Wrestlers over age 50

Dealing with Ignorance and Rejection

Spruceman (55)

9/18/2018 2:50 PM

We folks in the USA need to be much less fussy and hung up about age. It seems men in the rest of the world – especially the UK, are much less fussy about age and "cuteness.". It seems over half my profile views and invites are from the UK. If only I had the resources to get over there; but they sure are welcome to take me on when visiting my area.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

1/13/2019 1:03 AM

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Very true...Age should be optional in one's profile or be something that is only shown once u look at the actual profile, not just in dragging your mouse over it...I will never understand why as in BJJ class I go against everyone from high school age and up and no one has any issues, whether it be gi, no-gi or judo. There is a gay themed all sports event here in LVS a week from today that includes wrestling but unfortunately finances keep me out of it. As you mention I have been in touch with members here from all around the world and in other countries from Israel to India to Europe, the Far East and South America and even from Mexico and Canada get many more replies and much more courteous ones at that. Here in town (LVS)peopleascloseas1 km do not even have the courtesy to reply to emails. Are they embarrassed that they may run in to me at Smith's grocery or the 202 stop?


Barcuddufan (0)

1/09/2019 8:53 AM

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I luv Americans and to me old is gold! 😃


Iwreslinca (31 )

9/19/2018 5:34 AM

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In my experience in Los Angeles, surprisingly, I’ve had my best wrestling hookups with guys half my age...


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

9/18/2018 11:28 PM

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U are right. Whether it be emails or in the chat room I have noticed that wrestlers from Greece, Israel,Cyprus and Egypt almost always reply (maybe something in the water in the Mediterranean) and many in the U.S.do not. Others lead u on for months on end as they want to have a lot of people showing them as "favorites" to boost their egos. S


Spruceman (55)

12/10/2018 3:32 AM

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Others want a lot of 'favorites,' and past opponents,' as well as lots of good recommendations, in hopes these will make it easier to find matches. A matter of credentials, especially in credential & status-conscious locations.– and where guys can be very, very picky and cliquish , such as in the Wash DC area (probably a full 180 from the seemingly very open U.K. in that regard).


calwrestler (146)

9/18/2018 7:47 PM

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The Brits love wrestling Yanks...


Barcuddufan (0)

1/09/2019 8:53 AM

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We certainly do! 😃


Edlime (1 )

9/18/2018 7:51 PM

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Yes indeed I do


ManhattanMaulers (47)

9/18/2018 8:41 PM

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Mutual feeling.


Edlime (1 )

9/18/2018 9:29 PM

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Oh yes I'm feeling it !!


Spruceman (55)

9/18/2018 8:04 PM

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C'mon my way if ever my way. Can be anything between lame 'n' tame and ruff 'n' tuff – will adjust to all as long as it's safe 'n' sane. My profile's recommendations tell my story than my own words do :)


Edlime (1 )

9/18/2018 8:07 PM

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Hey nicely put !!
I will if ever I'm your way!!


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

5/07/2018 6:18 AM

I have noticed that some of the older members are not willing to wrestle other older members as well. The 5 listed as closest to me ( from 1 to 5 km from me) are aged 43,31,65,44,57 and all of them do not even give the courtesy of a reply,thus often age is not the only reason for rudeness.


Spruceman (55)

9/18/2018 8:54 PM

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Some of those described (or shown on the mapping) as close may not be. One guy purportedly within a mile of me is displayed (ever since I joined the site) as residing in the middle of a bike path, others in public parks, for at least a year. There are also some guys shown as miles offshore in the Atlantic for months on end (no drilling platforms there either). There's either spoofing or they a there, get their location logged in, and then turn off location permissions – forever displaying them fixed there.


