squeezetoy1984 is recommended by paradoxrunner (9/21/2013)
got a build to him and fun to wrestle and play with. hard to choke him out too!
wrestle4kicks is recommended by squeezerian (9/20/2013)
Met for the second time today for a great wrestle. A great guy and fun both on and off the mat - highly recommended!
squeezerian is recommended by wrestle4kicks (9/20/2013)
Great guy, who knows all the moves & holds. Hope we can have a rematch again !
fibri is recommended by patlutte (9/20/2013)
excellent lutteur très combatif et respectueux de son adversaire, de surcroit très sympa et mignon ; à rencontrer absolument en préparant sa tenue tout cuir ...
marsupi is recommended by unicorn (9/20/2013)
First of all, thanks to Marsupi to come to my home, in Romania.He is a great guy,a good wrestler.If he will practice more wrestling, he will be great, he has stamina, power, he will have to learn more practice.I enjoyed wrestling with him very much.I can recommand to all who want a great, fair match.Good work boy
raufer1234 is recommended by matt nbg (9/20/2013)
Es hat voll Spass gemacht. Ein gut gebauter, kräftiger Kerl mit viel Ehrgeiz. Die Technik kommt noch mit der Zeit, dann wird's echt gefährlich!
Ich glaube, dass er in weniger als 24 Stunden seit dem ersten anschreiben bei mir kampfbereit stand.
Wir werden sicher wieder kämpfen!!
waterrescue is recommended by colluctor (9/19/2013)
Starker Gegner, hatte heute keine großen Chancen. Lag hoffe ich auch am enormen Muskelkater vom Fight gestern. Nächstes mal bist du fällig :-)
Schön wars! Gerne wieder!
colluctor is recommended by waterrescue (9/19/2013)
Ein großer starker und sehr ausdauernder Gegner. Man muss sehr aufpassen nicht plötzlich zwischen seinen starken Beinen zu stecken... Dazu sympathisch und auch was fürs Auge. Da packt man gerne fest zu...
Ein sehr schöner Raufnachmittag - gerne bald wieder!!!
gigromeo is recommended by fighter1977 (9/19/2013)
One of the best fights i ever had.
Gigromeo is a VERY friendly, nice, strong and skilled fighter. It is a big challenge to fight with him. I think he knows all escapes from each hold ;-) He fights very tough but always safe and sane. And he also is a good teacher. First we started with a challenge. Then we trained some techniques. And at the end we had some very tough rounds with very painful sub holds. ;-) And it is also funny on and off the mat with him.
Talking with Gigromeo is also very nice. I hope we can fight again. Highly recommended.
fighter1977 is recommended by gigromeo (9/19/2013)
One of the hardest opponents I have had till now. Skilled with a good background of Ju-jitsu techniques, he has a lot of power and desire for fighting, we had a long hard fight. Instead of promising me to be very cruel and brutal on the mat he is really very nice, friendly and hospital person. Walking around Vienna, drinking cofee and talking with Fighter1977 was also a great pleasure for me. Highly positive person, I dont regreat any seconds durring the trip to Vienna, Thank you Fighter1977 ;)