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LockDown is recommended by NorthNotts (10/04/2020)

Met Lockdown today following a few years of always wanting to. He is a great opponent who never gives up. He has strong arms and made me work for every submission. Loved chatting to him as much as wrestling him. Highly recommended.


musclechris80 is recommended by Edubcn (10/04/2020)

What is left to say about the best attraction in Athens?

A mountain of muscles (those godly arms...), ready to make you fly, tap and beg for mercy... Or in my case, for more... Had so much fun, and loved every minute. You can bet I would be everyday knocking at his door for my wrestling dose.

Out of the mattress a really interesting guy to talk, keep getting fun and have a pleasant evening.

Thanks for the ride! See you soon!


mauro7 is recommended by funscrapseverino (10/04/2020)

wir haben uns auf ein give-and-take / dominations-match geeinigt.
mauro ist leidenschaftlich bei der sache, ist sehr beweglich, gepflegt und sehr angenehm im Auftreten und der spass steht bei ihm definitiv im vordergrund. das match gestaltete sich sehr ausgeglichen, was letztenendes auch unser ziel - nichtzuletzt wegen des grossen gewichtsunterschieds - war. Auch neben der Matte kann man mit ihm gute und witzige gespräche führen.
Ich kann Mauro bestens weiterempfehlen und freue mich bereits auf das nächste mal dominieren und dominiert werden...


Nick Foxx is recommended by Characi (10/04/2020)

Se você quer um bom jobber esse é o cara certo. Tinha pouca experiência, então a maior parte dos golpes que apliquei eram novidade, mas ele aguentou dignamente, como um bom submisso deve fazer. Escutá-lo gemendo é uma delícia 😍 Tem uma boa flexibilidade nas costas, o que tornou o torture rack bem mais interessante.


Wrestleyou2 is recommended by vicj81 (10/04/2020)

I had a blast with this young buck. Good stamina and very strong legs. Couldn’t pull too many tricks since he’s pretty damn flexible! Gonna have to have another go. Also a great guy to enjoy a cozy cup of coffee with :)


tallnhairy1 is recommended by VB Wrestler (10/04/2020)

When I opened the door to greet him, I knew he would be a great opponent. Y’all, muscular, masculine, and aggressive. Although the time was limited, we both worked up a great sweat and both were able to get submissions.


Jow is recommended by LucasfightBXL (10/04/2020)

J'avais envie depuis longtemps de lutter avec Jow. Grace a l'hospitalite de SEP 65, ce souhait a pu devenir realite. Je n'ai pas ete decu, bien au contraire. Jow est muscle et a une tres bonne condition. Il se bat avec calme et maitrise. J'ai adore lutter avec lui car nos combats ont ete equilibres, avec plusieurs retournements. C'est toujours amusant quand on peut mutuellement arriver a placer qulques prises. J'ai vraiment resssenti avec Jow ce plaisir de la lutte qui ne m'a jamais quitte depuis l'enfance. A cote de cela, j'ai decouvert une personnalite tres riche et sympathique. C'est cela aussi la magie de Meetfighters. J'espere qu'on se reverra bien vite pour d'autres combats et pour mieux faire connaissance.


MEGRAPPLE is recommended by Skinscrapper (10/04/2020)

Have wrestled MEGRAPPLE several times at Hendon, Pippa's matrooms in Manchester and several hotel bouts. He's a strong and technically great wrestler with a true wrestler's build and power and is a formidable opponent as a multi-subs submission wrestler. Looks great in the gear and is one of the genuinely greatest guys you could meet on and off the mats. Highest recommendation from me!


dundun is recommended by LucasfightBXL (10/04/2020)

Nous etions 5 lutteurs, reunis grace a la genereuse hospitalite de SEP 65. Comme chez les Dalton (pour les amateurs de Lucky Luke!), c'est le plus leger d'entre nous, Dundun, qui domina les combats. Dote d'un physique de felin, il est fort comme un lion et souple comme une panthere. Comme au jeu d'echecs, il anticipe vos prises et gere le combat avec une grande maitrise et...un grand sourire. J'ai beaucoup aime me battre avec lui et espere avoir bien d'autres occasions pour me mesurer a lui et connaitre davantage cette personnalite sympathique.


heterosp is recommended by cloudseraphin (10/04/2020)

Met up recently with this awesome wrestler. Probably my favorite match to date, even though I lost, definitely worth a roll. Don't pass on this specimen; looked great in his skimpy gear, and equally awesome in my singlets.
