Atlantis400's Blog
More than 20 past opponents and the journey never ends
This is my first blog post on meetfighters and a journey through my time in meetfighters. Hopefully you enjoy it.
When I started meetfighters around 4 year's ago it was such a dream to have some past opponents. I'm from a small village in the German Alps, completely country side and there is no fighter around. After around one year I had my first opponent and it was such a great feeling. Then I started travelling in Australia and meet a lot of more people. After my 10th opponents I was thinking how incredible will be this to have 20 past opponents. Couple of weeks ago it was finally there I had more than 20 past opponents. Such an incredible feeling.
Somebody from you is probably thinking now I'm only here to collect past opponents but that's wrong.
Every past opponents means also to meet a new guy with the same interest. When I figured out that I'm gay it was because 2 men's was fighting each other. It was like a soft porn. I remember to watch UFC in the German television when I was around 16 year's old and it was incredible. But I was always thinking I'm alone with my interest. Since I heard about meetfighters and finally joined meetfighters I'm finally now I'm not alone. That's the big reason I'm happy to meet always new people on meetfighters and I can tell you it's sometimes really hard to meet someone.
I like to check the profiles and always wondered why some profiles are long time on meetfighters without any past opponents. Is there just here for seeing pictures or why there have no or less past opponents in a few years. For me is the past opponents the first check when I like to meet a guy. When somebody have some past opponents I know he is for sure not fake. In my opinion past opponents is also a safety reason because most of the time nobody now the person behind the profile and past opponents including recommendations is the first check is it safe to meet this guy behind the profile and not fake.
Like I told you in the beginning it was for me also not easy in the beginning but I managed it to meet some people. When I'm in a new town I'm always sending a lot of messages to the locals and mostly the people without opponents it's never sending me a message back. Than I now he is fake or not able to send me a message that he have no interest or time. Sorry the sentence no answer no interest is in my opinion bullshit.
Thanks again for everyone of my past opponents and for this incredible journey. I'm hoping to meet more guys here on meetfighters.
Thanks for reading it. Have a safe Christmas good blessings for the next days and a good start in the next year.
Brawler (55)
12/21/2024 4:59 AMGreat post. Look forward to a rematch when we’re next in the same city and it’s mutually convenient. Pity about the time wasters on meetfighters and like you I don’t understand no opponents on profiles as this is a meet fighters site after all. And it’s not hard to reply no thanks when challenged. Good luck with reaching your 30 past opponents milestone.
Atlantis400 (29 )
12/21/2024 5:04 AM(In reply to this)
Hey thanks for your comment. I'm also hoping to meet you again. I'm happy that I'm not alone with my few points of messages reply and past opponents.
Sibeasterus (10)
12/21/2024 6:42 PM"When I'm in a new town I'm always sending a lot of messages to the locals and mostly the people without opponents it's never sending me a message back"
For me a person with 1 year or more profile but without previous opponent is a serious signal , usually it's some fake or man with something on his mind behind wrestling. Usually a man without previous opponents does not answer at all.
Atlantis400 (29 )
12/22/2024 1:56 AM(In reply to this)
Thanks for your comment. I'm happy that I'm not alone with my few. Good luck that you find a lot of fighters.
roy65 (105 )
12/21/2024 7:58 PMThank you for letting us meet and for the fun we had. I wish you continued good opponents and all the best!
Atlantis400 (29 )
12/22/2024 2:00 AM(In reply to this)
Hey Roy thanks for your comment. Thanks also for our meeting it was great. By the way I'm on my way back to Germany and hope to meet you again
retserof (38 )
12/24/2024 3:21 AMSo sorry the timing never seems to match. I'll catch you on the next one, I hope.
The Pit (156)
12/24/2024 8:00 PMWay to go man! Good luck on your journey, and thank you for sharing this with us.
Juggernaut (0)
12/26/2024 6:49 PMIn Greek mythology they tell the story of Icarus whose wax glued wings melted when he flew higher and higher and got to close to the sun. That story made sense long ago because there was a lot of science they didn't know existed. In fact, the air gets colder the higher you go, not hotter. Icarus might have fallen into the sea, but because his wings got cold and iced up, not melted.
Atlantis400 (29 )
12/27/2024 2:17 AM(In reply to this)
Thanks for your comment but I don't really understand what you like to telling me with the comment. You agree that we are here on meetfighters and this is a page for a meeting or you're disagree?
wldct1998 (6 )
12/27/2024 5:17 AMIt is interesting how you need to just get that first opponent or two, and then it's like the ball starts rolling. But it often does require traveling. I'm fortunate I'm able to do that. And you are definitely not alone! We are quite a community. Not everything is great about the internet, but I'm glad we have a site like this to find each other.
H16111960 (14)
12/29/2024 3:25 PMIt is an ineresting post. Thankyou!
Of course lacking opponents can be a sign a user is a are legions of these!
On the other side it is very difficult to find appropiate opponents: Stats don't fit. No inerest, level too different etc. etc.....
So You should keep in mind that it is difficult to find opponents here, at least this is my experience.
Juggernaut (0)
12/29/2024 9:31 PM(In reply to this)
Things are rarely as simple as black and white. But most of us find that taking that simple view of the world a lot easier to accept.