MeetFighters News

Web Video Streaming is Here!

About two months ago, I asked you if MeetFighters should move away from the Flash video format. The question was largely directed at those of you who have uploaded videos already, but I got a lot of good responses from everyone. I thank all who took the time to respond!

I am happy to announce that web streaming is now here! In fact, if you are eligible to watching videos, you can try it right now! For the most part, I am quite happy with how well it is working. Streaming seems fast enough and seeking in streams is working a lot better than it did with Flash.

I also took the opportunity to make some major changes to the site's video encoder. (Video encoding is still more an art than science. There are too many weird formats out there.) The encoder should be much better now at handling some formats that were problematic before, including but not limited to Windows Media Video files and certain files with variable frame rates. If you had trouble before uploading your video, now might be a good time to try again.

If you do not want your video to be made available through web streaming, you can turn it off. Go to your video editing page, edit your video, and uncheck the box next to "Make this video avaiable on mobile devices". That should do it. In fact, and went ahead and checked this for everyone who voted no to web streaming. I'm very accommodating at times.

– Admin out.

Last edited on 4/16/2016 10:26 PM by Admin



Squashlad (245 )

4/17/2016 8:54 AM

Hurray! Nice work Admin.


The Kestrel (47 )

4/17/2016 9:07 AM

It works a treat, and it is great you still provide options for video uploaders, nice work!


Vanman (87 )

4/18/2016 12:46 AM

You're just magic!
