Celtic_Tiger's blog
The Champion of the Two Owls Motor Inn 2 of 2
Daniel didn't make the connection that their stopping the fight was related to his spying. Having parked the cleaning cart off to his left-hand side it formed an unintentional barrier now as the room door was pulled open suddenly. He could only pull himself up off the milk crate partially before the strong bodied Hispanic guy walked through the door almost in slow motion in his mind. The shock of being discovered threw Daniel off and as he was standing up he bumped hard into the cart. Carlos felt the cold winter air on his sweaty torso but his adrenaline was flowing at full steam and his focus was only one thing. Once he had range to throw a shot, he sank his gloved right hand deep into the pit of Daniel's stomach area, knocking the wind from his lungs and stunning him. Again, he landed another deep stomach punch. This one caused the younger man to falter and sag a bit. Pulling him into a reverse arm headlock, he dragged him toward the open motel door and stopped once past the threshold to push the young man into Chet's waiting arms. Soon as he was in range, Chet struck the younger man with a quick left uppercut. Daniel's face in the process of turning red from the tight grip of the headlock was jolted backward from this new blow. The power however was a bit more then intended and it knocked him loose from the grip as he took two staggering steps backward and fell into the nearby chair. Carlos shut the door quickly before anyone saw them and turned to face the spy now in their midst. Looking up at the two boxers before him and glancing back to the room door, Daniel's mind raced to figure out how to get the fuck out of this situation. Chet took a step closer, banging his gloves together rhythmically. “So, you like to watch the fights, huh fucker?” his voice was edged with malice and it rode up Daniel's spine like a locomotive. “Uhh, well no I just understood something clearly at last on in here as I am the main cleaner. I didn't know anyone was using the room till I looked in the window.” He kept from making full eye contact, this guy looked mean. Carlos looked the younger man over, he was lean and probably had a cut physique. He imagined him sitting there wearing boxing gear, thick brown gloves, and dark blue trunks with white trim. Daniel hadn't moved the phone camera and these two guys didn't know about it so this was still being recorded. “Hey Chet, I think we should let him go. I mean he has cleaning to do and I have cleaning your clock to take care of still.” Carlos laughed heartily now and banged his own gloves together as if to add a period to the sentence. Chet smirked. His narrow mouth twisting up slightly at the edges. “No no, he wants to “get out of here” he has to earn his freedom” taking his left glove off, he walked over to the hotel door and turned the lock as well as applying the chain lock. Walking back in front of the younger man he grabbed him aggressively by the collar of his shirts with his un-gloved hand and pulled him up to his feet. “So, kid, who are you going to fight to get out of this room? Me? Him?” Last 3 rounds and you’re out, score a knockdown and you’re out but get knocked down or out yourself.” Chet's smirk was so edged now with malice it gave his face such a sinister expression even Carlos was a bit unnerved by it. “Well if you lose, I won't ruin the surprise if that happens.” Looking over the two men he sized them up as to which might be the easier to take on and outlast. Chet, the Caucasian guy was strong looking but the uppercut to the face wasn't as bad as the stomach shots he had taken hits from the unnamed Hispanic guy and those were solid even through his jacket a clothing. Daniel swallowed hard. His mind raced “Fuck fuck, which one to choose.” he fidgeted a bit in his seat and was about to speak his choice when a voice broke the awkward silence. A tinny sounding intercom sprang to life coming from the ceiling above them. What looked like a smoke detector was in fact a cleverly disguised two-way microphone. “Carlos, pick up the phone if you would.” the voice was older sounding. Chet had no clue who that was. Taking off his glove, Carlos walked over to the phone on a small table in the far corner and picked up the receiver.
