
ruhrfighter is recommended by arniebaby (9/19/2019)

Das Treffen mit Ruhrfighter ist spontan und unkompliziert zustande gekommen. Wenn auch nur kurz, hat es viel Spaß gemacht und wir konnten einige Griffe ausprobieren.
Ansonsten ist er ein netter Kerl und guter Gesprächspartner.
Wiederholung jederzeit gerne wieder !!!


SportWrest is recommended by Pedro20 (9/19/2019)

Sportwrest is a super nice person and a really great wrestler.


arniebaby is recommended by ruhrfighter (9/19/2019)

Arniebaby hat mich mit Griffen fertig gemacht, in die ich noch nie zuvor genommen worden bin und mir so absolut wertvolle Erfahrungen ermöglicht hat. Dabei war er sehr vorsichtig und hat stets Rücksicht auf mich genommen. Das Treffen mit Arniebaby hat mega Spaß gemacht, er ist echt cool. Ich hoffe, wir treffen uns schon bald wieder.


bigfootfighter is recommended by Edu41 (9/19/2019)

Bigfootfighter tem ótima pegada, vem pra cima com força e determinação. É muito forte e habilidoso. Nosso combate foi intenso e bem suado. Teve a participação do lutador Ogait e ambos se empenharam em me dar muito trabalho. Foi sensacional! Recomendo muito lutar com com esse guerreiro, além de ser um cara muito gente boa!


SubmissionMSCL is recommended by Munichwrestler (9/19/2019)

What can I say for Scott that will not sound redundant? Our matches have been always amazing. He is a great, skilled wrestler that can really take a lot of punishment and always come back asking for more. All this combined with zero attitude (unless if the match is on ;-) ), a superb body and a great character. Do not miss the chance to wrestle him!!!


bherringer13 is recommended by Paul Vinig (9/19/2019)

Had a good, solid, give and take match with this strong guy. He’s a seasoned wrestler and gave me loads of tips and tricks. The only thing holding us back was his broken foot. He was a great host and a friendly guy!


ELDIABLITO666 is recommended by 27bcd (9/19/2019)

Intenso, aguantador, buena presencia, agradable, puntual, buen trato, charla amena. De Independiente como yo, je. Muy recomendable.


Black steel is recommended by Chuy94 (9/19/2019)

Excelente luchador, excelente persona, muy respetuosa y confiable, la lucha, buena técnica, sabe de llaves, un amigo al cual recomiendo ampliamente si visitas la cdmx. Tuvimis una lucha en parejas y una de vs, y fue genial, espero poder tener la oportunidad de volver a luchar con él.


Chuy94 is recommended by Black steel (9/19/2019)

Un oponente muy fuerte lleno de energía y super aguerrido, recomendado al 100 si buscas a alguien competitivo y fuerte el es el indicado.

Fuera de es un gran tipo muy agradable y super buena onda, definitivamente tendremos que repetir.

Un gusto haber luchado contigo amigo


Pedro20 is recommended by SportWrest (9/19/2019)

He is amazing!!!
