
GPStud is recommended by Lancerwrestler (5/16/2020)

This guy was an awesome and crazy strong wrestler! Everyone should watch out for his choke outs because he is crazy tough to escape. Very fun dude on and off the mats and a must meet if you are in town!


ramonnwhite3 is recommended by nels11 (5/16/2020)

He’s a very nice guy and willing to learn


wi23combat is recommended by OrlandoFight (5/15/2020)

Fought this guy a few times when he was in Florida. We boxed and had a couple MMA style fights. Tough guy, can take a beating and dish one out too!


wrestlerrick is recommended by OrlandoFight (5/15/2020)

Had a few fights with this guy in Orlando. We had gloves on but it was more of a brawl than anything. Super nice guy and tough as they come.


subwrestler2 is recommended by OrlandoFight (5/15/2020)

I have had quite a few fights with this guy and he is as tough as they come. We wrestled, kick boxed and had a few MMA rounds in there too. Not ashamed to say mostly got my butt kicked. He is an excellent grappler and tough as nails.


Gyaku63 is recommended by Wirus (5/15/2020)

Un gabarit à craindre. De quoi suer et faire pas de l’exercice. Gyaku est puissant, résistant il aime se laisser malmener mais reste très joueur aussi. De quoi tenter un max de prises en live ! Merci. Soyez très (très) inventifs et éclatez-vous (le) ! Si notre rencontre qui date un peu c’est un très bon souvenir. Je recommande +++


musclechris80 is recommended by sonicgr (5/15/2020)

It was my first wrestling match and it was one of the best experiences of my life. Actually, it was... THE ROOKIE AND THE BEAST.

Ok, Chris is extremely strong, he has great body and he is one the best wrestlers here, but this is well known to everyone.

What I want to mainly state is that he is respectful and safe, but above all he is one of the best persons i have ever met and i feel very lucky for this. And of course I aggre to wrestle with him for the next 20 years... :)


Lancerwrestler is recommended by GPStud (5/15/2020)

Had a fun match with this great guy. Very approachable and easy to talk to. We chatted for a good while and had a lot in common when it comes to wrestling. I had fun time kicking his butt 4-0 but he did his best. Very good kisser as well and a sexy guy too. Can't wait to meet him again for his revenge match


mwm2wrestle is recommended by carolina wrestler (5/15/2020)

MWM2wrestle was an outstanding opponent. He was very dependable and showed up on tine for our match. It was a good exchange of holds, and he is very strong. I recommend him highly and look forward to our return match. A very nice and genuine individual!


sonicgr is recommended by musclechris80 (5/15/2020)

After a 2.5 months off wrestling I couldnt find any better wrestler to deal with. It supposed to be his first real match with me and I considered him as a rookie. The fact is that this guy does wrestle like someone with 10+ past opponents on his record. He could apply in a perfect way many many holds on me. So the fight was full of fun and competition, trashtalking and provocation.
I think I found a wrestling buddy for thenext 20
