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Trainers and Trainees - Forced Workout

One of the BEST Core muscle enhancers The BOSU

RadnerBearman (0)

11/15/2019 12:57 PM

This is a great example. When you upgrade your core conditioning to the BOSU. It will turn your program upside down. You will get a tougher body


Pwers1103 (3)

8/17/2019 5:28 AM

Radner is the BEST!! He got me turned onto the BOSU & it's an amazing workout tool for one's core (& it's fun, lol).The variety & intensity of a workout for your core is exponentially greater than any floor exercise- & it works the "core", not just abs (try maintaining your balance while U do the recommended exercises, esp w ankle weights). This is one of the many tools Radner uses w me & has made my core the most solid it has ever been- keep on posting Radner!!


TheBrawler (64)

8/13/2019 10:25 AM

Nothing beats a good BOSU workout! Glad u posted this!


RadnerBearman (0)

8/12/2019 7:36 PM

One of my standard training methods involves the BOSU I suggest it for all I try and help. There is NO better device out there when it comes to balance especially for you who wrestle.
Whatever exercise you are doing now, Do IT On A BOSU and you will feel the difference.

The name is an acronym which stands for "Both Sides Up" a reference to the two ways a BOSU ball can be positioned. The device is often used for balance training. When the dome side faces up, the BOSU ball provides an unstable surface while the device remains stable. You can get them just about anywhere I like Amazon,

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