
Adri1952 is recommended by roy65 (12/07/2018)

Adri1952 hat mich besucht. Ein sehr freundlicher Gast und ein guter Gegner.
Wir haben mehrere Runden gekämpft. Es war spannend und wir hatten viel Spaß.
Da er auch deutsch kann, haben wir uns gut unterhalten können.
Ich sage sehr gerne: DANKE!!


henk1966 is recommended by Lieberbär (12/07/2018)

Er ist ein sehr starker und netter Kerl ich freu mich schon auf ein baldiges aufeinandertreffen


Ready2Rumble is recommended by AD33C (12/07/2018)

Ready2Rumble is a lovely guy, well-mannered but tough as well. Made me tap out too many times, but isn't overly intense about it all. Being able to engage in actual conversation was also a big plus, 10/10 would wrestle again.


abs ol is recommended by chicagopiledriver (12/07/2018)

This guy is strong for his size and has a very cocky attitude. It was a pleasure to wipe that smile off of his face with multiple submissions. But he still had a big smile on his face and was talking trash throughout our match and after it was done. He can take a lot of punishment. Overall great guy and I would wrestle him again in a heart beat.


Green is recommended by chicagopiledriver (12/07/2018)

Great guy and easy to set up a match with. He secured a mat room for us which was nice. He’s strong and you have to watch out for his killer legs. But my size advantage was too much for him at the end of the day. I had my way with him :)


Antheus is recommended by YoungScot (12/07/2018)

The first of what could be many matches. There's been plenty of trash talking in the build up (mainly from A) so needless to say I went on the offensive, and kept the submissions coming from him ;) without any being given in the first match anyway!

Hopefully the start of a long head to head...if he's feeling up for it!


Raufbold is recommended by Jwwl (12/07/2018)

Had an amazing meet with this German guy in Suzhou. Very strong, reliable and easygoing. We had a short wrestling session, too bad time doesn’t allow me to stay longer. Highly recommend.


mrhunkto is recommended by Mark uk (12/07/2018)

Dec 18. Had the opportunity to finally catch a match with this young guy whiles he’s back in Singapore. Easy to arrange and well worth the effort. Had an awesome fun pro match. The coach let the student challenge and he bought everything he had. A times the real mean machine came out as he worked me over time and time again. Fun and a real nice young man. Looking forward to stepping in the arena again. 10/10


vanarmbar is recommended by SeattleFight (12/07/2018)

What an awesome guy and friend. Hot muscled body and loves the wrestling and the gear. Always such a fun time.


boxingmusclfl is recommended by G8ratlarge (12/07/2018)

It's been a few years but Iwe had a match. He's ripped, and alpha. It was a hot, sweat soaked match and a ton of fun. I'm no trained boxer but he was patient and I'd welcome a rematch.
