

Member since 6.9 years
Age 54
Height 6'0" (183 cm)
Weight 220 lbs (100 kg)
Gender Male
Looking for Male
Gear Leggings/spats, briefs, singlets, shorts, nothing
Languages spoken English
Last login today
Last update 7/27/2022


Show on map
  1. USA - Minnesota, Lakeland
  2. USA - Massachusetts, Boston
    (I'm here between 5/23/2024 and 5/27/2024)

I am willing to travel 100 miles
I am willing to host. (Bed and Breakfast)

Past opponents


Olympic / Greco-Roman Olympic / Greco-Roman
Submission Submission

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Play wrestling, Practicing techniques, Tag team / group fights, Two on one, Workout partner, Outdoors fights, Not interested in cyber

Specific wrestling styles: Brazilian ju-jitsu, Folkstyle, Mud/oil wrestling

Stand-up fighting: Not interested in stand-up fighting

Miscellaneous interests: I have access to mats

Fetishes: Don't want sex, Jackoff, Naked wrestling, Nipple play, Face sitting, Muscle worship

Followers of AthleticDad


Train no-gi BJJ and enjoy rolling and wrestling for a solid workout to improve skill or simply have some sweaty fun. Enjoy submission matches but open to other styles including playful roughhousing. Prefer a give and take over one-sided match and happy to provide some advantage to lesser skilled or smaller opponents. Prioritize safety with no injury during a match and expect the same. Have mat space in a private location on my property and happy to host if you’re traveling in my area.


AthleticDad has no cyber opponents.