MeetFighters News

Blog Comments Made Better, Question About Photos

Hi gang,

I made some improvements to the blogs, more specifically, how the comments and votes are handled.

  • Blog owners can now specify if they want comments sorted oldest-first or newest first.
  • If the blog owner has enabled ratings, readers can attach their ratings to comments. Previously, only anonymous ratings were possible.
  • The blog owner can disable anonymous ratings altogether, in which case it is only possible to rate along with a comment.
  • Also, it is now possible to reply to a comment, by clicking on a "Reply to this" button.
  • To change your blog settings, go to the preferences page and click on "Change my blog settings".

More is coming...

Something I've been thinking about:

Do you think it's a good idea to rate profile photos?

First, I don't mean to turn AllFighters into a sort of hot-or-not site. However, ratings can encourage uploading, and help float the best photos to the top. Also, members would get some sort of feedback about their photos in the process. You would, of course, be able to opt out from having your photos rated.

What do you think?

This poll is closed.
Last edited on 8/15/2009 10:29 PM by Admin



scotsgrappler (114)

8/18/2009 7:39 PM

Not caring might seem the zeitgeist of the Noughties but I mean it seriously in the sense that if some want it I see no reason why they should not ( though personally I would opt out). Wrestling/grappling is not a beauty pageant but others have different reasons/ideas.


ikf (24 )

8/19/2009 12:16 PM

Maybe if we would create two dimensions/aspects to rate: 1. do you like this photo, 2. do you think this person can fight good

That would separate general looks (goodlooking, handsome, hot, whatever) and fighing-relevant looks (this guy can seriously kick ass).


StrikeFighter (82 )

8/19/2009 1:31 PM

I like ikf's idea


travelstud (0)

8/19/2009 4:52 PM

ughh.. please dont make this into a sex obsessed gay queen asshole website - voting for pics is like picking out a beauty contest winner... most other gay sites do that and I hate it... if this were to turn into one of those then I would probably leave.


devonwrestler (28 )

8/23/2009 7:20 PM

I have occasionally wrestled with people who look slim, toned and athletic (i.e. people who look a bit like you Sile) and that has been great, but I have also had great fun wrestling with people who dont fit that sterotype. Wrestling should be for all who are keen to take part (hey, the overweight guys need the exercise the most!) so I would not want a feature that might focus too much attention on physical appearance, nor would I want people to feel that they are not welcome to this pastime becase their pictures dont get rankings.

Mind you, I wouldnt want to discourage people who happen to have nice bodies from decorating this website with their best pictures. It is nice to see the pictures in the new moving panel at the top of the page, but making this into a beauty contest is taking it a bit far I think.
