Rower87 is recommended by DavidVdw (1/06/2019)
Rower and me had a nice wrestling practice.
Having a small injury, we both took precaution to play slow.
Rower really was attentive to my injury, but it restrained him from giving his all. After a few rounds, we decided to show each other some moves we had picked up and had some nice discussions about what was going on in life.
@rower: Next time we wrestle you’ll get a chance to show me what you are made from ;) i’m very curious about that!
FrBoxer is recommended by sagittaron2 (1/06/2019)
Un grand merci pour cette séance de découverte de la boxe. Je me suis bien pris au jeu, c'était vraiment super !
FrBoxer sait accueillir, il est un très bon pédagogue et sait mettre à l'aise. A bientôt pour une prochaine séance mon ami !
La rencontre avec FrBoxer s'est faite rapidement. Il est très respectueux, sympathique, et il sait s'adapter aux p'tits gars novices :-) On n'a pas vu le temps passer... et par manque de temps on a dû s'interrompre. Mais ce n'est que partie remise. J'attends avec impatience d'autres initiations ! Egalement intéressant de discuter avec lui. Je recommande !
celibataire is recommended by Stefandelutte (1/06/2019)
2eme rencontre avec Célibataire.
Îl a une force dans les bras et dans les jambes déconcertante pour son gabarit. Il aime lutter, et en redemande. Un vrai plaisir que ces 2 heures de combat.
Un gars fiable, ponctuel, patient (merci pour l'attente), gentil et super interessant.
A bientot pour un prochain défi 😉
marcusbey is recommended by StrongGrapplerLondon (1/06/2019)
A really strong and talented athletic wrestler. He has great mobility and balance and would easily defeat most wrestlers in his weight class. I would recommend him to any one visiting who is looking for a really strong wrestling challenge
anakron is recommended by gigromeo (1/06/2019)
very friendly and nice fellow, gentle and caution fighter with a huge stamina and desire for fight, posses a wide range of techniques how to defend and submit opponent, I had an enormous pleasure to roll with him, very exhausting match :) hope to see him againg
iowbk4good is recommended by M P J (1/06/2019)
Steve and I organised a meet on the Isle of Wight. We hadn’t been chatting very long at all but we both had a free day and we got on like a house on fire so why not eh?
Steve is a brilliant host and couldn’t do enough to make me feel comfortable. As for the match, every time I thought I had him in a hold he’d wriggle out of it and make me suffer for it. He knows his way around a figure 4, be careful of that all jobbers ;)
I had a brilliant time with Steve and look forward to meeting again :)
man of 10000 holds is recommended by JHK49 (1/06/2019)
It's difficult to know where to begin in writing a recommendation for this man. He's strong, super knowledgeable about wrestling, very safe, very friendly and every inch a wrestler. Due to an injury, all we could do yesterday was trade holds and get to know each other. We're already talking about the next time. I highly recommend him to anyone who wants a good match with a damned good man.
ready2fight is recommended by axxo007 (1/06/2019)
Fun and easy-going guy, he's strong and has great endurance. The match was super easy to set up and it was also really nice to chat with him. Definitely recommend!
Amoner is recommended by g6fighter (1/06/2019)
Dank wrestlerDU hatte ich die Gelegenheit mit Dir auf der Matte zu landen. Mag sein, dass Du noch ein Anfänger bist, aber mit wirklich bärenstarken Kräften. Muss auch meinem langjährigen Ringerfreund "Kuschelringer" bestätigen, Du hast einen athletisch durchtrainierten Body und Deine vor Kraft strotzenden Oberarme sind schon beeindruckend. Auf der Matte bist Du flink und kannst mehr als fest zupacken, auch hier muss ich meinem anderen Ringerfreund "Ereignis" beipflichten. Bin auch seiner Meinung, dass Du bei mehr Erfahrung so manchen jetzt noch starken Gegner gnadenlos in die Knie zwingen wirst.
Es war vielleicht meine langjährige Erfahrung, dass Du mich nicht ganz platt gemacht hast. Jedenfalls kam ich in Schwitzen und hatte mehr als Mühe Dich einigermaßen im Schach zu halten. Aber es hat mir total Spaß bereitet, mit Dir die Kräfte zu messen.
Abgesehen von den Mattengängen, bist Du echt ein netter Kerl und dass Du etwas schüchtern bist, ist kein Nachteil, sondern sehr angenehm. Zeigt auch, dass Du bodenständig bist.
Du hast meine absolute Empfehlung! Und bist in Düsseldorf immer willkommen.
Mark uk is recommended by alexxwrestler (1/06/2019)
Nov 18 - I met again Mark in Dubai and we had a strong competitive match and shared some holds to each other. He is so f**ing strong!! Damn! His legs are super powerful, don't get caught by them, otherwise tap ASAP! We had and amazing time on the beach and he is super fun to talk with! He was the perfect host in the city where I'm currently living by inviting me to dinner and having a walk in the Marina. Super nice guy, you definitely should meet him if you have a chance! Waiting for the 3rd round mate 💪🏼
Nov 17 - A long time me and Mark were trying to meet for a match and finally we had the chance. He is a friendly guy full of strength and wrestling skills. Despite the weight and height differences, we had a nice competitive submission match. Very safe and very smart applying holds. Don't miss him! I hope to meet him again!