
MuscChamp is recommended by RuffFightChallenge (3/04/2011)

Mariano is a very skilled wrestler with a great body---he also has a very good reputation among those who know him.


headscissors998 is recommended by Docklands Bear (3/03/2011)

We had an enjoyable World of Sport style match. He's a good oponent and a smashing guy.


jhivil is recommended by body28850 (3/02/2011)

Muy buena persona, amable, buen luchador, nunca se rinde, tiene muxa fuerza y buena musculatura, en general buen contrincante y persona muxas gracias tio lo pase genial


body28850 is recommended by jhivil (3/02/2011)

Gran persona, sencillo y acogedor. Como luchador, lo que voy viendo es que todos destacamos su fuerza. ¡Es verdad! Tiene gran fuerza que suple su falta de experiencia, y estoy seguro que si sigue por estos mundillos va a dar mucha guerra a quienes tengamos la suerte de luchar contra él. Quizá él no gane, pero tampoco es fácil ganarle. ¡Gracias por la confianza, tío!


midblue is recommended by zmaccs (3/01/2011)

Great guy and wrestler! Very expierience, safe and lots of fun! Technical and realy cool guy, in and out of the mats! All u can excpect of a great wrestler!


commuter is recommended by Boxer VA (3/01/2011)

Great guy and great boxer. Safe and alot of fun.


4fun is recommended by wswrstlr (3/01/2011)

4fun is a really great guy and lots of fun to take on. We've wrestled a few times before, and I'm looking foward to many more future meets with him!


wswrstlr is recommended by 4fun (2/28/2011)

Have wrestled with wswrstlr several times. Always a good workout and look forward to next time. Strong and skilled wrestler with a good attitude on and off the mat.


Boxer VA is recommended by commuter (2/28/2011)

Highly recommend Boxer VA. Great guy, gives a great workout, always safe and sane.


spud999 is recommended by grappleian (2/26/2011)

Have to agree with the previous comment: a nice friendly guy - safe and sane, a great wrestler indeed.........
