
WisCamelJobber is recommended by profantasywrestler (10/03/2020)

This man gets it! When you’re talking pro wrestling, he has a natural aptitude, physicality and mentality for the style. I was his first match and just from conversation, knew a ring experience was in order and nothing less. Spending about an hour covering technical basics, it was clear he had watched and studied tv style pro. A fearless, uninhibited rookie that had no qualms about acting/selling the action and sensitive and aware to follow or lead for smooth fluidity. He wrestled well beyond a first timer. You have a man on your hands with a natural talent and knack for this and is well deserving of two big thumbs up!


Matpain is recommended by profantasywrestler (10/03/2020)

I joined this site looking for fellas that could embody, look and deliver the pro wrestling action I grew up watching and Matpain delivered on all fronts. When I can get lost in a match and full instinct and persona take over, I know my opponent is top notch and our ring chemistry is seamless. I’ve never felt better going 0-4 and find I wouldn’t mind taking more losses to a pro of this caliber. :). Awesome time, man! I’ll be back.


Skinscrapper is recommended by MEGRAPPLE (10/03/2020)

Orginally meet "HotBrawl" when he was under a different profile name.
He's a keen, strong and very agile. Very skilled and well worth a meet. If you ever get a challenge from this fine wrestler grab the chance.


charles637 is recommended by Juan7593 (10/03/2020)

Nouveau jeune lutteur clermontois que j'ai eus l'opportunité de rencontrer à Clermont-Ferrand.
Il est débutant mais malgré tout, il ne manque pas de vivacité, d'envie d'en découdre et de force.
Il m'a clairement mis en difficulté par des soumissions approximatives mais efficaces. Jeunesse oblige, il mise peut être trop sur sa force brute que sur sa technique, mais s'il décidait de persévérer dans des entraînements réguliers, il pourrait tenir tête à beaucoup de lutteurs aguerris.
Je l'encourage à continuer l'entraînement sportif, et tant pis s'il préfère finalement le badminton (il aura au moins réussi à m'apprendre que le badminton peut former des sportifs aussi massifs et virils que des rugbymen). Bravo champion ! ;-) :-)


FightLover is recommended by andreawrestling (10/03/2020)

FightLover è un vero appassionato di lotta. Pur essendo ancora agli inizi, è un osso duro da battere. Mi ha colpito soprattutto la grande resistenza... non si arrende mai e mi ha fatto fare una bella sudata. Con un po' di esperienza in più diventerà veramente difficile batterlo. Ragazzo simpatico e sorridente. Consigliato!


technics2 is recommended by Nakofi (10/03/2020)

Like the old saying goes, "good things come to those who wait", and after four years of interacting with Technics2, we finally had our long delayed encounter. This guy is no joke, he is truly skilled in the area of jiu-jitsu so I knew I did not stand a chance but on more than one occasion he was "kind" enough to allow me to think that I did; LOL.

Still, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and his ability to conserve his strength and stamina but focusing on technique as opposed to just brute strength is intriguing, it is the very reason why even though I do this for fun, I am always looking to improve my skills. I enjoyed my time on and off the mats with him, I deeply appreciate him coming all the way to Savannah, Georgia to see me, and I hope our paths cross again, soon!


Nakofi is recommended by technics2 (10/03/2020)

This meet was almost 4 years in the making. Well worth the wait. Nakofi was armed with a more bulk ratio, mad strength and flexibility. Better cardio, skills and patience were my arsonals. He often applied his famous leg scissors up and down my torso while I was in his guard. This got my attention but no tap. Played with him and his impressive ability to slow or stop my attacks. On one I broke, I folded his legs over his head and applied weight. He was flexible enough to not tap. Bless his heart for his constant attempts to get me in a guillotine choke. Knowing this is a hold I used to get medals I tried not to use. After his 7th attempt, I took the hint and gave him what he wanted. Guillotine applied, Nakofi taps. He made me work for every submission. Kimora, american, Kata-Gatame and rear naked choke all made him tap. We had a long tussle and good workout. A few times I had to whisper in his ear (joking) to "SHUT THE F... UP". He can get loud being put through the test. Enjoyed long conversations as well. Do over anytime. Next time he might get me to tap. OLD MAN POWER.......ACTIVATE


QuinnUK is recommended by John cousins (10/03/2020)

Good match with this mountain of a man. Had a good time rolling around his living room floor. Despite a huge size disadvantage I had a good time and learnt new things.


Hanjo is recommended by gingerfighter (10/03/2020)

An einem heißen Sommertag traf ich das erste Mal auf Hanjo. Extra für mich hat er sich auf die weite Reise gemacht ;-)
Hanjo ist ein sehr netter Mensch, mit dem man sich auch absseits der Matte gut unterhalten kann.
Anschließend kam es zu einem schweißtreibenden Fight, was sicherlich nicht nur an den Temperaturen lag.
Dabei wusste er seine Kampfklasse voll einzusetzen.
Kurz gesagt, ein völlig erfüllter Nachmittag, volle Punktzahl


Rixator is recommended by dundun (10/03/2020)

Mais quel personnage ce Grappler34!!
Il va toujours vous raconter qu'il ne sait pas lutter, qu'il ne sait pas s'il sera à l'hauteur... méfiez vous! C'est un sacré comédien !!
Il a la force d'un "toro" et une sacrée vitesse pour quelqu'un de son gabarit. En plus, très technique et avec un esprit de guerrier. Mais je peux vous rassurer, en dehors du tapis vous allez connaitre un être extraordinaire aussi. Les occitans racontent, que c'est seulement après la connaissance de grappler34 que l'on peut arriver à comprendre dans tout sa dimension les mots "sympathie" et "bienveillance".
Rencontrer Grappler34 c'est que du bonheur (et qu'est-ce qu'on peut rigoler avec lui!). Si jamais vous avez la moindre opportunité, ne le ratez pas!!!
