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Trainers and Trainees - Forced Workout

Tough trainer for boy?

lockedlad (0)

12/14/2021 4:22 PM

Still not found anyone local!


lockedlad (0)

5/20/2021 10:17 PM

Anyone suggest where I might find one 😈


gymrat (35)

5/20/2021 10:36 PM

(In reply to this)

is there a local forum? Problem i most of us are not new you. I really like the idea of forced or mutually forced workouts. Could be hot, and provides a ton of motivation to push past comfort.

But 4000 miles a a bit far.

If you want some advice, reach out. Star with my blog at least.


max824 (0)

7/06/2021 6:04 PM

(In reply to this)

Hi I sent a Massge to you I think we would have a good time. let me know.


lockedlad (0)

4/18/2021 11:04 AM

I’m still looking 😈 Anyone in UK?


Pwers1103 (3)

3/23/2021 4:31 AM

Forced workouts? I don't get that- sounds like forced labor, slavery. Ok- full disclosure here; Radner Bearman is my coach & trains me in Forced Impact Training as opposed to Forced workouts. He does not have any knowledge nor given any consent to what I am writing BUT I think a couple of comments are necessary here. Being a prosecutor in a former life, I think it helps to explain some facts & men can make an appropriate judgement based on fact, not personal BS.
Any guy who wants to train in any activity should be encouraged and supported. Confucius say "A journey of a thousand miles begins w 1 Step", a life long motto of mine. S/times my Coach can express an opinion or make a comment "in-artfully" (oh yes U can Coach, lol). But his statements above echo Confucius- if U want to train, U must take the steps to do so & not be forced; U must have the resolve & discipline to do what is necessary to train in whatever athletic field U may want; Ur skillset will evolve w consistent training for wch only U can determine. If U want a trainer who will hold U "accountable" then I suggest U hire a personal trainer who will keep a daily tab of Ur performance & "force" U to do whatever modicum of ability U need w wch to improve Ur capabilities. During this pandemic, knowing that gyms can be shut down (wch I believe is the case in Europe), there are digital platforms, such as Pelaton, Nordic Track, Bowflex, the Mirror, et al where trainers will work w U via the internet & monitor Ur performance- good luck. If U are looking for s/thg different, better luck w that.
I was always fit but it wasn't until I was in college that I became VERY muscular- in my youth (yes, those prehistoric times), my college did not have any athletic facilities except for a gym that was primarily used for the Varsity Basketball Team. I did manage to find a weight room where the football players lifted & my body responded so much so that I became familiar w many of the bodybuilders of that time (& for years afterwards, incl a Mr. Universe). My body responded because I resolved to work out every day as hard as I could & it's had the desired effect through this day BUT only because I put in the necessary work to build & maintain it (during those prehistoric times, there was no internet, there were no fight gyms tho for a brief time, when I first started working, I trained at the original Gleason's gym on 14th Street; during a spar session, I got a black eye & when I went to work, I was told that it was not a "Good Look" for my job so that came to an end, sad face). In my later years, I was fortunate enough to join a UFC gym, where I trained in boxing/kickboxing- best gym ever! Despite my age, I received tremendous encouragement & support in my training from every instructor, trainer, Coach but only because I put in the time & the work to develop a skillset & trust me, they watched & monitored me like a parent- when that gym closed down unexpectedly, it was a very sad day for this guy. Every trainer in every gym I have ever worked out in has paid me the highest compliment a trainee could receive- their respect & friendship; not one ever forced me to do anything, pushed me & tested my limits, yes, but never forced me.
RadnerBearman is one of, if not the best, Coaches I ever had- he did not know me but when I expressed an interest in an ab workout he posted online, I expressed my gratitude & ever since, he has guided me into developing my abs/core into the brick wall they currently are- that was about 2 years ago. As I've gotten older, my joints/tendons have had issues but abs are all muscle & if properly trained, can become as strong, as tuff as ever. He has been extremely patient, knowledgeable & supportive- he has taken me to a level I never thought I could achieve. Yes, I am 68 years old, no, I don't have many fights on this site but damn, I can say my gut is harder than most; I watch most of the GP videos & 90% of them are, in my opinion, crap- the punches aren't hard, the moaning & groaning, the inability to take punches for a prolonged period- dammit to Hell, I only wish I would have made a recording of my session w Glenn- that man threw hard punches fast & furious for 4 3 minute rounds & couldn't break me, thanx to the training of RadnerBearman. & they are just as hard, if not harder today- Thank U Coach!
Now the personal comment made about him, totally inappropriate- & also untrue; last I looked, there was a face pic. But to make a personal criticism because he doesn't show his face- really?? I dunno how many men I have spoken to, and that incl men making comments here, who do not post a face pic for whatever personal reason they have; I will never meet anyone w/o a face pic BUT a derogatory comment based on that alone is unnecessary & uncalled for. Like Harborfighter, I am OUT & PROUD & tho I don't have his fight record, I am very secure in my masculinity- I think we all may have a different opinion of what/who is masculine. Society has always honored warriors, gladiators, fighters for their ability to take up arms & test their physical abilities BUT to define masculinity on that alone- I don't think so. To me, a masculine man is one who is confident & comfortable in who he is, what he does- a man who has never fought but supports a family to the best of his ability; a disabled man who struggles every day just to lead a normal life; the "queers" who, in my younger days, fought for gay rights, rights we take for granted today & didn't spend much time in a gym or on the mats; a friggin drag queen who can wear a woman's clothes in public & not be intimidated by any insults- in their own way, it's pretty damn butch & I can respect them and appreciate them for who they are. In fact, the tuffest fight I ever had was on a mountain just over 2 years ago when I fell, fractured my leg, slid into a ravine & had to figure out a way to get back up onto the trail & somehow crawl, pull, slide down the mountain to where I could be rescued- the sun was setting, it was 15 degrees (& getting colder) & I alone (again, Confucius) had to force myself to do what was necessary to keep myself in the game for another day. & to say certain things are "old school" is totally erroneous- have you been watching & listening these past 4 years?? Rights we won, fights we fought- none can be taken for granted & tho I will never change, it does give credence to why men may not wanna post pics. One may not agree w it but one shouldn't condemn it either.
Maybe we should try supporting & respecting each other- that would make a community, dontcha think??


