MoonKnightFighter is recommended by Ryan Durango (9/17/2019)
Crazy tough fighter. Moonknightfighter definitely ranks up there as one of the toughest grapplers I’ve ever faced off with here. We had a really fun and really sweaty grapple in New York. While he’s very good and tough on the mat, he’s cool and personable in between rounds. If we were closer I would definitely try to wrestle this guy all the time so I’d you get the chance, I definitely recommend it.
M Carugati is recommended by santiago38 (9/17/2019)
Ho incontrato il Carugati in un giorno dove sembrava che il fato remasse contro. Nonostante tutti gli imprevisti e un po' di diffidenza iniziale, ne è venuto uno tra i match più belli che abbia mai avuto. Nonostante la poca esperienza, con il suo fischietto e con la sua voglia di lotta, non è assolutamente da sottovalutare. Inontrate il Fighter, conoscete la persona....un tipo da non perdere!!!
Michael KL is recommended by law306 (9/17/2019)
Not sure why I thought michaelchong would be an easy match, big mistake on my part. My abs hurt days after (good feeling though), he can definitely throw a strong punch! Very reliable and nice guy, definitely recommend if in your area.
Pandathug is recommended by Roughhousing (9/17/2019)
Pandathug is strong and aggressive, and he brought an attitude to the mats that definitely made us push each other. Off that mats, he was easy to get along with. I had a good time rolling with him, and look forward to another match.
rhss4682 is recommended by Roughhousing (9/17/2019)
If I had any hopes of beating rhss4682, he quickly proved me wrong. Actually, he slowly proved it, taking his time to wear me down. He's definitely strong and skilled. But he's also a great guy to be with, and he makes me want to try again. Looking forward to it.
Biology Grappler is recommended by viper (9/17/2019)
Super skilled wrestler in any style. Shockingly strong and can teach or spar or go for it. Highly recommend.
I had the privilege of getting to wrestle this tiger again for 2.5 hours, what a blast. He is tougher than most guys, but can adjust. He is fun to hangout with but very determined on the mats, and he suffers well. He calls me "the Beast", but he definitely has a beast mode.
SeattleFight is recommended by Eu2 (9/17/2019)
Had a very enjoyable give and take match with Seattlefight during his recent visit. I had a slight height and weight advantage but this wasn’t at all an issue. In addition to being strong and fast, he’s a great guy to be around. I enjoyed discovering and exploiting his weak points, and I think it’s safe to say, he enjoyed doing the same with me! Highly recommended!
Eu2 is recommended by SeattleFight (9/17/2019)
What a pleasant surprise to be able to set up an impromptu match with such a strong and experienced wrestler as Eu2! Due to the small hotel room and a lingering shoulder injury of my opponent, we had more a fun wrestle rather than a competitive match. Even so I think I surprised the bigger man with my strength. He definitely has his charms though, to which I was certainly not immune. Fun, handsome, smart, and really nice fella. So glad we met. Definitely recommended.
DenverWrestler is recommended by chris1987 (9/16/2019)
Had a great meeting. We arranged a session with reasonably short notice but managed to make it work and have a good time. Very friendly guy who is a strong and tough opponent. He works his holds well but respects limits and is always looking out for the safety of his opponent. Very friendly and would highly recommend. Hope to meet again!
chris1987 is recommended by DenverWrestler (9/16/2019)
I had a great time with Chris. It was easy to set up the match, he arrived exactly as planned, and he has a very nice lean hard sexy athletic body. I like a jobber who fights back, and he definitely did so, so it was quite a hot fun match. The space wasn't very big, but we made the best of it. Off the mats he's a nice bright articulate guy, and I'm very pleased I met him and got to wrestle him. I certainly recommend him to anyone who likes a top quality sexy jobber.