Sussexstrongman's blog
Trash talk got to much for him.
I have been in regular private contact following a challenge from a wrestler. It moved into some trash talk and promises of who would win etc.
It then slipped into trash talk, to which I was blocked from contact.
So my question is...does this now count as a victory over a cyber opponent ?
bigt730 (11 )
2/16/2021 3:41 PMFrom the sound of it. Being blocked would constitute a victory. It would seem he couldn't handle your trash talk
Sussexstrongman (5)
2/16/2021 4:22 PM(In reply to this)
Easy easy easy.
boiinterrupted (1)
3/07/2021 11:23 PM(In reply to this)
Pretty sure I could handle your trash talk lol
QuinnUK (52)
2/16/2021 4:51 PMBlocking someone because of written trash talk has got to be just about as lame as it gets. Wear it as a badge of pride.
mcic (169 )
2/16/2021 10:29 PMSounds like you beat him into submission to me. You get the W.
frenchprowrestler (126)
2/17/2021 3:10 PMany record of the exchanges ?;;; :-)
ChiFight (6)
2/18/2021 12:09 AMWell "cyber" isn't any kind of real competition anyway, but that aside, there is a really big difference between in context "trash talk" and something that really crosses the line into unacceptable personal insults or harassment. The first question I would ask is, how would the other guy describe what took place? One thing that's true in general, but especially online, is the fact there are two sides to every story, and I have often seen examples of where the initial person to voice a complaint wasn't being very forthright in how they described the events that took place. Especially when they are trying to gain support, malign someone, or get people to join them in piling on the person.
A guy from MN just did that to me a few days ago, when he lied about me "flaking on him multiple times" in the chatroom, when in fact I only ever tried to set one meeting with him and he was the one who bailed on me, because 8pm on a Friday night was "too late" for him and I was working until 6ish, which he knew the night before.
So considering none of us can tell what was really said, no one would be in a place to cast judgment on this guy anyway.
Stephencle (30)
3/07/2021 7:25 PM(In reply to this)
You are spot on!!!
SileX (219)
2/18/2021 9:10 AMWhen people ask questions like this, it's always just one side of the story that they present. But in this case, you are asking "I was so rude that I managed to convince someone that I was not worth contacting ever again. Should I be proud of it?"
No. You should not.
Didja1 (21)
2/19/2021 3:01 PMYes. Victory is yours.
SE Wrestler (41)
2/26/2021 6:32 PMStupid! Their loss
Sussexstrongman (5)
3/01/2021 10:44 AM(In reply to this)
Indeed it is.
evilfighter (11)
2/28/2021 4:48 PMLOL really?
Sussexstrongman (5)
3/01/2021 10:45 AMThank you all for your contributions, they are all valued.
Desterfight (49)
3/01/2021 5:34 PMNope... it means he was playing with himself the whole time and never had any intention of meeting lol