MeetFighters Server Maintenance Tuesday, 17th September at 1:00 pm UTC+2 planned for 45min. During that time, our Server might go offline.


Virgowrestler is recommended by romanhero (2/25/2010)

I can only reiterate what just about everyone above has said - Shawn is a really great guy, very friendly, extremely skilled as a wrestler (he completely outclassed me, as I had expected he would !)and everything which it says on the box.

He is also very understanding about the differing levels of wrestling ability which we all have,and went out of his way to make sure that we had a great time, which I certainly did ! Many many thanks Shawn.

Thoroughly recommended and genuine.


fitman is recommended by Leanmachineuk (2/20/2010)

Fit, friendly, playful and an intelligent wrestler. Willing and able to teach some technical stuff. Thoroughly enjoyed the evening.


Leanmachineuk is recommended by fitman (2/19/2010)

Had a great match, great fun, very hard work - well at least for me - no excuses - and a really nice guy - OK Kim - you can pay me now ;0)


figure4u is recommended by Churd (2/17/2010)

We have met many times. Always a great wrestle.


legne is recommended by tapout (2/14/2010)

Fun to wrestle with, has freestyle experience!


JasonOG is recommended by tapout (2/14/2010)

Strong and experienced!


SileX is recommended by wrestler2000 (2/13/2010)

I had the opportunity to have a match with Sile.
He is a very well trained wrestler with quick reactions and a strong body.
But he also always plays very safe and considerate and is a friendly guy.


wrestler2000 is recommended by SileX (2/11/2010)

Recommended, fun submission wrestler, a good match. I hope I'll be in as decent shape as he is when I'm his age!

Thanks for the match!


gazst is recommended by DaveLon (2/02/2010)

Likes to take punishment but can fight back too. Nice guy


Londonlatino is recommended by DaveLon (2/02/2010)

Ultra-reliable and experienced lightweight into wide variety of scenes from purist pro to pretty rough.
