Wrestling Angel is recommended by WrestoBG (11/17/2013)
This guy is definitely not an angel on the mat. He is tough, skilled and very, very strong. I count my matches with him as some of my favorites and hopefully there will be more in the future. Absolutely great on and off the mat.
DCJobber is recommended by hashbock (11/17/2013)
Zultac is always fun to wrestle. Big, strong, and lots of endurance to go for hours (We just finished another four hour session.) Always safe and sane on the mats, and a great guy off the mats also. Definitely recommended.
TheOllieWatts is recommended by Flexforme (11/16/2013)
This boy has a good deal of attitude and enjoys taunting his opponents. He is quite new to wrestling but very much looks the part and is a strong guy. He is working on his skills at the moment and has already picked up a great deal. Rematch? Of course.
WrestoBG is recommended by Wrestling Angel (11/16/2013)
Great guy off and on the mats, very skilled and good fighter. Highly recommended
j peters is recommended by latinwrestler (11/16/2013)
Strong, fast and knows his moves. Highly recommended!
Flexforme is recommended by TheOllieWatts (11/16/2013)
Definitely a great guy to wrestle with. Amazingly stubborn, arrogant and skilled (it's fine though, I found a weakness! ;D)and overall a great experience. Definitely a big challenge but very nice after it was all said and done. Completely recommend and expect a rematch soon :P
Wresl2pin is recommended by matchup (11/16/2013)
really cool laid back guy - a strong wrestler as well. Recommended
festygoer00 is recommended by Sam (11/16/2013)
Fun, enthusiastic, great guy. And if you let your guard down, he can be a sneaky heel!
Bone saw is recommended by Ringmuscle (11/15/2013)
Excellent wrestler very adaptable to style and a real gentleman on top of it all. I highly recommend hitting the mats with this stud!
Renato is recommended by ferdybear (11/15/2013)
Tive a magnifica oportunidade de lutar com Renato, cara parrudo, forte e peludo. Uma boa troca de movimentos e medição de força. Muito resistente, fico com bom folego durante todo tempo. Excelente pessoa , um verdadeiro gentleman, boa conversa e bom amigo. Aguardo poder lutar de novo com ele.