MeetFighters News

Safety Check-In and MeetKink Public Beta

Dear Fighters,

We have some exciting news! We're thrilled to introduce a brand-new (optional) feature for MeetFighters. Plus, MeetKink is now open! Join Today!

After a successful closed beta, we're thrilled to launch it into public beta! To celebrate, we’ve created a short video introducing MeetKink, and we hope many of you will join us there. Safety Check-In feature

BDSM dates and wrestling matches, like any online meetups, come with certain risks. Even with best practices—like meeting in public places—there's always a chance of unexpected situations, especially for subs who may agree to restraints.

While we have recommendations and past opponent counters in place, you can never be too safe. That’s where our new Safety Check-In feature comes in!

Set up an emergency contact and share as many details as you wish. Each time you have a new meetup, enable the feature for the duration of your date. You can add personal info if you'd like. For example, if you expect to be back online tomorrow, set the system to notify your contact then.

A convenient timer at the top of the page will remind you that the system is active. If you don’t disable it before the timer reaches zero, your emergency contact will be notified automatically.

While the intention is to ensure your safety and well-being, you can also use this feature to ask a friend to call you when they receive the email. This “sudden call” can be a perfect excuse to leave if the meeting isn't going as expected. Alternatively, you can let them know you’re having the time of your life and will be back soon. Communication with your emergency contact is key!

Once enabled, you can preview the message that will be sent, ensuring it contains all the necessary details.

Originally designed for MeetKink, we heard our MeetFighters community wanted this feature too, so we brought it over! This addition is completely free and doesn't require a contributor status.

See you on the other side!

Best Regards,

Last edited on 6/30/2024 10:06 PM by Admin



workovertheguy (11)

7/01/2024 2:09 AM

Glad you named it Kink instead of Fetish. Kink is a better umbrella term, as fetishes can fall under it, whereas the opposite is not true. Good luck. Personally, I have a kink that seems unique, but in reality I think not so much. While it appears to be under gut punching, navel fetish, it only partially includes those elements. It's more about the good guy fighting the good fight but who is out numbered, and straining to overcome the odds, he suffers as the bad guys target the seemingly achilles heel of the body, the midsection, abdomen.
There is no name for this kink, so I endlessly have to describe it.


Jcanthony (13 )

7/02/2024 8:14 AM

(In reply to this)

I have the same kink. I really like the idea of a hero being overpowered by sadistic villains and being tortured using the hero’s weak spot - the belly and navel. And yes, it does include a lot of gut punching and navel play/torture. I’m looking forward to checking out meetkink and to see others who are into the same thing that i am into.


jwill404 (0)

7/03/2024 12:25 AM

(In reply to this)

sounds like a specific variety of ryona


AgentPoseidon (34)

7/02/2024 9:44 AM

The safety feature is a great idea. It's one I've used for years. Thank you.