Daniel fidgeted a bit more but then he seemed to relax in his seat. Looking up at as he stood up now he put up his hands in a gesture of none aggression and slowly pulled of his jacket. Chet looked over at Carlos on the phone taking his eyes of of the younger man. “Understood. If that is what he wants then I will follow your orders.” Hanging up the receiver, he turned to the two of them and his expression was a bit different. “Change of plans Daniel, your going to get to fight Chet here and I will be the prize when you knock him out.” Turning to look at Daniel, the expression on the man's face was completely different. The scared rabbit expression was more like a hungry wolf now. “Oh, whoa. Who the fuck just talked to us.” He motioned at the smoke detector with his gloved hand. “Change of plans? You fucking bean and rice eating son of a bitch....is this a set up?” Daniel smirked as he started to take off his clothing and Carlos ignored Chet all together as he walked over to the closet and opened the door to reveal a small paper shopping bag. Pulling out the contents it was a set of boxing gear. Shoes, trunks, gloves and a small box containing a white mouth guard. Chet's mind failed to process all of this and part of him was becoming so angry at being deceived that the urge to fight grew too strong for him to ignore. “Oh okay, well suit up then junior. Going to give you a real good ass whooping and then I will be the one taking Carlo's immigrated ass over the side of this chair here.” Both Daniel and Carlos exchanged looks of disbelieving. Chet began to flex his arms and swing his arms in rotating circular motions to loosen them up. He began to shadowbox in place, his quick punches flicking about the space like the tongue of a snake. Daniel stripped down to his black boxer shorts was a lean semi cut-bodied man with a rose tattoo on the right side of his chest just above a thin smattering of hair. It was devoid of color save for a single red blood drop falling from the edge. His upper left arm was also tattooed with a similar rose but this one had the pattern of the American flag. Chet felt like he had seen these before. Once his socks and black/red boots were on he unfolded his trunks. Red with black trim and a thick black waistband. The word “The Thorn” was written in some stencil like font. He pulled the trunks on and they hugged the lower part of his stomach securely. Mere inches below his navel line. His gloves were also red/black but they had a strange filmy looking sheen to the rounded part near the top. This reminded Chet of candle wax. He still felt like he had heard this fight name before, these tattoos were also so familiar. Daniel noticed Chet looking intently. “Don't worry man, just a bit of cleaner I use to preserve these. It won't cause you any problems, but I sure will.” the cocky tone to his voice was just more motivation for Chet to knock the shit out of this lighter guy. “I like this “new” you kid and I am sure going to enjoy fucking up that handsome face. Maybe I won't fully knock you out so you can watch how I ass rape this wetback two-faced asshole and teach you how to top a man the right way.” Carlos let out a loud cackle. “You are so full of yourself Chester. I promise you I will take some photos of you knocked out in round or so. Daniel is going to enjoy this.” Chet made a distasteful gesture with his tongue and the thumb and edge of his glove as the location for it and then gave an arm over arm fuck you sign as he walked over to his corner on the far side of the motel room. He held his black mouth guard in his left glove awaiting the signal to shove it in and put up his dukes for the coming fight. Carlos walked over to Daniel and before putting in the white mouth guard, he deeply French kissed the younger man and slowly turned his face to fix Chet with a look as to say, “want a taste of this sucker” Chet made a gesture with his right glove over his nose like something smelled bad in the room and he pushed his own plastic guard over his lips and into place. Carlos fiddled with the timer and announced it was set for four rounds. Daniel nodded and raised his arms into defensive stance. He glanced over at the window where a small device sat recording the visual but not audio setting and the timer emitted a triple knock to indicate ten seconds till the first round began.
