Well have been on the site, nearly a year now. Wrestled around a bit. Met some great people.

Still not found my inner heel. Not sure I have it in me. Just don't have that mean streak.

I mean, in my last match I apologized whilst pushing my opponent's face away.

Well, it felt rather impolite. ;)

Perhaps I am forever doomed to be a jobber. I don't think of myself that way and not a big fan of that label anyway.

I guess I don't have that confidence to go on the attack and control the mat. So will into the comfort zone of defence.

Even now when I am up against guys I know I could pretty much own. ;)

In some ways I have come a long way, and in others, not at all. There seems to be a bit of a mental block. Though each group meet I go to, each tip I am offered, each move I am shown, its gradually chip chip chipped away.

I think fighting which comes so naturally, and is instinctive to others, is something I am still in the long process of learning. So bear with :)

(But just remember that the puppy you kicked will eventually grow into one big dog ;) )

Last edited on 4/28/2015 2:45 AM by hephaestion2014
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Squashlad (251)

4/28/2015 9:11 AM

Very well expressed. You're not alone in feeling that defence is a comfort zone for us newbies and that a good attack is much harder to acquire (especially when you're an old dog like me and new tricks now come less easily). Still, most lads on here, I find, are happy to bear with us novices, and like you I am learning, even if painfully slowly. It's all a huge amount of fun anyway! Happy grappling and I'll resolve to stop apologizing for pushing people's faces away if you will!


hephaestion2014 (52)

4/28/2015 11:37 AM

(In reply to this)

So, its not just me then? That's a deal :)

Happy grappling too.


Vanman (87 )

4/28/2015 9:21 AM

Oy shandy,

I've wrestled you and though I controlled the bout a bit I was always conscious that given half a chance you were on the attack. I wouldn't class you as a jobber in comparison to others (I don't mean you either Squash).

I've wrestled one guy on here who stated he was a jobber but could take me apart if he chose.

It's all relative and as long as you enjoy it what does a label matter.


hephaestion2014 (52)

4/28/2015 11:46 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks mate. Was keen to show I wasn't a total shandy drinker, glad it worked ;)

I always enjoy my bouts, and it's always good fun. Most of the time I don't even care about winning or losing. Its all for fun.

I just sometimes wish I could get that little ruthless glint I see in a lot of my opponents' eye. :)
