Complaints Conditions and Report Policy

Introduction is a social website that connects people who are interested in wrestling, boxing, and martial arts. Our mission is to provide a safe, respectful, and fun platform for our members to chat, meet, and fight with each other. We value our community and we want everyone to have a positive and enjoyable experience on our website.

However, we also recognize that sometimes conflicts, misunderstandings, or inappropriate behaviors may occur among our members. That is why we have established this complaints and report policy to address any issues that may arise and to protect our members from any harm or abuse. This policy outlines the principles, procedures, and consequences of our complaints and report system.

Our Principles

  1. We respect the rights and dignity of all our members and we expect them to do the same.
  2. We do not tolerate any form of harassment, discrimination, bullying, violence, or illegal activity on our website. For the full list, please refer to our Community Guidelines.
  3. We encourage our members to communicate and resolve any disputes or disagreements among themselves in a civil and respectful manner.
  4. We provide a complaints and report system for our members to report any violations of our terms of service, code of conduct, or this policy.
  5. We review and investigate all complaints and reports fairly, promptly, and confidentially.
  6. We take appropriate actions and sanctions against any offenders, depending on the severity and frequency of their violations.
  7. We inform both the complainant and the offender of the outcome of our investigation and the actions taken. However, in certain cases, we may be unable to provide internal site-specific reasoning or insight in order to protect our site, property, or the personal data of anyone involved.
  8. We keep a record of all complaints and reports and their resolutions for future reference.
  9. We monitor and evaluate our complaints and report system regularly and make improvements as needed.
  10. Even if no action is possible based on an individual report, this report stays attached to the offender's profile and might be used for future similar reports, allowing us to detect recurring issues with the same user.
  11. Similarly, we also keep track of the members who file complaints and reports and their reasons for doing so. This allows us to identify and address any potential users who might abuse the reporting system for malicious or personal motives.

Your tools for managing and reporting interactions

At, we provide our members with various ways to report or block other members, ensuring a safe and respectful environment. Depending on where the issue arises, members can use different tools:

In the App:

  1. Navigate to the side menu of the user you wish to report or block.
  2. Select 'Report member' or 'Block member.'
  3. Choose the appropriate issue type from the dropdown menu.
In Chat:
  1. Use the 'report member' or 'block member' button found in the side menu of the chat interface.
  2. Use the 'mute member' button in a private or public chat room, to his messages allowing for Professional Disengagement
  3. Select the type of issue you are reporting from the list provided.
On the Website:
  1. Visit the profile of the member you wish to report or block.
  2. Click on the 'Report member' or 'Block member' button.
  3. Choose the relevant issue type to complete your report.
On individual messages:
  1. Click the quick menu indicated by the three dots on each message and mark the message as 'Spam' or 'Delete'.
  2. Click the 'More' menu and Click on the 'Report member' or 'Block member' button.
Over email:
  1. Alternatively, you can send an email to
  2. While these email reports are automatically converted into our ticket system, we highly recommend using the built-in tools on our platform to ensure a faster and more streamlined response. Due to privacy and security concerns, we are unable to respond to email tickets involving account-specific or personal issues, in order to protect our members.
Consequences of Blocking Members:
  • Immediate Non-Interaction: Once a member is blocked, they cannot send messages, engage in chat, or view the blocker's profile and activities. This immediate cessation of interaction helps protect our members from unwanted or harmful communications. You can review your blocked members here.

Understanding different types of issues and reports

On, we are committed to maintaining a respectful and safe environment for all our members. If you encounter any behavior that violates our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can report it through the following specific options:

Common Issues:

  • Removal of an Abuse Flag: If an abuse flag has been mistakenly placed on your profile. Learn more.
  • Unwanted/Incivil Messages: Handling receiving messages that are unsolicited, offensive, or disrespectful. Learn more.
  • Unjust Blocking by a Member: If you believe you’ve been blocked without just cause, let us know. Learn more.
  • Racist or discriminating messages: Immediately report any messages that contain racist or hateful content. Report here.
  • Report Incivil, Fake, No Show, or Dangerous Behavior: For members who violate norms of civility, engage in deceit, fail to show up for planned meets, or pose a danger to others. Learn more.
  • Copyright Violation: If you observe copyrighted content being improperly used, report it to protect intellectual property. Report here.
  • Underage Member Reporting: Safety of minors is critical. Report any accounts that appear to belong to underage users. Report here.
  • Eroticism or Escort Services in Member Names: Member names should not contain sexually explicit content or suggest escort services. Report here.
  • Terms of Service Violation: For any breaches of our established terms or community guidelines. Report here.
  • Incident on Site’s Chat Service: If an incident occurs in our chat service that requires attention, please report it. Report here.

