Slim 66's blog

Scrimmages Can Be Fum

I have noticed that some of my fellow gladiators have posted the following in their profiles: ' trading holds'
Very interesting concept..
Nevertheless, I begin to think about it and discovered it was another way of engaging in.a scrimmage.
I like scrimmages because of several reasons.
One, you can perfect your holds. Instead of using some type of " play dummy" you. can use a fellow wrestler to see how skillful you are.
Two, you can prepare for future opponents. Some of the various moves that you are executing. on your partner may help you avoid. pins or submissions in future matches.
Three, your workout partner and you can learn new techniques from each other.The best way. to learn how to defeat future opponents is to improvise new moves that will take your opponents by surprise.
Four,you can conserve energy and conserve effort. In.a scrimmage,you are not wrestling as hard as you are in a real live match. You learn more on how to pace yourself and pace your energy level.

Last edited on 10/16/2021 1:39 AM by Slim 66



calwrestler (147)

10/16/2021 1:44 AM

Very well said....especially since it's what you have experienced and its improved your wrestling.


Slim 66 (32)

10/16/2021 2:07 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks, Cal. I appreciate. your. words of encouragement.



10/16/2021 7:48 AM

Very perceptive re the profiles that contain this offering. There are many members who have had a great deal of experience by virtue of the number of opponents they engaged in matches. Would that they all offered to share their expertise in the realm of actual holds. We need more volunteers. Not all can afford to go to specialty gyms, and this would increase the overall quality of matches. The comments shared by opponents of Slim 66 attest to the great example that he provides and is able to do.

Good show, sir! Thank you for taking the time to share what is really an important element in wrestling instruction.


Slim 66 (32)

10/16/2021 8:15 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you sir for reading my blog. I believe you learn more by learning than by reacting.


Didja1 (21)

10/16/2021 12:44 PM

Nice. I like the concept.


Slim 66 (32)

10/18/2021 8:25 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks. I appreciate your support and taking the time to read my blog.


wrestleu2 (9)

10/16/2021 2:38 PM

Great blog! You nailed it!


Slim 66 (32)

10/16/2021 2:42 PM

(In reply to this)

Thank you, sir. I am glad to be precise.


NJWoodbridge (143)

10/16/2021 6:52 PM

I have never hesitated to stop and ask my opponent to show me the hold he just used on me (or tried to use on me); nor have I refused when I asked to demontrate. This is true for every style of match I've had, pro, promission, submission, and folkstyle/freestyle. And opponents have always obliged to give the lesson and to let me practice.


Slim 66 (32)

10/16/2021 7:05 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks. That is needful advice I need to practice myself..Thank you for reading my blog.


Sands (19)

10/17/2021 12:04 AM

Thanks ever some much. I think we can all learn from one another.


Slim 66 (32)

10/17/2021 12:20 AM

(In reply to this)

I do agree.


Mainewrsl (45)

10/17/2021 2:12 PM

Excellent ideas, Slim. Scrimmages would really help hone technique.


Slim 66 (32)

10/17/2021 3:09 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree. Scrimmages can help to improve one's matches.
