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No, am not using this to tittle tattle or gossip about past exploits but to share something I wished I had learnt a little earlier.

Don't be scared to talk to guys who have had a lot of opponents or wrestled against some great people.

Have always been in awe, and think to myself what would they get our of talking to me, let alone wrestling me. But suppose that's silly.

As someone wisely said, we all have to start somewhere.

Last edited on 6/16/2014 7:07 PM by hephaestion2014
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jason (27)

6/16/2014 10:01 PM

This is so true and I have found a wealth of help from these people.


Chris55 (1 )

6/17/2014 12:04 AM

A good thought - worth remembering.


Sturdy (31)

6/17/2014 1:28 AM

If a guy has met a lot of other guys, and those guys think him a good enough guy to say so, so other guys can see ... he must be a good guy!

Most people on here are friendly. I am guilty of not always responding to challenges, but I always respond to messages.


matslam (197 )

7/10/2014 7:32 AM

I was once turned down by someone as he felt intimidated by me and the number of my past opponents.I was just astonished!


hephaestion2014 (52)

7/10/2014 8:44 AM

(In reply to this)

I suppose its probably because if you have had a lot of past opponents, you have had a lot of experience so for any newbie, you are an impossible challenge. And we are not. I used to and still do a bit that when am up against a good wrestler he will grow bored, fed up or feel he has wasted his time taking on a novice.

I know that is stupid, and try not to think that way now but can understand how people can.
