NYCBruin fights Jonny and then Kayden - Tale of Two Heels in a Nor'Easter and a Bet for Dinner

NYC Wrestling (66)

11/12/2023 3:29 PM

Looks like you had an awesome weekend! Those two heels would be on any wrestler’s dream-match list.


NYCBruin (69)

11/01/2023 4:14 AM

The aftermath. It looks a bit more gnarly now haha Please log in to view gallery photos.


NYCBruin (69)

11/01/2023 4:13 AM

It's the last weekend in October and I had a chance to visit Boston because of work. Seeing it as a chance to get some matches in, I thought I would see who is available. And who do I come across on this site, not one, but two potentially sadistic heels - Jonny Firestorm and Kayden. Although I've always been a bit self-conscious about my weight and appearance, I thought I would message them both. Couldn't hurt - right? Besides, you only live once and Boston has a many great opponents.
So, I shoot my shot, and not one but both of them message back! What!?! I am giddy as the fat kid on chocolate cake day in the school cafeteria. Jonny said he was open to a private but I would have to message him first. Kayden said he might be available the next day after a halloween party. After a bit of messaging back and forth, I tentatively scheduled a match with Jonny for Saturday night and match with Kayden on Sunday afternoon / evening. Finally something not law related I could actually look forward to for a change.
Saturday rolls around, and your fellow Bruin thought he could stay up late before his trip. Bad idea!! He's frantically trying to finish laundry, pack, and then make it to Queens before he picks up the rental at Warren St. By the time he gets to Warren, he's out 70 bucks from the Uber and there is no rental agent.
Rental agents leave at 3pm says the guy taking cars in. "Fuck," I say. I did not carry drag my luggage, attache, and gym bag from Flushing to downtown Manhattan only to be told the car isn't fucking available. Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.
"Call customer support," yells the dude. "Fine," I yell back. After a couple of minutes on the phone, I'm sent to a different Avis location - this time near Union Square. I am sweating my a** off hoping and praying the rental place doesn't close at 4pm on the last 70 degree day in NYC. For anyone that isn't from here, that's a trek - and not a pleasant one from downtown/Tribeca area.
I get there and they give me the car. I am on the road -finally! I check the time I'd get into Boston - 9pm. Thankfully, Jonny - although vicious heel - was gracious and able to reschedule our meet-up to Sunday night at 6pm. Great! 1st problem solved. Kayden also agreed to have a later match on Sunday. Super great!! Other scheduling issue resolved. Things seem to be falling into place.
So the next day, I decide to leave for the BGEast ring about a little over an hour ahead. I am so glad I did because I was not aware a Nor-Easter coming through with some rain. Let me tell, if you have trouble seeing at night, the downpour made it worse. You couldn't tell where the lines were on the road and, at some points, you would have to pray and merge. Thankfully, there wasn't a car there when I did that a few times.
I meet up Jonny at the ring. He changes into a thong, knee-pad, and boots. He may be thick, but it's a muscle kind of thick. You do not want to mess or piss him off in real life because he could (in my parlance) 'cut a bitch real quick'. I changed into a jock and singlet and off we went. Jonny first shoves me, so I shove him back. He hits me in the gut, so I hit him back. Over the next hour and a have, we proceed to wail on each other. Jonny, the expert ball basher, alternates between batting my balls and smashing my guts. At some points, I have to tap since it's a bit too much for me bear. He beats them while I'm in a torture rack, split, mounted, and spladled. I try my rear naked chokes and triangle leg locks. Those don't work so well when your balls are busted. The match ends when I don't tap quick enough from a sleeper. My cheek is smushed up against the mat as he has me in a modified half-nelson. It feels like I'm having a 5-10 minute conversation in my head (turns out it was only 2-3 seconds) before I have to call time. The match was brutal but a good time. And Jonny fight safe. For example, he didn't slam me with full force when he tried to break from my closed guard. Though I almost had the wind knocked out of me, no ribs cracked - #win!
You think I wouldn't go have a match with Kayden after. And for most people, that would be the sensible thing to do. But I'm in Boston for a brief bit and I still have energy, so I think why not! Prior to leaving, Jonny was gracious enough to take a selfie with me and also made a bet with Kayden as to who is a bigger heel.
So I say my goodbyes and drive over to Lowell to fight Kayden. He was a good sport. I didn't get to his place until 9:30 ish pm. We change into Vale Tudo shorts and agree to a jiu jitsu match. I'm a little spent and try my best to hold my own. I am a 7 month white belt. No one told me he was a 3-4 stripe white belt seeking a promotion soon. So, your optimistic bestie gets mounted, crushed, smothered, and subbed under a mountain of a man for a good 30-40ish minutes. Also, who knew that you could toy with someone's breath by flexing your bicep. I was impressed. Kayden forced me to say he was the bigger heel. Otherwise, he keep squeezing me in his legs. I didn't think I could take anymore pressure. Can't go in to work with a cracked rib - right?? Looks like I have more bjj training to do to get to his level.
As to who is the bigger heel. I can't really say. The matches were very different. Jonny's was erotic promission and I definitely suffered from the ball grabs, tosses, and punches. However, I struggled to breath when I was fighting Kayden. It was a different kind of pain. The slow, impending feeling of getting knocked out. So, I can't really say who the bigger heel is - yet. Maybe if I faced them both at the same time when I'm fresh for a fight - we can make comparisons. As for the past weekend, it's like trying to figure out if fluffy pancakes is better than eggs benedict. They are both very different, and you hanker for one or the other. But you can't say which is the superior brunch choice. So, until we have an apple to apple comparison, I think y'all have to hold off on buying one of you's dinner ;)
- Till Next time,
NYCBruin Please log in to view gallery photos.

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