Lovetobecrushed23's blog

Wrestling those I am attracted to.

I know I will get a lot of hate for this blog, but due to the recent amount of hateful responses I have gotten via messages when I reject matches with someone I feel I need to explain this in the best way I know how.

So when I wrestle, I wrestle men who I am both intellectually and physically attracted to, ALTHOUGH sex is not required during my matches.
Yes, I know that seems contradictory. Well.......really, it's not.
Wrestling has a sexual aspect and nature to it.
Something about two men locking bodies together with skin-to-skin contact and rolling around getting all sweaty is just an absolute erotic turn-on.
So, with that being said, I wrestle with those I am attracted to, and when that comes, an age range is stated in my profile.

I understand this might upset some people, and I understand why it would, but not everyone is compatible with everybody, and some have what are called preferences.
I should not have to explain myself if I reject an offer to wrestle with you, but I do it so there is not a misunderstanding.

Last edited on 2/17/2025 6:18 PM by Lovetobecrushed23



EddieModa (3)

28 days ago

Sounds reasonable to me. Maybe a simple "no thank you." is better than explaining why you won't accept a match


Lovetobecrushed23 (26)

28 days ago

(In reply to this)

I just simply say "no thank you i dont feel we are a match" but I have some who have took it to the next level to where I HAD to explain it.


PowerHouseBull (6)

27 days ago

(In reply to this)

We all have a certain type, age, body type, aggression and sexual levels when it comes to this. You are not wrong. When someone reaches out to me that I may not feel is a fit I just say, I appreciate it but we ae not a match, good luck in your search and then it is over without the drama or hate. If they can't understand that and keep wanting more explanation then the Block button works well.


George979797 (0)

22 days ago

(In reply to this)

You are very switched sexually
Some people are not
Agree wrestling is hot act between two likes


wrestlnfool (43)

28 days ago

I respect you for your honesty. I rather someone be honest with me instead of giving me the run around. A no thank you to me would be fine.


Merseywrestle (60 )

28 days ago

Yes I understand and agree were you are coming from like I know you would not wrestle me due to age, body shape and the fact i have issues having sex. All I ask as the guys before me have said is just say " sorry not interested", if you do that then if a guy has a problem with that, its their problem.


Lovetobecrushed23 (26)

28 days ago

(In reply to this)

So two of those assumptions are wrong me wrestling someone has nothing to do with body shape or whether they can have sex or not. Those are two factors i don't consider at all as I have wrestled guys of all sizes and don't focus on sex at all.


Merseywrestle (60 )

28 days ago

(In reply to this)

I am glad you don't consider them I was illustrating what I experience. You seem a decent guy and I appreciate your honesty.


wrestledude (11)

28 days ago

Very well stated.


Monkey Business (8)

28 days ago

Totally understand & support this. I feel & do much the same. You are making choices & the problem is with the jealous, insecure detractors. Block & move on. Best


Trekie66 (0)

27 days ago

I've been like that since as a young kid. When I see a good looking kid, I would like to pick a fight with them.


KOFistBoxer (2)

27 days ago

It’s all totally reasonable, but there is a major problem with narcissism and entitlement on sites like these. A person who doesn’t match a set of preferences, will often object to the fact that another person’s preferences are even allowed to exist… though many times they have their own preferences as well, and of course theirs are totally reasonable.


Average Bear (3)

26 days ago

Yah, I've run into that with some out there that "sre only here for the wrestling" which is fine for them if true. Well, that's not my preference and even if, as someone here pointed out, I don't say more than no thanks, it doesn't always end the convo with being tagged to explain why not. I like wrestling pro fantasy and by fantasy, I mean sexual fetish fantasy. I try to bring to a match what it takes to get the other guys off and look for the same from them.


Boxer109 (2 )

23 days ago

Agreed! Honesty in communication is key. I wish I had interviewed guys more indepth beforehand. That would have prevented me from being injured and for major disappointments all around. It comes with experience. We all want to have fun via this website. Good luck to you.