HarborFighter (53 )

3/22/2021 2:44 PM

RadnerBearMan has it right. You have to commit to doing it yourself. You have to be a man and show your manhood to the world. But so does Radner. He does not show his face. This is an immediate sign that he is not fully complete in his pure manhood. Any man who fights is going to show his face, no matter the imagined consequences. And they are imagined. All men who are complete will show themselves proudly and totally. There is an old school idea that a man must not admit certain things. This is old. The school that taught this is defunct. Any MAN who is a MAN will show himself. I am a MAN. I am a BOXER. I am a gay man who is a boxer. I cannot say this more definitively, more assuredly, more solidly. I am proud of who I am. A MAN. A BOXER. A FIGHTER. A MAN WHO DOES WHAT HE IS BORN TO DO...FIGHT. So go and commit. Commit to fighting. You know deep down that is what a man needs to do....FIGHT. There is nothing better...nothing hotter. TWO MEN FIGHTING. SHIRTS OFF. GLOVES ON. IN THE RING...FIGHTING.


RadnerBearman (0)

3/22/2021 6:04 AM

If you want your conditioning program to work, YOU and YOU alone are responsible for whether it works or not. A good trainer dosen't hold you responsible. A good trainer
leads you, tries to motivate, and educate..... You have to hold your self responsible. If you don't Nothing will. I have trained more than 150 men and women, 55 guys on this site. That's just how it is. Its called being a responsible adult.


gymrat (35)

3/22/2021 3:08 PM

(In reply to this)

OK, Apparently "Amen" is too short, so i will type this further drivel :-)


NrwGutpuncher (0 )

1/10/2021 3:35 PM

I will form you.


lockedlad (0)

1/09/2021 4:00 PM

Slim athletic lad looking for a tough trainer.

Set me a training programme, set my goals, and hold me to account through monitoring Apple Watch and punishment.

Anyone keen 😈?


Mayerman18 (0)

2/14/2021 2:47 AM

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I could train you


jay94124 (10)

3/21/2021 12:35 PM

(In reply to this)

Hey Mayerman,

I'm looking for a trainer to hold me accountable. Any interest? I'm based in Paris but would be great to connect online and I can do my workouts 😈


lockedlad (0)

6/18/2021 9:50 AM

(In reply to this)

How did it go? London seems to have very very few!

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