
Lugi is recommended by Mirceal (10/16/2012)

Moi je vous le dis un jaguar sommeille en lui ;) : sportif à la musculature ciselée , jouissant d'une technique redoutable, je dois avouer que ce fut (presque) un plaisir d'être rudoyé avec autant de maîtrise :) je m'incline pour cette fois mais espère avoir plus de répondant à la prochaine ... Definitely and highly recommended


robin75 is recommended by Jow (10/16/2012)

petti gars sympa qui en veut et qui ne demande qu'à faire des progrès. Beaucoup de volonté de résistance. Amateurs de cockfight, il est pour vous !


Mirceal is recommended by Lugi (10/16/2012)

Des bonnes connaissances techniques, une bonne condition physique, Mirceal est avant tout très agréable à lutter et je le recommande vivement.

Skilled and nice wrestler, you're likely to have a good time wrestling with him if you ever get this opportunity. Certainly recommended.


RuffTouch is recommended by RuffFightChallenge (10/15/2012)

Have wrestled Jason 3 or 4 times over the years and each time has been super. Great wrestler, great guy, nice and rough, but always safe and sane!


anakron is recommended by GroundFite (10/15/2012)

He's a super cool guy who has an amazing mat area at his flat- plus he's a great host. We had some great back and forth wrestles. He's a natural wrestler. While he may not have technical training he can handle most guys with pure instinct and intuition. If you head to Munich definitely look him up or should he visit your city try and get a match with him.


HeavyD is recommended by toplad (10/15/2012)

strong fighter.. great ending to the match


GroundFite is recommended by anakron (10/15/2012)

He's a great guy on and off the mats. It was a lot of fun wrestling with him who loves to wrestle intuitively going back and forth just as much as I do. Very well-trained and technically skilled and can go on wrestling forever. Looking forward a lot to our next fights, totally recommended :-)


wrstlarturo is recommended by goliatch (10/15/2012)

This guy is as strong as a bull and very competitive on the mat. It is so hard to make him submit but it is worth trying! Beware of his hard bearhugs and immobilizations! Highly recommended if you like to have a long sweaty match. Nice and reliable guy. Try him!


eco1 is recommended by bearlotta (10/15/2012)

A great wrestler, strong, fast and concentrated
A really pleasure to fight him
I hope to wrestle him very soon again


RingerBoy19 is recommended by LukasHuber (10/15/2012)

Ein junger, sehr sympathischer und ausdauernder Kämpfer, der die Ringerregeln und -griffe beherrscht. Er setzt seine Masse gekonnt ein und verlangt seinen Gegnern einiges ab. Er ist fest entschlossen, seine Masse in Muskeln umzuwandeln. Für sein hartes Training und seine Disziplin wünsch ich ihm alles Gute!
