
Warrington-Mike is recommended by south coast (1/28/2019)

Met mike at his place today. A warm welcoming guy very friendly and chatty. We didn't have a lot of time but enjoyed our wrestle. Definitely recommend him to any wrestlers out there and will look forward to meeting him again soon


sagittaron2 is recommended by taureau (1/28/2019)

Avoir un réseau sur le site comporte pas mal d'avantages, rencontrer des gens sérieux et fiables et limiter les pertes de temps;
Sagittaron était très prometteur, assez actif sur le site alors qu'il n'y est pas depuis longtemps.
On s'est vite entendu et il n'a pas eu peur de tenter l'aventure de venir en Belgique.
Je suis toujours étonné des petits gabarits comme lui n'aient pas froid aux yeux, soient tenaces et bien plus coriaces que d'autres gars costauds.
Méfiez vous de ses jambes, leurs forces peuvent surprendre
Il va s'en dire que j'ai passé d'excellents moments avec lui et suis prêt à les revivre


Scissorguru is recommended by Coleman (1/28/2019)

First time meeting Scissorguru and it definitely won't be the last. Had a great match with him. Very strong.


Gabe Steel is recommended by Coleman (1/28/2019)

Had the pleasure of wrestling Gabe_Steel recently. Very strong and knowledgeable opponent. Definitely had a great time and will gladly wrestle him again as soon as the opportunity presents itself.


diannej is recommended by HokieMike (1/28/2019)

I had a great series of cyber matches with Dianne! She is a load of fun and very adventurous. Can't wait to fight again, even if just virtually!


Zürich is recommended by musclefan (1/28/2019)

Lissabon - meine Gelegentheit als Zürcher endlich auf „Zürich“ zu treffen. Angeschrieben hatte ich ihn schon früher und im Vorfeld von Lissabon traute ich mich gar zu sticheln, vor mir müsste er keine Angst haben, ich würde ihm schon genügend Zeit lassen um abzuklopfen; Dennoch war mir klar, dass gegen dieses technisch versierte und äusserst zähe Biest kein Kraut gewachsen war und ich derjenige sein werde, der hoffentlich rechtzeitig, zum abklopfen käme. Na ja, Zürich kennt seinen Körper genau, analysiert seine Gegner und geht jeden Fight anders an, sehr engagiert, stets sicher und fair. Seine Hebel, Würger und Haltegriffe waren nie brutal, aber immer äusserst präzise gesetzt. Hat auf jedenfall Spass gemacht. Sobald ich wieder einen „Gürtel“ weiter bin, werde ich ihn wieder herausfordern.


TOWrestler85 is recommended by suig (1/28/2019)

I had a great time wrestling windsor_21! He's got a fantastic build and looks great in his gear. He's quite strong and he strikes the perfect balance between aggression and fun. A very entertaining roll with this guy... he's definitely got the potential for endless hours of match fun.


subprosea is recommended by Sam (1/28/2019)

01/27/2019. Over 5 years later we wrestled again. This time I could better appreciate his cerebral approach to bjj. He waits patiently for an opening then attacks. If the attack goes nowhere, he releases it and waits for the next opening. Once he has an attack worth continuing, he methodically breaks down your defenses one by one until you are defenseless and forced to tap. It doesn't hurt that he's so handsome and his body is so sexy that you almost don't mind losing to him.

Knowledgeable submission wrestler. Very nice guy. Had a great sweaty time rolling around. His body is even hotter than his pics. Take him on for an all-around fantastic experience.

Youngcub47 is recommended by Scissorguru (1/28/2019)

Youngcub is certainly an experienced wrestler with tremendous strength and skill (dangerous combo). His grip strength is out of this world and he is able to counter essentially everything I attempted with ease. Fun, safe guy to wrestler with and his good recommendations to improve my wrestling skill. Awesome guy off the mat. If I'm in Detroit, I'll be sure to message him, and I hope to have a rematch with him if he heads back to Chicago.


Coleman is recommended by Scissorguru (1/28/2019)

Coleman is a tough, strong guy with good wrestling skills. Had a long sweaty match requiring a lot of endurance. Good amount of body scissors exchanged. Certainly recommend if you are looking for a safe, competitive match.
