ChrisWrestling's blog
Your profile is your resume, your conversation is your interview, whether you like it or not, your past oppoents are your references
This kind of comes from several interactions I have had leading up to my trip to Brazil as well as conversations I've had here. Now, keep in mind, this is my first real trip abroad where I have been a real minority who is vulnerable for not speaking the language, knowing the culture, or knowing how to stay safe. The US has a tendency to fearmonger about Brazil more than I feel is actually deserved but that doesn't mean that extra precautions shouldn't be taken. The quality of living standards here are notably lower than Seattle which leaves the place a little unkempt and sketchier looking. That being said, I had a lovely stroll tonight to a restaurant by myself and back to my hotel and it was kind of the first time where I felt that the place was actually pretty nifty.
To prepare for being a foreigner I reached out to several guys, two of them were happy to have me stay with them and the first one so far were great hosts (Brat Tamer and his boyfriend). I mostly knew what I was getting into with them and while in some ways my expectations weren't perfectly met they were truly fantastic hosts and we spent most of the time together laughing (not to mention that they are an adorable couple who are obviously head over heels for one another, so cute). As we got closer to actually meeting we moved to WhatsApp as MF has a tendency to go down. They were also forthcoming with where I was going.
This is part of why I'm writing this post as I'm sitting here in my last minute hotel after GOL (the airline) bumped me from my flight to one early tomorrow morning. This was partly my fault as I was supposed to fly to Sao Paulo tonight and stay in Osasco to meet someone else tomorrow. I chose not to because Osasco is not a nice place I was eager to stay in and it was really starting to look like my opponent tomorrow was going to flake on me.
You see, the first impressions people have of you are when they either see your watchfighters channel or read your profile and too many people just say fuck it with their profiles. The person in question was good on both those fronts which is why I wanted to meet him. He also has a significant number of supposedly happy past opponents. As much as I like the past opponents feature of this site it is far too easy to flag someone and then get flagged in return with no real moderation of flagging so as much as having 50+ recommendations on your profile is... it doesn't mean you can phone in the rest.
Flakes have a tendency to withhold information like specific locations, external communication requests, and the person in question was dodging those questions. I've seen it plenty of times and one would hope it wouldn't happen when you've flown 18+ hours to be somewhere to meet someone and you aren't confident in the safety of the location. It also didn't help that the people I stayed with and several of the people I'm meeting in this trip voiced that the person in question had a big ego, wasn't comfortable with their sexuality, and has a bad attitude if they don't win. Yikes!
So I asked him again for the critical info and he didn't respond leading me to tell him that I had decided to change my itinerary and that I would be skipping Sao Paulo and going straight to Rio to which he responded toxically.
The lesson I hope people take from this is that your profile/watchfighters is nothing more than a resume, your conversations are an interview to determine if you are a fit. In these conversations is does no one any good to misrepresent yourself in any way. No one is expecting a perfect fit but honesty and authenticity go a very long way... as does enthusiasm. I say that last bit because no one wants to roll with someone who isn't enthusiastic about meeting you. Logistics, especially with out of towners is not something you can dodge or ignore. As I said before, people are not motivated to flag bad actors unless something is really off so as great as it is to have a lot of reviews (which often supplement what you say about yourself in your profile), they don't tell the whole story so it is up to you to tell your story, control your narrative. You can be picky with who you play with and one should never be upset when someone isn't interested in you as turning you down is not nearly as bad as meeting up and having a play-date go south. Yes, get your needs met, if you've done your homework you will meet someone who wants to do that and in kind you should be focusing on meeting the needs of your play partner.
If I'm honest, only about 1% of people on here really understand this and that's really too bad. Shine your brightest most authentic self, it's ok, someone is looking for someone just like you so help them find you.
JW130kgYYC (5 )
1/25/2025 3:50 AMWhat a well written and authentic piece. It’s perfect and bears repeating often. Authenticity goes a long way to making everything better, and you’re not left with unrealistic expectations.
gymrat (40)
1/25/2025 3:40 PMSo true. Not everyone with a thin profile or no recs is a flake, or an axe murderer, but to me its a red flag and makes me wonder...
Oh and it really would be nice if pics looked like the person. I have 7 years of pics up - not to clutter the servers, but to show me over time (hopefully, pretty much the same old guy, emphasis on old theses days)
This hobby and social structure presents a lot of risks: Let's see, go to a stranger's house alone, head to the basement, and fight. What could possibly go wrong?
Danger aside - I want to have fun, and frankly I want you (whoever you are) to have fun. So communication is pretty important. I state my likes, and limits, pretty explicitly – OTOH I'm flexible and eager to please (I'd make a good Labrador retriever I guess).
Recomendations, to me, matter. They say 1) he's (mostly "he"'s here, but I'm still hoping...) safe, 2) he's as advertised, and 3) ideally something to characterize the time you'll have. I will write something about anyone I meet. Good news: I've never had a truly bad meetup. Some I might not repeat, but nothing truly bad. The vast majority really good!
But I too find communications is often lacking. And so is reading - asking me if I want X or Y when I went out of my way to say "that's off limits" or "I really like Y" in my profile makes me wonder what a match might be like.
So in the end, read and write. generally good advice.
Kudos to Chris for putting a big exclamation point on this.
ChrisWrestling (59 )
1/26/2025 1:34 AM(In reply to this)
I make mistakes once in a while especially right now when I'm meeting a lot of people so if I say something that might be off limits I also say, "we'll review your limits when we meet." People make mistakes but it's also very important to be careful about consent
Megawatt (8)
1/25/2025 9:37 PMI have a sense that we are similar - - solo explorers. I've traveled to several countries that have mortified my friends and family. But (after taking the appropriate, commonsense precautions), I've always felt welcomed and safe. I have been extra careful if I plan to meet another wrestler in a distant country (e.g always opting to meet in my hotel) and have been very fortunate so far. Meeting wrestlers from around the world is a key benefit of this site. I hope to enjoy many more international destinations and matches.
B2Bomber (103 )
1/25/2025 10:08 PMVery well written! Sorry that happened to you when you traveled all the way to Brazil to meet that member. 100% agree with you that the profile is the first impression and your resume. Nothing beats good open communication and getting that sense that the person you are planning to meet is working with you. Good luck with the rest of your trip and your future matches!
Wiccan76 (7 )
1/26/2025 2:51 PMWell ! You have written everything about we should know !
Well done !!