poseidon's blog

Feeling inadequate

Hey guys , just here to say how much wrestling helped me today although it didn’t stop me from getting hurt, but without the confidence and my love of physical contact it stopped me from getting seriously hurt.
I was at the cash machine getting money out for my trip into London for a wrestle meet and the next I knew I was attacked from behind, two guys grabbed me and tried to take my money we ended on the floor I got one guy in arm lock but the other kicked me in the runs do I had to let go and my money went with them.
They didn’t expect to have to fight for their money gain.
All reported but guys had balaclavas on.
I just feel so inadequate. My ribs hurt but no where near as much as my pride.

Last edited on 2/20/2025 4:03 PM by poseidon



Basildon Bloke (15)

24 days ago

Really sorry to hear about this. There are so many scumbags out there who do this sort of thing who hide behind a mask.
Well done for at least giving it a go. Hopefully, it will make them think twice before attempting it again. But it’s also fortunate that they didn’t have a knife and you came to more harm.
No need to have bruised pride as you did as much as you could. I’d say well done for having go.

Hope you’re not too sore and make a speedy recovery.


Barraboy (13)

24 days ago

Straight off, good to hear that you came to no physical harm, and that you're ok.
I totally agree with Basildon Bloke, in what he says.
You're lucky that they weren't carrying, or failed to use a weapon against you. If that had been the case, and your assailant pulled a knife or hand gun on you, best thing to do, although it may well make you feel inadequate, is nothing. You run the risk of making things very much worse for yourself. Hopefully, what information / description you were able to give the Police, will help in soon arresting these guys.
I'm sure that everyone that reads your blog wishes you a full and speedy recovery, sir


Chertseybloke (0)

24 days ago

Yes mate, I'm glad they didn't have a weapon, but it just goes to show what cowards they are having to wear a balaclava and have to go out in pairs. Good you gave it a go so hopefully they'll think twice about it next time... I'm glad you're ok albeit sporting a few bruises


SilverFoxFight (39)

23 days ago

Sorry this happened to you...it was a manly response on your part, so don't feel inadequate. It's probably best not to use ATMs for a variety of reasons and this is one of them unless it's inside a bank with people around. Law enforcement will always recommend just to hand over the money and not resist as one does not know if a weapon is being carried or not. Glad you are okay! Deano



23 days ago

Unfortunate but you weren't shot, you weren't beat down and good on your for trying to stand your ground.


C12sarin (2 )

22 days ago

Aplica los consejos bancarios, no retirar en cajeros automáticos poco concurridos, bloquear tarjetas si nos las vas a utilizar, retirar efectivo con anticipación.

Por seguridad no oponer resistencia, recuerda que lo material vay viene, la vida no.

Pronta recuperación.


Tanker (207)

18 days ago

Nothing to feel inadequate about. Caught unawares, 2 on 1 is not a fair fight. You did what you could.well done imo!
