MeetFighters News
[poll] Video Service: Switch to Web Streaming?
This news post is primarily for members who have uploaded their videos to MeetFighters, or planning to do so in the near future.
I am considering switching the streaming technology on MeetFighters from Adobe Flash-based streaming to Web-based video. This has a number of implications, and I want to get your feedback before I make this decision. Here's a breakdown of the differences between each technology:
Adobe Flash is going to die. It is installed on a lot of computers for sure, but the technology is slowly made obsolete by new Web technologies and even Adobe no longer sees it as future-safe. Notably Flash is not available on iPhones and iPads because Apple hates you.
On the other hand, Flash has better rights management. It takes a lot more to steal a video that is flash-based than a video that uses web-based streaming. In fact I know of no instance of a video being taken from MeetFighters and posted on another site. This is good news for you if you don't want that sort of thing to happen with your videos.
Web-based video is a new-ish technology but is already available on >90% of devices. It is now the default playback method on major sites like YouTube. Unfortunately the technology does nothing to prevent the downloading of video files from the site; this is part of how it operates and cannot be fixed or worked around. There are tools out there that will download such videos for you from just about any site.
So now the question is this:
Should MeetFighters switch to Web-based Video?
- Yes, let's switch. (I don't mind if my videos are downloaded.) (38 votes: abuster, bailey, Bodypump, boxers4, boxin09, Boxing dude, BuddingBoxer618, connex, Cylus, dudmath, ExcentricPuncher, f4leglock, GORILLAPRESSSLAMFAN, gpau1900, gutpunchnick, ikf, Iwreslinca, Jay-Ryan, Kaiser, Lion Mike55, LuchadorenCali, LukasHH, marko75, MTLwrestler1967, Oilman, pandamonium, playfulwrestler, puncher, scrasher, Shadow Knight, slvrsqrl, StrikeFighter, touchHD, ukmark, verkauf2001, waterrescue, wrestlerbiker)
- No, stay with Flash. (I don't mind that Flash is not universal and is declining.) (9 votes: GymGladiator, ironranger, MadGT, MuscChamp, Norcalfur, Tybinola, ulises007, wrestlerguy21, Yo Cesar)
Voting on this poll is limited to members who have uploaded videos, but everyone is invited to comment on the topic.
On a related note, I plan some enhancements to the video service, such as offering related videos, list of top videos for each category and similar goodies.
– Admin out.
Update 2016-02-28: I would like to thank everyone who commented on the issue. I just realized, and I feel a bit stupid about it now, that I might have presented a false dichotomy (flash or HTML5). There IS a third option: it should be entirely feasible to support both technologies simultaneously, and let the video owner choose to allow HTML5 or not.
Some commented that the level of protection afforded by our technology is somehow moot. I disagree. While "if it displays on your screen than it is technically possible to steal it" is true, the difficulty of doing so matters. The present technology on MeetFighters renders most of the regular tools ineffective and the other tools would be out of reach for regular users. Sure, power users can still take our shit, but 90% protection is better than none.
On a related topic, there is a new page now showing the top videos for each category. Enjoy it! Another experiment I'm running now is showing links to "related videos" after one finishes playing. Let me know if you find that useful at all.
lutter (11)
2/23/2016 11:01 AMChange because people can still download videos and fotos what ever you decide
Marylands Best (25 )
2/23/2016 3:52 PM(In reply to this)
If Peter says change then I am all for it, his word is god enough for me.
Slookm (2)
2/23/2016 5:13 PM(In reply to this)
Yeah, What he said , No Doubt !
and a Big Thanks to you all ...
GroundFite (91)
2/23/2016 5:08 PM(In reply to this)
Lutter is right, people will capture the video one way or another. The sense of security is an illusion.
BBR (1)
2/23/2016 11:33 AMI appreciate your genuine and gracious support. I have never explained to you but since I work for the fed govt I can not post my pics on line but can send faceless pics to their e-mail. That is why I get only 5 messages a day and often my count is different from yours. Have met some great guys on here as I travel all over with my work. Most understand and for those that don't, I apologize. Thank you for your devoted hard work and keep it up.
Topdog65ny (12)
2/23/2016 11:53 AMeither way, you got one thing right: apple hates us
dgwrestler (50)
2/23/2016 12:04 PMYes change.
1try2pinme8 (56)
2/23/2016 12:04 PMchange, because if someone really wants to download and steal a video they can do so anyway.
chrisfit (21)
2/23/2016 12:48 PMIt is amazing and very much appreciated that you are asking us before any sensitive decision. Congratulations
As for the matter, I cannot vote as I have no videos (also right decision I think) but I would vote for a change :-)
Spruceman (55)
2/23/2016 3:25 PMGreat that you are seeking "customer" input. Don't have anything uploaded; so can't vote. As to folks stealing videos if I had: I wouldn't mind if anyone were interested in the looks of me enough to do so. If the "theft" were as small as the number of guys wanting to wrestle with me, it would be negligible anyway.
2/23/2016 5:31 PMI'm going to be generous and assume I have a vote because I'm in a video uploaded but didn't upload it myself.
