
dsun0617 is recommended by loxing (11/08/2018)

Quite tough guy even though little experience and to most of combat matches,he is curious and eager to try or learn things here and there,haha~off the mat,absolutely a funny and passional guy.So here is the man you shouldn't miss:)


SeattleFight is recommended by ToeTheLine (11/08/2018)

After 18months of trash talk and goading the day arrived. Even though I was recovering from an injury I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. We met in a bar and the eyeballing and trash talk started, it was clear a fight was what we both wanted, and we both got one. We finished our drinks at the same time, both placing our glasses on the bar simultaneously without breaking the stare down. We rode the lift in silence, SeattleFight hadn’t even managed to close the door before fists started to fly, a full on fistfight . We traded like two wild men for a couple of minutes before settling into a more paced battle of attrition. Punches and holds were exchanged. We spent about 2 hrs together with brawls erupting spontaneously until we were both sweaty and exhausted.SeattleFight is a handsome bugger, great communicator and the match was easy to arrange. He is edgy and not afraid to trade in a fistfight if it goes there. Really pleased he took the trouble to travel and meet. He is a gentleman outside of fighting, and would happily fight again if our paths cross. Absolutely recommended.


HotSweatySubs is recommended by EnglishOak (11/08/2018)

A short notice meet with HSS at my place. We agreed that he’d heel me; there were plenty of headscissors and facesitting (hot!) amongst other things. However, I was no pushover and had HSS tapping in a couple of my headscissors. All together a hot, sweaty and hugely enjoyable match - a really nice guy whom I happily recommend.


piledriverva is recommended by wrestle guy (11/08/2018)

Happy to be able to do a match with Piledriverva even though it was kind of fast from when he arrived to LA and he probably was tired, but he took the time to meet and we had a really fun and sweaty match. Mean, powerful, and determined Heel that really knows how to torture you and make you suffer, and manhandle you. Really nice guy off the mats. Very hospitable and respects all limits. To bad he can't stay longer but hope in the future our paths cross again and ill be able to turn the tables for a change. If you ever had the opportunity to go face to face with this guy don't miss the chance to do it. We also didn't really do any pelidrivers but maybe next time we could try some.


FrBoxer is recommended by Djay36 (11/08/2018)

Lutter avec Frboxer a été un excellent moment à la fois viril, cool et sympa... c'est réellement un bagarreur puissant des jambes et des bras et très respectueux. ...–> Je le recommande of course !
Merci encore pour ton accueil et à une pochaine ......


daniele c is recommended by lottatore barbuto (11/08/2018)

Daniele continua a dire che non è all’altezza e ha poca esperienza.... occhio perché è una piacevole sorpresa, fisico forte soprattutto di braccia ma anche le sue gambe quando stringono si fanno sentire.
Abbiamo lottato in terra come da sua richiesta con grande divertimento è tantissimo pochi mesi grazie agli incontri fatti ha acquisito un anno buona tecnica che se continua a crescere così lo farà diventare un avversario implacabile.fantastico il gioco di sguardi cattivi che ci sono stati tra di noi. Consigliato altamente, voglio rincontrarti carissimo

Nuovo incontro con daniele, nota di merito alla precisione e puntualità cosa spesso rara per tanti lottatori.
Grande sudore e divertimento anche questa volta, ma attenzione a non far venire fuori il suo lato cattivo, altrimenti sono “cazzi”
Anche questa volta ho dovuto sudare per tenerlo a bada e non cedere alla sua forZa, ma i due mesi di bjj mi hanno dato un minimo di preparazione tecnica che mi ha sicuramente avvantaggiato.
Grande incontro non vedo l’ora di rivederti per un nuovo scontro..l


atlwrestle78 is recommended by joewrestler (11/08/2018)

atlwrestle78 is an easy going and good nature guy that will put a good hurtin on you if you are looking for one. Had a great time – worked me over really good. Very strong with a powerful built and knows how to heel and keep it fun for everyone. Looking forward to the next round.


joewrestler is recommended by atlwrestle78 (11/08/2018)

Great time with Joe. Glad I got to meet him. Easy to talk to and fun. Can take a lot. ;) looking forward to more.


Adorardor de Músculos Virgem is recommended by Edu41 (11/08/2018)

Cara muito simpático e gente boa, luta com foco e determinação. Me deu trabalho! Lutamos por mais de duas horas, com alguns intervalos e suamos muito. Foi um grande desafio enfrentar esse lutador de corpo forte e definido. Super recomendo!


WrestleJ is recommended by evenmatch (11/08/2018)

WrestleJ is 190 lbs of fun! Submissions, body-punching, and a good sweat. He’s definitely a tough guy, and gave some great push-back. Super nice guy off the mats - a new buddy. I’m ready for another match.