Why Certain Reports Require an Account
Some reports, such as those dealing with copyright violations, can be made without an account because they involve protecting legal rights and often originate from outside parties, such as copyright holders or legal representatives. In contrast, issues that involve interpersonal interactions, like receiving unwanted messages or abusive behavior, typically require an account to ensure that reports are valid and prevent misuse of our reporting system.
This distinction ensures that our platform can effectively manage and respond to issues while protecting the privacy and rights of all involved parties. By requiring an account for certain types of reports, we maintain the integrity of our complaints system and provide a secure environment for our users.

Addressing issues with Self-Management tools

At, we recognize that not all issues require direct intervention from our support team. For certain types of concerns, such as unwanted or incivil messages, we provide members with guidance and tools to manage these situations independently. This approach not only empowers members but also ensures a swift and effective resolution, enhancing the overall user experience.

Why some issues are handled by members

  1. Immediate Control: By using the blocking feature or adjusting personal settings, members can quickly remove themselves from negative interactions without the delay of a formal review process.
  2. Self-Empowerment: Encouraging members to handle minor issues on their own fosters a sense of responsibility and control over their environment.
  3. Resource Efficiency: This allows our support team to allocate resources more effectively, focusing on more severe cases that require official intervention.
Recommended Actions:
  1. Professional Disengagement: For less severe issues, we recommend a professional disengagement approach—essentially deciding to not engage further with the offending member. This can be an effective strategy to maintain peace and avoid escalation over minor disagreements.
  2. Blocking: This is the first line of defense against most forms of unwanted communication. Blocking a member instantly prevents them from further contacting you, which is often the fastest way to resolve minor disputes.
  3. Mute Function in Chat Rooms: To address concerns in a less confrontational manner, especially in public or private chat rooms, we offer a mute function. This tool allows you to hide messages from any particular user without having to block them entirely. Utilizing the mute function can help you manage your interactions more discreetly, maintaining a comfortable chat environment without the permanence of a block.
  4. Review and Adjust Privacy Settings: To further enhance your control over interactions and visibility on our platform, we encourage you to regularly review and adjust your privacy settings. Key settings include:
    1. Notifications to Fans: You have the option to toggle whether your fans are notified of your updates and logins. Adjusting this setting can help manage who gets immediate updates about your activities.
  5. Public Content Voting Options: When posting videos or blog posts, you can configure whether to disable voting on this content altogether or restrict voting to non-anonymous users only. These options give you greater control over the feedback mechanism, potentially reducing conflicts or negative interactions.
Administrative tools for Chat room creators:
  1. Banning and Blocking Members: As a chat room creator, you have the authority to ban or block members from your chat room. This can be used to prevent disruptive or inappropriate behavior from affecting the experience of other chat room participants. Banning removes a member's ability to rejoin the room, while blocking prevents them from sending messages or interacting within the room.
  2. Creating Private Chat Rooms: You also have the option to create private chat rooms. A private chat room is invite-only, meaning only members who have been explicitly invited by the room creator can join. This feature is particularly useful for those who want to establish a controlled environment where sensitive topics can be discussed without the intrusion of uninvited members.
Enhancing Member Insights and Control:
  1. Community-Driven Recommendation and Abuse Flag System: Our platform features a robust community-driven recommendation and abuse flag system, visible on user profiles. This system, along with the past opponent counter, enables members to identify reputable users and spot those who may have less favorable histories.
  2. Message controls: Members have the option to disable messages from new members.
  3. Challenge Controls: Members have the option to disable challenges also commonly referred to as "ice breaker" messages.
  4. Control Over Adult Content: Members can opt to not receive XXX/adult-rated pictures, enhancing personal control over the content viewed on the platform.

Our role in supporting you

While we encourage members to use these self-management tools, we also understand the importance of having a support system in place for issues that escalate beyond these measures. Our team remains committed to assisting with more complex problems and ensuring that all members can participate in our community safely and respectfully. If an issue persists or escalates despite the use of these tools, we encourage members to contact our support team by submitting a report.

