig machen konnte ;) hat er dann auch seine Wettschulden mit einer ausgiebigen Massage beglichen, die sehr gut war. Hoffe sehr, dass der nächste fight sich nicht wieder 4 Jahre ziehen wird.


Smesh is recommended by TakeDown000 (9/20/2020)

Smesh is amazing. Super cute, strong, sane and down to earth guy who will take you down and make you submit over and over if you aren't careful. Highly recommend. I'm pretty confident there will be a round 2 soon ;)


piledriverprofantasy is recommended by TBLHockeyGeek (9/20/2020)

Since the old search function no longer exists I can't just repost my old recommendation for this guy.

piledriverprofantasy (formerly WrestlePro82) met up with me at the last moment before his flight back home. He knows his holds and is very good with dishing out piledrivers and suplexes. All in all had a great time with this guy in the few hours that we had and really looking forward to seeing him again.


FIGHT7 is recommended by Bennyfighter (9/20/2020)

Fightsson ist zwar noch relativ neu und unerfahren, in seinem drahtigen Körper steckt aber ordentlich Kraft.
Und er hat auch eine sehr gute Intuition, die richtig einzusetzen. Wir haben nicht um den Sieg gekämpft, sondern uns schön gegenseitig in ausweglose Situationen gebracht. Und das hat wirklich viel Spaß gemacht. Klare Empfehlung. Mit etwas mehr Technik wird er für viele hier sicher bald zum gefährlichen Gegner.


Harry is recommended by expat (9/20/2020)

Harry is a great guy who I can highly recommend. PM me if you want to know his secret weakness. I hope to get close enough for a re-match in the near future


Skinscrapper is recommended by musclem8 (9/20/2020)

So I m in the gym training room post workout, aroused and ripped and I log on here to his challenge.
An hour later I m parked up and waling down the street in tight miuscleshorts and getting plenty of attention, but I don t give a f..., not even from a local muscleboy delivery driver eyeballing me. another time, I just need this fight.
I m through the open front door and into his fightroom and he s waiting for me in tight black speedos and matching boots. No words, we launched at each other full on.
What happened next? His username says it all!


MadGT is recommended by JuanMadrid44 (9/20/2020)

I came to this site recently with almost zero experience. After some days of chatting we could meet at last, although for a short time....enough for me. Always tap on me at least i could learn some skills from him. Very good maners leading me to my limits.
Thanks for pass that time and your hospitality. It was great and amazing to me
I Hope meet you again, meanwhile I promise keep on trainning. 😋

Sept 2020
Sunddenly we arrenged a meeting.
I did my best . Thank Mad for adapting to my lack of stamina.
I enjoyed the battle... my handcrabs didn't allow you to 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the way you wanted jaaaaa.
I'm very apreciated for hosting me
See you soon


JuanMadrid44 is recommended by MadGT (9/20/2020)

Juan is a kind and polite guy, strong arms and legs without any training.. he's always ready to keep fighting.. Very nice guy off mats too..

Sept'20 :
Juan and I met in a cold sunday midday after months.. He still is strong and good person, good chat and good attitude.. He has no training but he got good instincts to fight.. he moves forwards despite the fact of his lack or cardio capacity.. he says he is old hahahah... don't let him fool you..
We were in confort and relax zone.
Hope we meet again soon


Bristolfun is recommended by Billboi (9/20/2020)

Bristolfun is an extremely nice guy. We had met previously at Barnet group session and recently at mine. He is a very strong but safe and sane opponent. I am very lucky to have met this real Gentleman and would recommend him to anyone. Although he believes he is quite a novice he really is a strong guy and a really decent person to know.
