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edscissors's blog

Close ... but not yet that close, I think

Things are opening up all over the world - hooray! - but personally I don't yet even feel it would be safe to wander too far from my home. Take a bus or a train and book a hotel room to meet a friend for a nice wrestle? No, I don't think so. Not yet and probably not for a good few months.

International air travel? I just don't know. Probably not in 2020, even if "air bridges" are agreed and set up.

But, I continue to feel pretty close to many of my friends here on Meetfighters. Our locked-down chats have been so interesting and wide-ranging. Yes, "Tintin" and others ... I'm talking to you!

MF: to quote a 1970s postcard, "thanks for being"!

Last edited on 6/12/2020 11:07 PM by edscissors



edscissors (31 )

6/15/2020 8:18 PM

Thank you to the people who took the trouble to respond to my post. It seems that you mostly agree with my caution about actual meetings.

I was just a little disappointed that respondents didn't seem to pick up so much on the second thought in my post - that, while we wait for it to be safe and comfortable for us to meet again in person, there seem to be such a lot of good, interesting, articulate, kindly, polite people here to chat with - about anything and everything.

That's why I say, again, Meetfighters, "thanks for being"!


Tomo67 (1)

6/15/2020 4:45 AM

I agree with you, and unfortunately I don’t think people are taking the risk seriously anymore. Hopefully things will improve and meetings will again be possible, but I don’t think it will be in the next 6 months


Sparrhawk (9)

6/15/2020 1:24 AM

The best way to prevent getting this virus or any virus is to give up wrestling altogether.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

6/13/2020 6:40 PM

Over the last three months over 100,000 people have fallen victim to the virus in the U.S.. At the current rate, there will be another 100,000 victims in the U.S. over the next three months. And I don't watch the news. I just keep up with relevant facts.


weightclass170 (1)

6/13/2020 3:42 PM

you spend way to much time watching the news, !!!!


Juggernaut (0)

6/13/2020 3:01 PM

I should be anxious to get back to normalcy, but I've been sequester for so long now that this almost seems like the new normal. In any event, I think I'll give a bit longer, and let some of the opening day rush settle down a bit before venturing out right way. Just for good measure.
