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Trainers and Trainees - Forced Workout

My best suggestions for a tough inner core

Pwers1103 (3)

8/17/2019 5:33 AM

This man knows his stuff- when he gives advice, guys (& gals) should listen; I've always been in very decent shape BUT w Radner's advice, my core has never been as rock solid as it is now (& this 7 months after a life threatening accident/serious injury). These are his "best" suggestions but he has so many more & they are all "best" BUT these 3 are fundamental building blocks to get Ur gut rock hard- try them & U will agree (but do them to maximum intensity). Like I said, when he speaks, you should listen (this guy has been around gyms, trainers for decades- Radner knows more- I'm a disciple!).


RadnerBearman (0)

8/16/2019 5:47 PM

In my opinion based on over 40 + years of training and conditioning as a boxer and kick-boxer for making the deep inner core as tough as possible are three training methods. 1. Ab wheel when used correctly. 2. Weighted planks. and 3. The BOSU. All three of these make you have to engage all of your CORE muscles and you get better overall conditioning. The Transverse Sheath is what keeps that rammed baseball bat or the top of a folding chair to the gut from driving the wind from you. All three of these methods make you able to take those shots and not be hurt.

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