
Berzerk is recommended by Bucks grappler (5/30/2020)

This guy right here is a true fighter. No matter how many times you get him down he fights back harder. Fun to roll with and also hang with. Meet up with this kid you wont regret it!!!!


Tryit is recommended by sportsman (5/30/2020)

Lange zwei Jahre hat es gedauert bis wir uns gestern getroffen haben und meine neue Matten eingeweiht haben.
In dieser Zeit hatten wir immer wieder Kontakt und haben unseren Trainingsstand mit Bildern ausgetauscht. Dementsprechend waren wir beide sehr gespannt und heiß auf den Kampf.
Unser Kamfesdurst entlud sich auf der Matte in einem wilden Gefecht, jedoch immer sicher. Tryit hat bemerkenswerte Kräfte in den Händen - wie eine Hydraulik - es ist unmöglich die Klammer wieder zu lösen.
Über zwei Stunden ging es über mehrere Runden, teilweise mit langen Haltegriffen und Hebeln am Boden.
Sieger waren wir beide weil das Treffen ansich zu 100 Prozent ein Erfolg war. Nach dem Match sind wir noch ein paar Bierchen trinken gegangen und haben schon bei ihm ein Rematch ausgemacht - im Pool:)))
Tryit ist ein klasse Typ den man gerne einlädt und hundertprozentig empfehlen kann!!
Meine neuen Matten bekommen aber auch fünf Sterne - fest und doch schonend für die Knochen.


noir243 is recommended by no mercy (5/30/2020)

i had an awesome time practicing different holds with noir243. he is a knowledgeable fighter who trains and dabbles in many different styles. he is a great host and a cool guy to chill with off the mat. don't let the modest smile fool you, this guy is strong! he has crazy grip strength and is built like a tank. i can't wait to do some proper grappling the next time we meet. i would recommend noir243 to those who like MMA, or like to apply and receive maximum pressure in a bodyscissors or a bearhug. but please, respect his boundaries or you're going down! if that sounds like you, you won't be disappointed.


Wrestlerct is recommended by Rusnak (5/30/2020)

I had a blast wrestling this guy this evening. He’s skills strong and definitely knows his way on the mats. He’s a very easy guy to get to know and to talk to you but don’t let his nice demeanor for you. When he gets on the mat she’s all business. Don’t be afraid to take this going on. If you’re a newbie please patient will show you the ropes if you’re a seasoned veteran you’ll kick your butt LOL. I Highly recommend him and look forward to a rematch


MorenoSunga is recommended by andre123 (5/30/2020)

boa luta, ele é bem resistente.. tem um mata leao que se vc vacilar ja era... luta gostosa e com algumas humilhações do jeito que curto. Pessoa agradavel de conversar tb. Enfim oponente RECOMENDADO rsrsr


ComeOn is recommended by Elyashblue (5/29/2020)

So happy that my first impression in this field had happened with ComeOn:) he was very kind and patient for my interest and questions about that world of fighting. It was very sexy situation and I can't wait to our next meeting that for sure will happen.


Elyashblue is recommended by ComeOn (5/29/2020)

What encounter. Elyashblue is a newbe, but sure knows how to put up a fight. The chemistry was explosive. In addition hes a great guy, really enjoyed his company. 3 hours past so quick' Cant wait to meet again.


Jeremy Tyler is recommended by Wrester1 (5/29/2020)

I met with Jeremy a few years back in NYC. Good to see him back on the site. He was a good wrestler who knew his stuff...impressive guy to roll with if you get the chance!


mdbxrwrslr is recommended by MoonKnightFighter (5/29/2020)

Skilled and knowledgeable and most importantly talk and work with. Looking forward to many training sessions with this man. He is helping home my technique and improve on my skills as a boxer. Take the opportunity to work with this man if you get the chance!


Wrestlerct is recommended by wrestlepa (5/29/2020)

I handle a last minute match with him. He was passing through my area. He had strong arms and legs. I would of wrestled longer with him if I didn't have to work the next day. I hope to wrestle with him again.