Mere seconds after the timer filled the small room with its sound there was sudden motion and Carlos moved back almost into the wall out of reflex. Daniel held his gloves up with the underside facing forward and like a frog catching a fly he intercepted the double jab that Chet tried to land on his face. One...two. Both gloves were swatted off course and neutralized. Chet had gotten so close to Carlos on his initial movement that it seemed as if he might strike him instead. He was just avoiding a straight line into his opponent and using the angles to deliver the initial punches of the round. Next, he stepped in to land a straight punch to the stomach area but Daniel pulled back by bending at his upper back and that failed to hit him as well. He simply tapped the top of Chet's head with the tip of his glove like “tag...your it” He was toying with the older guy. Several more shots were either blocked or slipped and Daniel did a bit of fancy footwork, sort of like a cha cha cha. Chet was growing frustrated by the second with this lanky fucker, time to feign in and catch this asshole flat footed. Pretending he was going to come straight in with a straight right, at the last second, he pulled to the left and executed a hard-left hook to the body. It met lowered elbow and forearm and it too was blocked. Then without hesitation two jabs, a left hook, and a straight right to the mouth all pounded into Chet's face. Hard and accurate the punches stiffened his neck and after the hook knocked it to the side the right hand smashed into his right eye, gliding off the edge of the socket. That was going to leave a nice shiner. Quick as Daniel had struck Chet, he moved around him now with his gloves up in tight defense. Chet's face was red from embarrassment, frustration, and the impact of the shots. He had enough. Charging in blindly though to hopefully land a punch would just put him back in this fucker's control. It was evident this guy's speed was twice that of his and the shots weren't light on power but hurt him more than he was visibly showing. There was one technique left, something he picked up from a Marine boxer he used to spar with. Pulling his guard tight in a peek-a-boo formation, he made small arc like motions back and forth like drawing a smile in the air. Daniel didn't recognize this tactic and became slightly less comfortable with how Chet was behaving suddenly. He wasn't coming in range but instead rocking back and forth. This had Daniel as the attacker now and he didn't like to fight that way. Moving forward now he looked to pull off his own feign and catch Chet to the body with several good shots and hopefully tag his solar plexus or the side of his chest which if done correctly would disrupt his lungs from both angles. He had the speed advantage clearly so he didn't worry about Chet getting him before the shots were delivered and he would be backing off if some did land after the fact so he would pull the power off them. Stepping forward he got within range of punching and lowered his guard to seem like he was being careless, inviting the jarhead to strike at his face. There was some psychological imperative to hit your opponent's face when given the choice over upper or lower targets. Like an insult to them on some level. Chet came straight now and his eye contact was on Daniel's upper chest area. He arched his right shoulder as if that was where the first shot was going to be delivered from. Daniel took the bait and went diagonal dipping down to duck under the high shot and fire off a volley of shots the Chet's body. Chet wasn't there though. He had gone along the opposite diagonal and he whipped out his left hook to pound into the side of Daniels exposed rib area. The shock of the punch and its power caused the younger man to part his arms and expose a nice path to this chest and solar plexus. Chet pounded the chest first with a hard-straight right and all the “pumping motion” he was doing before that had boosted the shots power. Catching Daniel in mid breath, the force of the Marines right hand assaulted his lungs. Air caught in his throat like a bubble and he lurched forward. His eyes were both large and semi-bulbous now. Caught in a reverse gambit he was stunned and his face was open season. Chet went right to landing shots to the face, jab jab, cross, jab. The shots belted the nose and upper lip area. A small drop of blood slid out of the right nostril. Striking the right eye with his own right hand, the glove mashed into the eye socket and forced the eyeball to retract as the lids closed to protect it. Daniel would have a black eye from this too. Touché mother fucker was the expression on his face while Daniel took a step back and got his guard up tight again to avoid more blows. The timer ended the first round.