Just because no one's done it so far (which is great) doesn't mean it's not possible. It is. Plus there's the analogue hole which is impossible to avoid. There are some html5/Web based streaming services that are more secure than others. Google uses a custom platform with YouTube and it's probably a combination of it is in such wide usage + it's not watertight that it's been mined so thoroughly.
Other, smaller technologies in less wide usage, less so. It's a little much to say we're going to be protected by security through obscurity, but as long as whatever service we pick isn't ridiculous, it should be okay. Being able to watch videos on smartphones should be a requirement of whatever service we switch to.
Plus, copying pictures from profiles is incredibly easy, so using a video service that isn't fully functional because someone might download something seems like barring the stable door after the horse has bolted.
All change.
briansp (56 )
2/23/2016 8:06 PMHowever you can work to prevent the uploading of videos would be best IMO. I know that I won't upload one if it was too easy to copy. I'm sure many others feel the same. Whatever you can do to limit that would be appreciated.
lutter (11)
2/23/2016 11:28 PMI think what ever you do people will find a way to up load videos or fotos change!!!
BikerE1W (5)
2/23/2016 11:35 PMpeople seem to post videos because they want them seen... so it doesnt really matter how secure they are ...
If you dont want stuff seen on the internet, dont post it anywhere...
GoForTheGut (2 )
2/24/2016 12:15 AMYes, change the format.
tapout (153 )
2/24/2016 3:10 PMThanks for asking.
I do not see the "Vote"-Bottom, maybe because bostoncrabibk35 and FighterGuyy uploaded the videos I am on.
The thread is preaty clear. Knowing you, I suppose you would send a message around to the concerned persons before you change the technology on which the video site is based on, so that they still have the opportunity to delete videos if they wish to do so.
The harder part might be to reach persons who are on the videos, but did not upload them. That is not an issue related to this question, but a more general one. I understand that it is up to the person uploading the videos to make sure that other persons featuring have given their agreement to do so. This could be formulated more strongly under point 8 of the Terms of Service:
Jamie19 (0)
2/24/2016 5:31 PMIt would be good to watch the sites videos on my iPhone, if the change makes this possible then yeah 100% switch from Flash.
Mattyboy (10 )
2/25/2016 7:03 AMI've always found Adobe unreliable on my Linux PC and my other devices are all iPhone/iPad so I'm in favour of changing over.
NaturalBrute (0)
2/26/2016 7:44 PMIt does nothing because you cant do nothing to protect videos... So not losing nothing at all. Playback is much better in html5 so you are getting much faster, more frames and better quality of video (its really very different speed). You always been able to download flv videos and more having extensions that does all the job so in fact there is nothing bad in change to html5. Compatibility was an issue, not anymore.
txwrestle85 (0)
2/27/2016 7:15 PMI'm no tech guru, but progressive changes that better the site and experience are always a plus in my book, and like most here, if people what want they want, they find ways to get it. I also believe members posting videos know the risk they are taking by posting. Trolls who want to steal them have way to much time on their hands; just an opinion.
What I'm very pleased with is getting these notifications and, like another member noted,that you are asking your members. Its greatly appreciated!
2/28/2016 1:25 PMI would like to thank everyone who commented on the issue. I just realized, and I feel a bit stupid about it now, that I might have presented a false dichotomy (flash or HTML5). There IS a third option: it should be entirely feasible to support both technologies simultaneously, and let the video owner choose to allow HTML5 or not.
Some commented that the level of protection afforded by our technology is somehow moot. I disagree. While "if it displays on your screen than it is technically possible to steal it" is true, the difficulty of doing so matters. The present technology on MeetFighters renders most of the regular tools ineffective and the other tools would be out of reach for regular users. Sure, power users can still take our shit, but 90% protection is better than none.
On a related topic, there is a new page now showing the top videos for each category. Enjoy it!
Another experiment I'm running now is showing links to "related videos" after one finishes playing. Let me know if you find that useful at all.
gures (54 )
2/29/2016 1:09 AMThank you for your continued amazing management of the website. Also thank you for asking for user input. That is amazing that you continue to do that.
I would say stay with Adobe until you can figure out a way to safeguard the web-based video technology.
If I upload videos here I would not want anyone to take it and upload it anywhere else on the web.
Even online I think people would like their privacy respected. Even though it seems contradictory to have privacy and an online presence.
playtime72 (0 )
2/29/2016 5:56 AMI currently have no videos posted but would suggest changing as well. I can tell you first hand that flash videos are not safe as you can get software to capture any video whether it is flash or not. I know first hand because I have one of those particular software. It is as simple as recording your screen while watching the video. So flash or not it can easily be copied if the person wants.
Wrestling Beast (25)
3/05/2016 4:54 PMI wholeheartedly recommend giving the uploader a choice between the more secure option of flash and the more accessible option of html5. I have uploaded videos in the past and would gladly do so again if html5 was supported. I have at least one friend who accesses this site solely by his smartphone and I would love for him to be able to watch the videos he participates in and any others I would like to post. The flash player has issues with my browser (pausing or moving the time bar will cause video to freeze but audio will still play), so I would also prefer to watch videos with html5.
Chavster (1)
3/06/2016 3:41 PMSwitch, I only use iPad