Wrestlg's blog

Restrictions on Facebook!!

My Wrestling profile “Glenn Scott” keeps getting restricted on Facebook.
I only post Wrestling pics etc, no nudity etc, but they keep flagging me for Obscene pictures!! Most being memories posted previously!
I shall return soon!
Add me as a friend and join me to celebrate the Wrestling we Love!!

Last edited on 11/19/2024 12:19 PM by Wrestlg



Juggernaut (0)

11/19/2024 2:42 PM

These things are most likely automated. I got restricted from youtube, once but when I asked them why they never answered. I suspect its a robot that scans for terms, words, names, etc., and you used a phrase, term, or word it doesn't like. Have you tried altering or modifying the name?


RhodyRaybo (104)

11/19/2024 4:29 PM

I had to stop posting wrestling on youtube, but they didn't flag my church fight night videos.


arthurstuwart (0)

11/19/2024 5:52 PM

Do u have instagram i can follow u there! Hehe


TFlex (8)

11/19/2024 7:07 PM

I was wondering why you haven't posted lately. Those are the best parts of my day seeing you post things on Facebook! They just stink. They really suck.


Juggernaut (0)

11/19/2024 9:33 PM

(In reply to this)

Went there after I read this post and found a military upload I liked. I commented that they should put Velcro strips on the uniforms and guess what? It got kicked out citing it was SPAM? Spam? I haven't posted there in years.

I have no idea what kind of wacky robot censor they installed there but it about as close to reality as the Andromeda galaxy is to the Earth. Maybe it thought I was advertising Velcro?


Wrestlg (190 )

11/20/2024 1:08 PM

Thanks guys!
I loved the chance to post on there, hopefully i can return unchallenged so much in the future!
G Please log in to view gallery photos.


Juggernaut (0)

11/20/2024 6:02 PM

(In reply to this)

You've got to first understand how their machine works. Otherwise, your risk getting permanently banned. Good luck.