Spruceman (55)

9/18/2018 2:37 PM

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Seems like many close-by locals avoid others nearby – maybe fear of answering questions if you see them in public and say hello to them while they are with their boyfriends, wives, co-workers, whatever. Also could be too busy courting faraway visitors (would-be visitors) knowing locals are there any time they are hard up. Age certainly exacerbates the problem; but it is probably not the sole cause for being snubbed or other exclusionary behavior. I'll just stick to my policy of NOT refusing any man of legal age, willing to visit me (tho negotiate certain limits on style, intensity, kinkiness if an egregious mismatch in health, strength, fitness, weight, etc.)


Edlime (1 )

9/02/2018 10:55 AM

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67 here I would wrestle you if I was there gagging for it Please log in to view gallery photos.


turnbuckl (38)

6/05/2018 2:13 AM

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The wrestling scene can be very frustrating. It seems that many of us are obsessed with it and want to all the time. Some men like the sport of wrestling, some like the erotic aspect..pro, sub, bjj...then there is distance, timing, chemistry, manners, mutual attraction....... many factors involved for a hot hook up. Some here are lurkers and just like to cyber. Some just don't have any social skills or humor. It is great to see men i wrestled 30 years ago still into it. You can still have fun but realistically, the body just isnt the same as it was when we were younger. But you can tone it down. I love to be a wild man in the ring- but i can't maneuver like i did years ago- just the shitty part of life. Don't take rejection personally- not everyone is everyone's cup of tea. Some are picky.... I have reached out to y men and get no response- just send it up in a red balloon and move on.


Spruceman (55)

12/10/2018 3:47 AM

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Surely, eroticism plays a big role for many. However, in real life, some of the hottest porn-star lookalike guys can be about as erotic as a cracked concrete block, while another whose pic suggests he is Mister Dullsville can be Mr Hot, Erotic Guy to the ninth power.


Iwreslinca (31 )

12/10/2018 7:10 AM

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That's totally been my experience. The gorgeous guys only want each other or are so deadly dull, why bother? LOL



1/10/2019 4:10 PM

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HEY the revenge is when the gorgeous guys age, and no longer get picked ... and they are all alone, likely drinking their rejections away.


Spruceman (55)

1/10/2019 4:25 PM

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The real irony is when some of these refusing guys grow a few years older, get so out of shape, the no longer wrestle, and merely gawk at those who do – while some of the guys they turn down due to age are still in good shape and actively engage in wrestling and elated sport


calwrestler (146)

9/18/2018 10:26 PM

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I reject....they reject
All don't want the same thing
Painful sometimes...it's just ego and preference and attraction!
So yes..move on to the next one


Tank (8)

6/05/2018 12:17 PM

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well said...!
This is EXACTLY how i feel.
I also seem to get along better with guys born with the wrestling fetish and have the gear ,
For me there is a BIG difference when someone is born with the fetish (we seem to be on the same page)
Also like them close in age ., ht and wt.
Been born with the fetish and at 65 just want to have fun with it.


FLGripper (8 )

6/05/2018 3:06 AM

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I totally agree with you on all levels... As I grow older I find myself less open to wrestling most people... You and I are in that stage where our level of competition is much lower than it was years ago... The profiles need to be extremely precise and "hit the head on the nail" so to speak... As you said though, It is great to still see men our age still into this sport/fetish/fun... I will continue at a slower pace and just be aware of my limitations and enjot the rest of the ride while I can... If you see the red balloon just release it and move on... ... we all have our own path to find.... Don't waste your time


Tank (8)

6/05/2018 12:18 PM

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Yeap agree 100%


Spruceman (55)

6/05/2018 3:14 AM

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At seventy-five, I'm still getting stronger and wrestling better and more aggressively than ever in my life. Working about 3 hrs a day one way or another, without missing a day a few months shy of 3 years :) So far, yet to refuse anyone, tho might suggest concessions if he egregiously outweighs me or out-strengths me.


