Wrestlg's blog
Im going through something and im just Not feeling the New Wrestlefest nyc..
Do i wish i was Still filming matches for my little BG East Wrestling career??
Do i wish it wad Just a Wrestling get together and not some Watchfighter’s convention?
And i just Feeling down at This time of the year…?
Have fun!
I don’t think you’ll see me around!
Ill be Ok
Just Not feeling it All these days!
I do miss the Underground Wrestling World, being more Underground…
We Wrestle because we Felt we Had to, Wanted to, Needed to…
Still come to nyc and get me on the mats!
Kick My Ass!
I’m gonna kick yours!!
Rough Match (85)
28 days agoI wouldn't be complaining. There are some of us who can only dream of what you have experienced with video, hot men, lots of wrestling action. So be grateful. Some of us will never get to where you have been.
rasslin bodybuilder (204 )
28 days agoyou must missed me making you my heel....i would come next year
spladle2submission (25 )
27 days agoI am going to 100% agree with you…this is nothing more than a bunch of video whores here to make content. This was a watchfighters convention not a real wrestling meet up. The days of meeting guys and wrestling is about over, the internet has all but made meeting people in person and acting like ADULTS is all but over. Now it is all about fetishes, pre-arranged outcomes, and videos.
This was on my bucket list of things I wanted to do before I left wrestling and I checked the box, wasted some money in the trip but checked the box.
From now on it is meetings for real matches and that’s about it, with real guys. I will not begrudge some of the guys who do videos, but I have wrestled several for real matches and have beaten them, and in most cases, beaten them easily. A few are friends, but I can not longer enjoy wrestling for the sport, its become a money making market where we idolize these video wrestlers and not real athletes.
rasslin bodybuilder (204 )
27 days ago(In reply to this)
you are still in my list to wrestle, and i am not afraid to get my ass kicked by you either, im probably an easy level for you too but i dont really care about content nor am i against it. I was surprised that you didnt get alot of matches in because if i was in WF this weekend, i would have want to have a match with you as well as Glenn. I know Glenn will take it up on me, but im not sure if i am your kind of tea tho, but i would try to ask anyways.
ThunderStrikeVersNYC (18 )
27 days agoI completely understand what you mean. Wrestlefest used to be about meeting like minded guys for fun matches. Whether it was just for the match, for the eroticism of it, for the feeling of winning or losing. Now about 90% of the guys I reached out to it was about "Collabs for videos and Making Content" They wouldn't meet with you unless you were "Hot enough to get them views." Unfortunately its been going that way for a while.
I do appreciate those who are watchfighter creators who meet others just for the enjoyment, and not necessarily for creating videos. But those guys are few and far between.
Rough Match (85)
27 days agoWatchFighters is a waste of time and money unless you want to watch pretty boys wrestle, if you can call it wrestling. I had a video up there for several weeks and not one viewer. It's a pity the wrestling world is dominated by men who make a closed group of friends and that's their only wrestling contacts.
bobster (34)
27 days agoI have never been to the WrestleFest in NYC just one in PA. But I have to say after reading all of the posts and the meet ups I have to feel that it is a lot of show. I know there are basically 2 Fests and I have to admit that I am confused as to which is which.
I am an old fan of Hillside and that was a fest I truly miss. I met you there who knows how many yrs ago and kick myself for never having the chance to have you kick my ass (and yes you would).
Keep in meeting guys and who knows maybe one day I will be able to make you one of my many bout where I get clobbered.
Rough Match (85)
27 days agoBrawlmart has hosted WrestleFest for many years. He holds two sessions at his home in Indiana, PA (July and September). He hosts a third one in NYC in February, although this one has had an additional event attached to it set up by a closed group of wrestlers who just wrestle each other. Terry's event is separate from that one. And the Toronto WrestleFest is a totally different event hosted by another wrestler who didn't choose a better name than WrestleFest, maybe to keep us confused.
Rough Match (85)
27 days agoAnyone who cares about wrestling. Those who don't need not bother
rasslin bodybuilder (204 )
26 days agomm im lost of all the comments you make in this blog, what is really going on here?
TBLHockeyGeek (85 )
25 days ago(In reply to this)
He's just bitter and it's quite unbecoming.
spladle2submission (25 )
24 days ago(In reply to this)
And who is bitter?
23 days ago(In reply to this)
I’m having a hard time trying to see who would be bitter about anything.
Reading comprehension requires two interconnected skills in order to understand the overall text.
It seems a few contributors may have missed the plot.
Wrestlg (190 )
23 days ago(In reply to this)
I just Wanted to Wrestle, and I Wasn’t Up to it all.
Plus the Event is not as it was, or what i prefer for events like this!
See You soon again though!
I hope
Greco Clinch (4)
23 days ago(In reply to this)
who are you talking about here ?
23 days ago(In reply to this)
I was referring to two (2) individuals, one of whom genuinely believes Wrestleg wanted to attend WatchFightersFest and issued a challenge, while the other thinks Wrestleg is somehow bitter about it.
Anyone with basic reading comprehension can see that Glenn’s perspective comes from his experiences with underground wrestling, a time marked by secrecy, rebellion, taboo, and mystery.
His feelings are valid, and labeling Wrestleg as bitter only reinforces the divisive and clique-driven mentality that events like this often promote and attract.
To each their own.
Some guys want to increase their body count (past opponents) number while some prefer quality interactions over quantity.
The event can be a gateway to either/or but good communication and respect are required on both fronts.
Wrestlg (190 )
23 days ago(In reply to this)
You understand!
23 days ago(In reply to this)
We absolutely understand where your heart is coming from. It’s just the changing of the guards, brother.
We’ve learned and absorbed so much from our predecessors and how they were their own trailblazers in their generation.
While borrowing inspiration from their history, we then defined what wrestling meant for us.
We’re living in a show-and-tell era of influencers and social-media where it’s simply this generation’s time to define wrestling for themselves as we all once did.
It’s a beautiful transition of life and there will always be places to share these passions partly thanks to this platform (MeetFighters).
We love you, brother. We’ll see you soon. You have the number.
Wrestlg (190 )
23 days ago(In reply to this)
I’m all about the events, just this one turned into something less than what i enjoy!
Plus im for guys Accepting who they are And putting it Out there!
Coming out as a Wrestler!
Pics with faces!
Not worrying about looking “perfect” but looking like Wrestlers!
Rough Match (85)
26 days agoSo, who wants to spend $$$$$$$ on airfare, hotel, food, etc. just to go sit and watch a bunch of pretty twinks roll around on a mat? This is why I don't go to a wrestling event where it's behind locked doors and all the wrestlers are in a closed group and don't wrestle anyone else. Please log in to view gallery photos.
Greco Clinch (4)
26 days agoSo. Years ago gay wrestling was not a video event. Most old guys who had been around for Hillside,Okie Rumble,Clash of the Titans,the amateur wrestling club tournaments in L.A and S.F all were there to wrestle. I never went to this event if the wrestling was on hotel room mattresses. If this new crop of new guys are inclined to want to perform and do light tough pro so be it. The world we are living in............
Rough Match (85)
26 days agoWell from the news coming out of NYC things went very ugly very fast this weekend with some permanent injuries. Glad I didn't get involved with that event
maineagle93 (160 )
23 days agoI very much feel for WrestleG here. I've been there too, in my own thoughts about where I am in the community and what I want.
But I really appreciate that you go with a message for others to have fun too. There's lots of different ways to pursue wrestling in different ways, and I hope you feel like a star again Glenn.
For the others on the thread, it sounds like you guys should look into grappling retreats done through martial arts academies. There's quite a lot of em out there to get all the real wrestling you want!