
philip1 is recommended by Torrnado (4/26/2012)

Wrestled Philip1 for the first time this afternoon. A nice guy, strong and knows some good moves.


Jesse123 is recommended by Iwreslinca (4/26/2012)

Spent a couple of hours with this very sexy man, exchanging holds, talking, and massage too. Very strong for his size, and getting stronger. Highly recommend him!


Muckis-Berlin is recommended by wrestler tr (4/25/2012)

he is agressive fighter...good challenger...I hope we will fight again...


PAROZ is recommended by Pitt (4/24/2012)

Très bon lutteur et très bon heel ! Technique, il connait beaucoup de prises. Puissant, ses ciseaux sont effectivement redoutables. A l'écoute de son adversaire. J'ai passé un bon moment !


polyethylene33 is recommended by wrestlingforfun (4/24/2012)

Garçon très sympa et quel lutteur ! Dans un combat façon jobber and heel, j'ai résisté autant que j'ai pu et j'espère lui avoir donné un peu de fil à retordre ! Mais sa technique a parlé, de même que sa forme olympique ! Et j'ai mangé le tapis dans un moment fun et sympa, que je suis prêt à revivre prochainement !
Inutile de le dire : fortement recommandé !


judoka261 is recommended by wrestlingforfun (4/24/2012)

Débutant lors de notre premier combat, j'ai réussi à le dominer malgré la différence de gabarit ! J'ai le souvenir d'avoir placé un joli sankaku ! Mais depuis, les progrès techniques sont là et c'est moi qui ai subi une belle clé de bras lors de notre dernier combat ! A quand le prochain ?
Très sympa ! Fortement recommandé !


Dks wrestler is recommended by wrestleman (4/24/2012)

Reliable, hot, skilled and strong wrestle! It was a real pleasure wrestling him.


Kubo is recommended by UKSubsFighter (4/23/2012)

Strong guy who takes a real beating!
Was great hookin up with him and hope can meet again!


wrestleman is recommended by Dks wrestler (4/23/2012)

Very nice hot guy, strong- good technique, A Big pleasure to wrestle this man- really hope for a re-match some time..i did get u tho Mr..A very ,very nice man wrestle him.


romandiewrestler is recommended by Versus (4/23/2012)

Good and strong wrestler with a hot body. Good stamia and nice off and on the matt. Highly recommanded!!!