FLGripper (8 )

6/05/2018 3:17 AM

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I'm definitely stronger than I was a few years ago, but still not what I was 15 years ago and doubt that will ever come to pass... i will, however, continue my gym workouts and keep myself the best possible... Cheers to us older buds that continue their paths!


Iwreslinca (31 )

6/05/2018 6:49 PM

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This is a fantastic post! Thanks for saying what I’ve felt.


Spruceman (55)

6/05/2018 6:56 PM

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Interesting how the guys who say some of us are too old to fight, don't have the balls to meet up to back up what they say. Are they afraid that we are zombies and pieces of infectious, rotting flesh will come loose and dirty
their hands? More likely, it's their manliness which is in that condition!!!!!!!!!!Yeah guys! Take that as a challenge ..


Spruceman (55)

6/05/2018 3:23 AM

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Celebrated # 75 taking on four 20-someones (individually, however) with orders to be serious about it, no pussy-footing taking it easy. Want a big blast for # 80 – and I'm not talking "pretend wrestling"


Spruceman (55)

5/07/2018 1:29 PM

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Similar case here; and others have remarked similarly to me. Suspect a fear of being with someone (e.g., wife, boyfriend, co-worker) they don't want to know of their 'far out' fetish and having a "fetish mate" say hello and being asked "Who was that–Where do you know him from?" Some men have to be deep underground as far as wrestling/mma/other fighting is concerned. (The old "I don't s**t where I eat.")

Also, don't rely too much on the location thing for accuracy. I've seem guys showing up as being 20 miles offshore, or living in the middle of a park, or being in same spot along a trail for months on end. Suspect were those locations at one time, letting the site update their location, then refusing site to allow location updates..


PiperDave (0 )

12/20/2017 7:41 PM

OK, guys. I'm 81 and still in good shape. I entered arm wrestling tournaments first when I was 69 and three more times more recently. I'm not much of a wrestler, but are always game to try strength matching with another guy. Still work out with weights regularly.


Barefoot Grappler (9 )

12/20/2017 7:21 AM

I have a match this Satt. With a younger man a rematch he is 40 me 57 ,my wife is watching pics video ,we are fighting for a blowjob I can’t wait to get on the mat


hardonthemat (64)

12/20/2017 4:49 PM

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I like the stakes you guys are rasslin' for. Go get him . Win that prize!


SilverFoxFight (39)

8/20/2016 5:42 PM

Another factor here is the "partner doesn't approve" factor. I really hate to wrestle guys who are afraid of "being found out" or don't show at the last minute because their wife/partner wanted to do something last minute. If you are committed to someone who doesn't approve, DON'T DO IT. My two cents. Deano


Spruceman (55)

5/12/2018 2:42 PM

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At the same time the would-be objecting partner, spouse, whatever expects to have complete freedom to pursue his/her own fetishes as they desire. Time for some of these forced to do even genuine sport wrestling without sex in many cases, on the "down low," to tell the partner if he/she doesn't consent to his doing it, then he won't grant analogous consent to his/her pursuits. Time to rassle some common sense into an objecting partner, by demanding some quid pro quo rather than "squid saying no" squeezing your life


itoddbear (0)

8/21/2016 8:06 AM

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That really is a great way to look at it.. I don't like the sneaking around or the other aspects that go along with it. Don't act like you know me if I see you out. It's not worth the trouble of dealing with it. Honesty is just the best and simple way.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

8/19/2016 7:21 AM

What is interesting is that even some of the older people here ignore you as well. How hard is it to send an email reply indicating interest or indicating no interest? As to fetishes/preferences, it is a fine line between that and pure bigotry. If you have ever competed in a tourney you cannot tell the referree I do not like the way he or she looks (your opponent). If is as ridiculous as the acts of some of the middle eastern countries at the Olympics who refuse to compete or make an excuse not to because their opponent is from Israel. The site is called "meetfighters" and while obviously age and weight divisions are needed on the mat (wresting/jiujitsu)or on the ring (if boxing/muay thai etc)the mat to keep things fair for simple practice age makes little difference. I practiced technique with someone younger tonight at BJJ practice, neither he nor I thought anything was out of the ordinary and we both learned better techniques. We then did a 5" roll respecting each other's abiltiies and limtiations and we both benefited as well, especially in the application of techniques that we had just learned tonight. It is unfortunate that this bigotry problem exists, let's not make it worse. Thanks


