Camp Wrestlefest 9/12/2025

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Event Overview
  • Organizermcic
  • Date
    9/12/2025 3:00 PM
    (Friday, in 172 days)
    The event's time zone is based on its location.
  • Duration
    3 days
  • Deadline to apply
    (Friday, in 172 days)
  • Number of attendees
    12 attendees
  • State
    Awaiting applicants
  • Chat room
  • Event location
    USA - Pennsylvania

$100 which includes the mandatory annual campground membership fee. The fee is required for all individuals and will be paid to Camp Out during check-in.

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Event Description

In the spirt of the old Hillside Wrestling Weekend events, join us for the first-annual Camp Wrestlefest! From the team that organizes Wrestlefest NYC, #CampWF will be a fun-packed weekend in the woods of the Poconos.

We are excited to partner with Camp Out Poconos. Just 90 minutes from New York City and Philadelphia. Camp Out has a mix of tent & RV sites, cabins, and cottages available for your stay.

Add to that, our own multiple tented mat areas which will be available to wrestle on, day & night, first come-first served. When you're not wrestling, be sure to join us for a few group activities that are being planned for the weekend.

Camp Out has offered to block off the weekend of Sept 12-14 for us and give us a 10% discount off their summer rates. That offer is exclusive to Camp Wrestlefest participants and you must book your reservation by April 30th. After that, their regular rates apply. Book your stay at CAMPOUTPOCONOS.COM and enter promo code WRESTLE2025, during checkout to get the discount. For reservation help, email All other questions can be directed to me.

We will have a catered welcome dinner social Friday evening and there will be a farewell breakfast Sunday morning. Participants are responsible for all other meals. The campground is close to many restaurants, many of which have delivery options.

Bunk with your wrestling buddies... all of the cabins and cottages hold at least 2 people. The tent sites can accommodate up to two tents and limited tents are available to rent from Camp Out. For tent rentals, complete the booking process, then email to check availability and add one to your reservation.

So, find your tag partner and sign up today!

For more information on Camp Out, visit

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