
French wrestler is recommended by vaxrte (12/26/2012)

Lutteur plus costaud qu'il n'en a l'air et qui se défend bien.
Très sympa en dehors du tapis. Une bonne rencontre.


Lutteur1972 is recommended by vaxrte (12/26/2012)

Lutteur très sympa sur et en dehors du tapis.
J'ai passé une excellente soirée.
J'espère pouvoir la renouveler avec plus de temps...


NYCgrappler is recommended by greekwrestler (12/26/2012)

Louis is one of the best grapplers around. Met him many years ago but I am sure he is much better now. Great guy off the mats, great fun match on the mats. Hope I will meet him soon again when I visit NYC. Wrestle him and enjoy!


wrestlerplace is recommended by treetop (12/25/2012)

He's a fun guy to talk to and is even more fun to wrestle. He's a very good host and very easy going. I definitely recommend.


treetop is recommended by wrestlerplace (12/25/2012)

Nice and strong guy! I wrestled few days with him in my mats and he has very technical and he knows a lot of holds..His legs are
lethals.Good wrestler and very


musclechris80 is recommended by hashbock (12/25/2012)

I recently had the enjoyable experience of wrestling with Christos. He's muscular and strong, and his height and long limbs make him able to use it effectively; watch out for his leg scissors and bearhug squeezes. I'm looking forward to wrestling him again if we ever happen to be in the same area again, and I'd recommend him to anybody who wants a good wrestling workout.


greekwrestler is recommended by hashbock (12/25/2012)

I recently had the pleasure to do some submission wrestling with Greekwrestler. He's strong, skilled, and has good stamina. Pleasant both on and off the mats. I definitely recommend him to anyone who wants some good technical submission wrestling.


Gilles Limber is recommended by ptitbrun (12/24/2012)

Bien que débutant Zetizef est un lutteur acharné qui se bat jusqu'au bout de ses forces. Il est très souple rapide et musclé. Après une vingtaine de combats nous étions tous les deux épuisés et à bout de force. Mais que de surprises vous attendent avec ce combattant infatigable qui relance le match au moment où il semblait être sur le point d'abandonner, ou qui peut reprendre l'avantage au moment ou on le pensait vaincu ! ... c'est un adversaire sympathique à rencontrer absolument . J'ai hâte de remettre ça !


rassler 315 is recommended by Steve Shock (12/24/2012)

What can I say
Met the Grizz on latest trip to US
phone call to my hotel room and match was set up
a pleasure to meet the man great wrestler can take the punishment as well as give it out
plenty long holds sweat can't wait to meet this wrestler again
genuine nice guy off the mats

glad to know this wrestler can admit when he was beat
another match is def on the cards
just loved wrestling this guy !!!!


FrBoxer is recommended by foxy (12/24/2012)

FrBoxer is such a great guy and when possible even a greater boxer!! So much patience, so much experience, so much knowledge, it's hard to believe, but he has it!! And when you're looking for the gear.. he's to one to talk to!! When you are in Paris, you should say 'hi' to him and box!! Love him!!