BigBhim (2)

8/20/2016 5:17 AM

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My problem is that those in my general area say they want to meet but don't, yet a couple of times I went to where they were and they flaked.
I admit I'm no spring chicken but I hate it when I clear my schedule and get stood up.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

8/20/2016 8:31 AM

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I would remark in their recommendations that they were "no shows" to warn others. There is no excuse for this kind of behavior, making an appointment and then failing to show or notify the other party if you can no longer make it. Looks do not matter when it comes to the common decency of keeping an appointment or providing timely notice that you are unable to make the appointment.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

9/19/2018 5:45 AM

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I never knew it snowed so much in Las Vegas, even in the summer.


Tank (8)

8/19/2016 3:52 PM

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Great comments.
But there is still a question of age for me.
When I was 20..i liked guys in their 20's
When 30 liked and turned on by guys in their 30's
If I now see a guy in their 60's wearing wrestling shoes the same size as me ( and too fat now but I was a stud muffin in my earlier years ) a complete turn on for me.
Sometimes it's like the young wrestlers are cruising to find their own type and a bunch of old wrestlers feelings get hurt when turned down..
I'm glad as I got older my taste got older too..
Not that i'm right and some like older and some like younger.
No one should get upset of you are turned down or do not hear anything by some 30, 40 yo if you are in your 60's


scottimike (26)

5/06/2018 12:16 PM

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Well said Tank ..!


Andy Bluebear (4)

4/12/2016 7:54 AM

Not all of us younger guys are turned off by older men...some of us actually prefer older men


FLGripper (8 )

8/19/2016 6:18 AM

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everyone has their preferences... no need for anyone to get offended.. after all, we are a group of people with a certain fetish/want that some frown upon... ignore them... find what you're looking for guys... and go for it


wrtlx (13)

4/15/2016 5:34 AM

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I think guys are turned off by older guys because they think we are trying to prove that we still have game. I know I am not 20 any more and need to rest between sets. Also there is a certain amount of creepiness about a really fit old guy.


wrtlx (13)

6/08/2016 3:27 PM

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It appears I have struck a nerve with a few people and perhaps it is my use of the word "creepiness". I workout regularly and have for several years at a few different gyms. One thing that always has bothered me is when someone is freely walking around the locker room completely naked with no modesty and the worst is when someone is using the blow dryer to dry his junk. Every time this is witnessed it is always a very fit older guy. That always bothers me and I admit it creeps me out.


Ventrest (13)

8/18/2016 6:31 PM

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"freely walking around the locker room completely naked with no modesty" I guess it must be a cultural thing. I have no problems with it but I'm European. I find it funny when people take extra care to cover up and I tend to ask myself what they have got that everybody else hasn't. All gyms have strutters but they are of all ages.


Spruceman (55)

6/08/2016 5:23 PM

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What if it were a very fit younger guy doing the same? I have certainly seen enough younger guys struttin' 'round like peacocks showing it all off–and they love it when young guys are gazing in admiration – but looking aghast if an older guy gazes at them.


Kevin93 (14)

6/08/2016 4:37 AM

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Creepiness?? I find older men who are inshape hot and a inspiration.


mochablk (21)

6/07/2016 3:28 PM

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Not sure sure about why a fit older guy is creepy...please elaborate.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

6/07/2016 8:19 PM

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It is bigotry, pure and simple. When almost on on ein a large metro area will even give you the decency of a reply whether in email or chat they must be so insecure.


