
libertine109 is recommended by Amir19 (4/10/2020)

I like Libertine, such a fun and strong guy to wrestle, interesting wrestling boots :p.. I would definitely wrestle him again. Great strength and such a smart gentleman to talk to after a super sweaty wrestling match.


werwhower is recommended by Charmaine84 (4/10/2020)

A strong and energetic guy .....he has a high endurance limit making him not easily give out..
Such a friendly and nice person off the mat....hope to 💪💪 in future ...highly recommended strong n nice guy


DenverWrestler is recommended by VB Wrestler (4/10/2020)

1st match against Denver Wrestler back in 2010. Great muscular body and awesome grappler


Mister D is recommended by BritLadSpain (4/09/2020)

Don't be fooled by the good natured, polite & friendly guy you first encounter as Mr D.
As soon as the door locked in the wrestling room & he opened his kit bag, the wrestler began to appear & the tension began to rise.
By the time we stepped through the ropes into the ring we were both fired up to the max.
What followed was the perfect promission match.
A full-on contest that flowed back & forth, both testing each other out & pushing the buttons to ramp things up even more.
Safe & sane throughout but with a perfect edge that leaves you knowing you've had a fantastic wrestling bout.
Highly recommended.
Looking forward to the rematch after the long wait.


BritLadSpain is recommended by Mister D (4/09/2020)

Met YorkshireLad a few years back for a pro match at the old Rochdale ring.
Very kindly met me at Leeds and drove me to Rochdale where on arrival the wrestling started immediately.
Both of us on the same wavelength anf the wrestling just flowed... Then it brawled. Then it flowed then it brawled. Remember him saying. I thought u were so quiet and timid, but once at the ring I changed into the wrestler who took him on.

Rematch is due imminent and I cannot wait.
100% positive recommendation from me.


tapoutwresl224 is recommended by vicj81 (4/07/2020)

Finally had an impromptu match with this guy. I had a good time. Glad he did not anticipate my moves until it was too late! I sadly did not have enough steam to keep him off for long. Maybe next time!


GPjock is recommended by Johnwilliams (4/06/2020)

Great guy, and definitely not bad looking either! He can take a lot of punishment with his strong abs, I must have pounded them for about an hour. He was a great sport when it came to doing a little wrestling and arm wrestling too. It was hard work to pin his gigantic muscles down, but well worth the effort 😉

I can’t recommend this guy enough!


oc wrestler is recommended by serjjibucks (4/06/2020)

i wrestled ocwrestler like a two summers ago in Peru (for 1st time) he is so kind and friendly as host. While at the match please keep eye on his legs cause you have to deal with it, very skilled and smart. We got an intensive and sweaty match. We reached a second match after he return again but a last minute situation makes me cancel the match. Hope to fix that rematch soon!


serjjibucks is recommended by latinherojobber (4/06/2020)

Un tipo muy amistoso y siempre dispuesto a luchar. De esas personas que aman la lucha de forma muy entusiasta, además practicar llaves y juegos de fuerza. Muy recomendable.


TommyP9 is recommended by serjjibucks (4/06/2020)

Almost a year since I met Tommy in his airbnb in Lima. Very friendly and respectful guy off the matts.

At the match he is a very tough and sexy dude, he is very skilled that was difficult to me beat him. I dont remember have a gutpunch round but he was so trained making very smart holds.
