- Canada - Ontario, Ottawa
Olympic / Greco-Roman
No holds barred
Match structure: Give and take, Squash match, Play wrestling, Tag team / group fights, Two on one, Not interested in cyber
Miscellaneous interests: Massage, Friendship, I'm a heel, I'm a jobber
Shoot me a message if you want to wrestle! Love to take on dominant guys
Australia, Melbourne
29 / 6'6" (198 cm) / 187 lbs (85 kg)
Last login: 21 hours ago
11 past opponents in 2 yearsbullcrew
Canada - Ontario, Kingston
56 / 6'2" (188 cm) / 255 lbs (116 kg)
Last login: 5 hours ago
81 past opponents in 2 yearsJjRwrestle
Canada - Ontario, Toronto
40 / 6'4" (193 cm) / 203 lbs (92 kg)
22 past opponents in 3 yearssqueezetoy1984
Canada - Ontario, North Bay
40 / 5'10" (178 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg)
8 past opponents in 12 yearsToronto25
Canada - Ontario, Toronto
40 / 6'3" (191 cm) / 250 lbs (113 kg)
26 past opponents in 14 years