Walking over to his corner, Chet spat his mouth guard out into his right glove and took a long swig of water from the bottle sitting there. Daniel got back to his corner and Carlos rushed over like his bitch to help him clear his mouth guard. Chet sat down but with his legs spread out and his forearms propped up on the sides of the chair. He poured some water from the bottle on the center of his chest and watched it glide down his stomach and onto his satin trunks. He knew Daniel was staring at him from across the room. Carlos had his back to Chet and was saying something in hushed tones. The two fighters exchanged glances and Chet's smirk was met with Daniel's intense expression “Next round asshole” was what it was saying and the Marines smirk was replying “Yeah, come get some kid.” Pouring some water on his hair now, he shook his head to get it to spray off. He then drew in what seemed like a deep breath but it was a thick wad of saliva. Ejecting it onto his right glove, he worked it in good with his left one so that both gloves were lubricated with it. He banged them together now to emphasis this for Daniel's watching expression. The younger man held up his own gloves, fist side outward to show off that strange waxy like sheen. He then made the gesture of jerking off and it was then that Chet realized what that was.... old dried cum. This fucking son of a bitch. His face went red with anger and he got up off his chair. Bouncing in place he jammed his mouth guard back into his pie hole and pointed at Daniel with his right glove, then banged them together again. Daniel stood up and had this “come get it” face on when the second-round bell sounded. Carlos got away from the two of them again, he wasn't going to play referee at all. He had a side view of the two men now and both had a nice bruise under their right eyes. When they met near the center of the room, Chet was on the offensive coming hard at Daniel who was blocking but being hit so hard that he was having trouble maintaining his guard and had to start slipping shots. He did this flawlessly again and started to tag Chet's body with hard hooks each time the overzealous puncher missed. These were quickly taking their toll and forcing the older man to either get angrier and careless or smart and go on the defensive. Clearly the guard of one and the mental state of the other were in a strange tug-of-war now and one was going to fail. Daniel got in a shot over the guard and caught Chet's nose knocking a drop of blood loose. He got in a good left to the temple too and Chet staggered a bit but ducked the next hook there before he was fully dazed. That shot would have been a clock cleaner and possibly the knockout blow for Daniel. Grabbing the leaner guy in a tight clinch, Chet looped his arm over Daniels neck pulling him into a reverse headlock and he turned him quickly in a 360-degree loop. Carlos started to step in to break it up but the look he got from Chet had him stay put. His head pulled low, the blood rush caused Daniel to get slightly disoriented and it was enough. He staggered toward the window side of the room and suddenly a right uppercut leveled off under his chin and he saw a white flash of light. He was stood up but this hit and too dizzy to duck properly. Chet stepped in close, landing left and right hooks to the body and forcing Daniel's lean body to lurch forward. Then a left uppercut was delivered along the chest and up to the jaw. The room exploded in white light in Daniel's watery eyes. He pulled his arms instinctively up to guard his face and just as his elbows cleared his midsection he was treated to a hard set of left/right punches to the stomach. Glove over glove, Chet's barrage of shots shook the man's body and had his chin bobbing back and forth, a look of pure discomfort on his face. Carlos had to get in there and disrupt this or Daniel was finished. The body hits were like out of an old kung Fu movie. He half expected to see Daniel cough up blood. Taking a step back to admire his opponent, Chet seemed to know that Carlos was moving toward them. Once in range he quickly struck out and caught him flush on the jaw with a quick one two...Carlos stopped, and a hook to his right temple dropped him to the carpeted floor...out cold. “Nah, you’re not getting involved asshole. Stay put.” Chet spoke the words through his mouth guard so they came out muffled. Daniel moved back and was semi recovered from the head shots now. Chet moved toward him and with one good shot he planted his right hook to the jaw and took the kids mouth guard out in a hail of spit and sweat flying. Daniel went down.