Addressing issues by filing an official report against another member

If you encounter any problem or issue on our website that violates our terms of service, community guidelines, or this policy, you have the following options. But first, we want to remind you again about alternatives to report members;

Professional Disengagement:

  • You can block or ignore the offending member and stop any further contact with them.
  • You can contact the offending member and try to resolve the issue amicably and respectfully.
  • You can mark the message received as spam or delete it.

If none of the above helps or is not applicable in your case;
Report the user:

  • You can report the offending member to us by using one of the report buttons explained on this page.
  • When you report a member, you will be asked to provide the following information, the specific information asked depends on the type of report you select:
    • The username of the offending member.
    • The date and time of the incident.
    • The nature and details of the violation.
    • Any evidence or screenshots of the violation.
    • Any other relevant information or comments.
    • Once you submit your report, you will receive a confirmation message and a reference number as well as a URL to access your report.
    • You can add at any time more information to your case or upload screenshots or files.

Addressing feedback and complaints against

We at deeply value our members' feedback and are committed to ensuring a fair, efficient, and courteous resolution to any complaints you might have. We understand that your feedback is essential in helping us improve our services and enhance the customer experience. Every complaint is seen as an opportunity for us to better understand your needs and refine our offerings.

Commitment to Resolution:

  • Our team is dedicated to resolving any issues you may encounter with fairness and efficiency. We recognize the importance of addressing your concerns promptly and courteously, ensuring that all members feel respected and protected while enjoying their experience on our platform.
Customer Complaint Process:
  • If you have a complaint, we encourage you to reach out to us through our Contact Form, available in the site footer.
    • Please provide a clear description of the issue and include any relevant details (such as order numbers, dates, etc.) to help us understand and address your complaint effectively.
    • We urge you to contact us as soon as an issue arises to facilitate a swift resolution.

Addressing issues with Photo Peer Review complaints

To maintain the integrity and appropriateness of photos uploaded by our members, implements a peer review system. This system allows other community members to review new photos to ensure they meet our community standards and guidelines. Please review Guidelines for Picture Moderation in Our Community.

Notification of Classification:

  • If a photo is classified differently from your submission during the peer review, you will be notified via a message.
  • This message includes an appeal link, should you wish to contest the classification.
Appeals Process for Photo Classification
If you disagree with the peer review outcome, please review the Guidelines for Picture Moderation in Our Community. If you still think your picture was wrongly reviewed, you can use the provided appeal link to submit an appeal. This process is designed to ensure fairness and accuracy in our photo moderation. To appeal:
  • Click on the appeal link included in your notification message.
  • Submit any additional evidence or justification for why the photo should be classified as originally submitted.
  • Our team will review your appeal and make a final determination, ensuring that all submissions adhere to our community standards.
  • Our decision on your appeal is final and binding.

Our expected timeline for your case

  • Upon receiving your complaint, our team will acknowledge it within 8 hours during Central European Business hours. In most cases, you can expect an answer much sooner.
  • A dedicated team member will be assigned to your case to ensure it is handled with the attention it deserves. If needed, more team members might be included.
  • We will review your complaint thoroughly and may contact you for further information if necessary.
  • We aim to resolve complaints within three business days. However, if it's a complex issue requiring more time, we will keep you informed about the progress.
  • Once a resolution is reached, we will communicate the outcome to you and ensure that any agreed-upon actions are implemented promptly.

How we handle your case on a personal level

At, we are dedicated to handling each case with personal attention and care, ensuring that all interactions are respectful, fair, and considerate. Here’s how we approach each case:

  • De-escalation Techniques: Our support team is instructed to use de-escalation methods where appropriate. We believe that many situations can be resolved more effectively when emotions are calmed and communications are thoughtful.
  • Considerate Timing: In some instances, we might introduce a delay in our responses, allowing for what we call "a good night's sleep." This practice helps both members and our support team approach the situation with a clearer, more composed mindset, often leading to more rational and calm resolutions.
  • Consistent Communication: Our supporters use predefined text building blocks to ensure streamlined and consistent communication. This approach helps us handle each request equally and maintain high standards of clarity and professionalism across all member interactions.
  • AI-Enhanced Methods: To streamline communication and improve response efficiency, our supporters may use AI-enhanced methods. These tools aid in managing inquiries effectively, ensuring that we can provide quick and accurate assistance. While AI helps us, the final message is always sent by a human supporter.
  • Human Touch: Despite the use of advanced tools and systems, our supporters are humans who understand that mistakes can happen. If you believe there has been an error in handling your case, an escalation to the administrator can be requested to review the situation thoroughly.
  • Diverse Representation: Our aim is to have a support team that represents a wide array of people from our community, including different countries, ages, and ethnicities. This diversity helps us better understand and address the varied needs and perspectives of our members.
  • Internal Collaboration: If necessary, our supporters can discuss your case internally to gather multiple perspectives and decide the best course of action, ensuring that every decision is well-considered and balanced.
  • Anonymity in Responses: For the safety and protection especially of our volunteering support team, our supporters have the option to respond anonymously if they feel that revealing their identity could lead to undue pressure or aggression from the user.

