
regestar is recommended by gioroma80 (4/30/2012)

He is a very strong fighter, I have no chance to win over him. But I can reccomend him because he is reliable, friendly and it is a real challenge to struggle him.


Scissorvictim is recommended by gioroma80 (4/30/2012)

It was very cool to wrestle with him - he loves to be scissored in many ways but he also make strong scissors of you. A nice and hot person, good friend. Wanna meet him again!


gioroma80 is recommended by fraank (4/30/2012)

He is a very good fighter and a really nice and friendly person, everytime again;-))


fraank is recommended by gioroma80 (4/30/2012)

He is a very good wrestler. We met already two times and always had a great time in various types of fight: competitive, just for fun but also a hot oil fight. He is a nice person as well: reliable, hospitable and friendly. Worth to meet him.


matt nbg is recommended by JUDOMARS (4/30/2012)

this guy is really good beginner, he wants dominate, he got good cardio, cause we roll long time, and I seen him wrestling long time with Muckis-Berlin.. so my full recommandation for a nice guy, in fit as on pics. You can trust him, when he says he comes, he comes!


matt nbg is recommended by Muckis-Berlin (4/30/2012)

Ein symphatischer sehr zuverlässiger Kerl und es hat hat richtig Spass gemacht mit ihm zu kämpfen, er gibt nicht auf und hat Power, ihn zu unterschätzen ist ein Fehler!!
Gerne wieder...


JUDOMARS is recommended by matt nbg (4/30/2012)

A super and unexpected extra fight in Berlin. Good, strong and very recommendable opponent who can really show you how to fight. Pity I never visit Marseille.


Muckis-Berlin is recommended by matt nbg (4/30/2012)

Ein sehr guter und empfehlenswerter Gastgeber. Das war ein super toller Kampf bei ihm in Berlin. Viel Schweiß und Spaß dabei. Für mich die 1. Adresse in der Hauptstadt! Ich hoffe wieder zu kommen.


wrestlron is recommended by Wrestleboyjoey (4/30/2012)

Pics do lie! I did not expect him to be that big, powerful and strong, and I was no match with him. The couple of times I made him submit were more of weaknesses on his part, rather than something I actively did. He is personable and friendly, such that he even offers his apartment for the use of others. I definitely recommend him.


Wrestleboyjoey is recommended by wrestlron (4/29/2012)

Joey is a skilled, experienced and knowledgeable wrestler. He has high endurance and pain threshold, and doesn't give up easily. Out of the mats he is friendly, genuine and interesting guy. I enjoyed his company a lot, and hopefuly we will be able to meet again sometime.