Daniels mind struggled to clear out he webs that Chet's punches had created. He lay on his back now on the carpet semi aware. His stomach ached so badly he thought he might vomit. He could hear Chet's voice but it sounded like it was far away, like someone yelling at you from across a busy street. “Get up, come on let’s keep going your lanky fucker.” Suddenly a watery substance greeted his facial skin. It was warm and had a very odd smell. Like someone had hit a reset button in his brain he recovered enough to realize that he was being urinated on. His eyes popped open. Pure anger and humiliation filled his mind now and stayed the sensations of pain to his jaw and stomach. Chet could tell he was coming around and stopped peeing long enough to pull up his trunks. “Yeah exactly, wakey wakey punk. You have another round in you, I know you do.” Chet leaned over the younger man and cleaned off his gloves with a wet towel. No telling how long he was semi-conscious but it was enough time for Chet to remove the cum and knock Carlos out and prop him up in a nearby chair and taped his wrists to it with the tape used over hand wraps. “Yeah, get up and clear all the cobwebs out. This last round is for stakes fucker. First man down loses and gives up his ass.” Daniel took out his mouth guard and spit a glob of red tinged spit into a nearby ice bucket. “Good...you’re going to pay for fucking pissing on me.” Daniel roared the words. Chet smiled and tapped his gloves together. “Get your mouthpiece in bitch, ShowTime.” Once he had, the two men circled each other like a spider and a scorpion locked in deadly combat. Forgoing any tactics this time, Daniel just wanted to land punches and was willing to go toe to to with the jarhead to do it. Chet liked an old-fashioned fight and was more than happy to forgo defense for the sake of smacking this lanky fucker back down to the carpet below. The first shots were from Daniel, quick double jab to the face and a good solid right cross to the already bruised right eye. Chet returned with a good left hook to the body and a straight right to the solar plexus that was partially blocked but still managed to catch Daniel in the sore spot. His face made a grimace of discomfort and it was removed by a straight right dead center as Chet stiffened the younger man's neck up. It was a solid hit but Daniel wasn't as stunned by as he let on, and once the other man was in range he stopped playing possum and delivered his own set up uppercuts to Chet's flat jaw line. Left first, pause then right caused his eyes to wince shut and his head to bob slightly. Those rocked him clearly. Wasting no time, Daniel struck at the body and in almost similar fashion to the assault he was punished with earlier, he got to work on his payback. Using hard rib hooks mixed with glove over glove shots to the central body, he stiffened the older man’s back up. Methodical shots to the body could reach the level of pain that would end a fight but Daniel didn't want a body KO here so he backed off to focus on the head instead. Chet was guarding it like it was made of gold or something though. Daniel feigned in a head shot but dipped and pounded the solar plexus with enough force to cause Chet to lean forward. Then out of nowhere he connected with a hard-overhand right to the forehead and edge of temple and this shot visibly rocked Chet's noggin. His hands dropped and in his dizzy state he was too out of it to pull them back up. Jab, jab, jab. The three hits lifted his chin up into range of a follow up right hook. The black and red glove mashed hard into the tanned jaw line and Chet's head snapped to the side. Next a left hook came in and the punch followed past the jaw to turn the man's neck the other way pushing his chin to his shoulder. Two more hits to the eye sealed it with a good shiner. Daniel stepped in and forced Chet to lean on him while he pounded away at the body. Shot after shot shaking the increasingly limp body. Chet's eyes were still closed tightly and his jaw biting down hard on the mouth guard from pain when Daniel's final four punches landed. A hard-left uppercut that snapped his head up and back, a left hook just below the ear that shook his face and ejected spit from his guard, a right cross that tagged his lips solid and the final punch a right uppercut that sent Chet falling backward to the floor...as his body hit home his mouth guard was pushed up and out by a torrent of bloody spit and ooze. Unconscious now he was prime for a good ass fucking and Carlos was awaking just in time to see it all happen.
Henry Lakewood shot his way around the time that Daniel was landing the hook and straight shots to Chet’s body. Cleaning up he looked over at the screen and the total attendance online for the match was 259 people. An instant message box popped up from FightGuy4All. “Very good. Chet Donnelly had this coming and my client is very satisfied with the outcome. Make sure you pay Carlos and Daniel and I will be in touch. Oh, and leave Chet in his car bound and gagged. I have someone coming to take care of that.” The message box closed automatically when the connection was dropped. Henry smiled and lit up a cigar, taking a long puff, he looked up at the monitors and saw the limp and badly beaten face of Chet was directly below the camera. “Lights out asshole.... lights out.”