Our policy on blocked or banned accounts

If a user contacts us regarding an issue associated with a blocked or banned account, we reserve the right to not respond if the query relates to the final action taken on that account. This policy helps us maintain the integrity of our decisions and ensures the safety and respect of our community guidelines.


If we find that a member has violated our terms of service, community guidance, or this policy, we will take one or more of the following actions, depending on the severity and frequency of their violations:

  • We will issue a warning to the offending member and remind them of our rules and expectations.
  • We will apply the 'Mandatory verification' flag to the reported members, which will prevent any interactions on our website until their profile is verified.
  • We will delete or edit the offending content or message.
  • We will suspend or restrict the offending member's access to some or all of our features and services. Permanently or temporarily.
  • We will ban or terminate the offending member's account.
  • We will report the offending member to the relevant authorities or law enforcement agencies if their violation involves any illegal or criminal activity.
  • We have systems in place that automatically catch and restrict profiles if a suspension or investigation is bypassed by creating a new account.


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our investigation or the actions taken, you have the right to appeal our decision. You can do so by contacting us within 7 days of receiving our notification. You will need to provide the following information:

  • Your username and reference number.
  • The reason and basis for your appeal.
    • Any new or additional evidence or information that supports your appeal.
  • We will review your appeal and conduct a further investigation if necessary. We will try to respond to your appeal and inform you of the final outcome within 2 days. However, some cases may take longer depending on their complexity and urgency.
  • Our decision on your appeal is final and binding.

Copyright and Illegal Content Handling

At, safeguarding copyright and preventing illegal activities are paramount. Here's how we manage copyright infringements and illegal content:

Proactive prevention measures
We proactively work to prevent the occurrence of illegal and copyright-infringing activities on our platform. Here's how we enforce our preventative measures:

  • Peer Review System: We employ a robust peer review system that scans all submitted content on our platform. This system classifies content into various categories, including identifying potential illegal or copyright-infringing material. This early detection helps in preventing the spread of unauthorized content and ensures compliance with legal standards.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Our platform is continuously monitored by automated systems and human reviewers to detect and address any signs of illegal activities or copyright infringement swiftly. This ongoing vigilance helps maintain a safe and respectful environment for all members.
  • Education and Awareness: We regularly educate our members about the importance of respecting copyright laws and the consequences of illegal activities through our community guidelines and targeted communications. This proactive educational approach aims to reduce violations by informing members of their responsibilities and the legal implications of their actions.
  • Community Involvement: Our community plays a crucial role in our prevention efforts. Members are encouraged to report suspicious activities and content that they believe might violate our terms of service or copyright laws. This community-driven vigilance enhances our overall prevention strategies.
Copyright and Illegal Content Reporting
  • Immediate Attention: We prioritize reports of copyright and illegal activities to prevent unlawful use or distribution of material on our platform. Prompt action ensures compliance and protects intellectual property.
  • Reporting Procedure: Members or Guests can report copyright infringements or illegal content activities by submitting a detailed claim. This should include proof of ownership for copyright issues or detailed descriptions and evidence for illegal activities. Accurate and complete information enables us to respond swiftly and effectively.
  • Take-Down Process: Upon receiving a valid report, we initiate a take-down procedure to remove the infringing or illegal content from our platform immediately. Our actions are in strict compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and other applicable international laws and regulations.
  • Notification and Response: After addressing the report, we notify the reporting party of the actions taken. We also contact the member who posted the infringing or illegal content, offering them the opportunity to contest the claim or provide their explanation if they believe the report was made in error.

These measures are designed to handle copyright and illegal content concerns with professionalism and transparency, ensuring protection for all parties involved and maintaining the integrity of our platform.

Our approach to resolving complaints and appeals reflects our dedication to the fairness and safety of our community, aiming to ensure a positive and respectful environment for all members.

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