Chuck (57)

4/18/2016 3:59 PM

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Just for the record, I'm 55. Whatever the definition of 'old' is, I'm not it. If its 60+ I can't wait to get there. If it's 70+ then I can only hope that fit guys over 70 don't consider themselves creepy. take at look at Spruceman, fit? yes, sexy? yes, creepy? absolutely not!


Andy Bluebear (4)

4/18/2016 4:01 PM

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Spruceman is definitely sexy.


Spruceman (55)

4/18/2016 4:32 PM

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It's a cultural thing here in the USA. There is such a premium placed on youth everywhere in the media, that older folks at best are expendable, at worst as drains on the social services and health care public budget. One certain sites, I have been told both by inference and in no uncertain terms from many Americans that a man my age has no business doing wrestling or mma – as well as sex. At the same time, Canadians, Europeans, Australians, and Asians are (on the average) far more receptive and complimentary. (sample size too small to generalize about the rest of the world).


NavelForce (0)

12/19/2017 9:20 AM

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I don't think you're creepy at all. More like inspirational. I'm looking for that "abs over 40" website. There's even a guy on there who's in his 80's still competing in Mr. Universe competitions and looks fantastic!


Iwreslinca (31 )

6/09/2016 8:10 AM

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I completely understand, and yet in my own more recent experiences my world has been turned upside down. In the last 3 years I've developed a Best Friend who is 33 (and we were sexually active at the beginning), a stunning 35 year old black belt judo instructor in Northern California who went ape-shit for me - and most recently a willing, adorable 25 year old the mid west. I admit to being astonished at being found desirable by younger (and vastly hoter) guys. What am I doing right? LOL


mochablk (21)

6/09/2016 10:02 PM

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Well, you ARE quite the looker...;-)


mochablk (21)

6/07/2016 3:26 PM

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I couldn't agree with you more Spruceman. I'd rather wrestle someone from another country most of the time...they're not JUDGEMENTAL!


Andy Bluebear (4)

4/18/2016 4:35 PM

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I think anyone, regardless of their age/race/nationality, would be lucky to wrestle and/or have sex with you.

But yes, America does have a...lets call it a youth fetish.


itoddbear (0)

8/21/2016 8:10 AM

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It's a shame too. When I was young I preferred more mature. As I get older.. I simply start liking guys closer to my age. It shouldn't automatically be the standard assumption that younger is preferred. Old dudes rule!


soxaholic (5)

9/25/2015 4:35 PM

So who wants to fight when and where?


Spruceman (55)

1/31/2016 9:19 PM

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If you get down Arlington VA way, you can wrestle with me.


gardenboy (18)

9/25/2015 6:18 PM

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Ever in northern Ohio? Would love to fight you!!


veterangrappler (16 )

9/20/2015 3:08 AM

Hi guys. Just noticed this discussion.

My suggestion if you are looking for regular wrestling workouts is to find a local HS coach who will welcome you to drill with his team. The coach whose team I wrestle with welcomed me as a "role model" for kids because I am a professional guy and these kids need to understand that there is life after HS and the gym (or mat room). You don't have to be a real good wrestler to do this. Just be willing to do the drills and sweat.


Spruceman (55)

1/16/2016 8:03 PM

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I would think that might work in a small town, where everybody knows everything about everyone, except for the most covert things in one's life [e.g., being on an Internet site frequented by gay folk would be a real no no.]. But in more urbanized areas, school authorities would be very reticent about allowing someone come off the street to work with school-age youth in any activity – let alone those involving body contact, no matter how innocent it might be.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

1/17/2016 5:20 AM

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Unfortunately you are correct as more than just what you mentioned about the body contact..what if one of the kids you train with gets injured while wrestling you?????Even with waivers, etc..the parents 1st question will be.."what was this guy doing there in the first place?"...The only contact you might be permitted is as a paying spectator at matches or a supporting booster but not getting on the mat or in contact with the wrestlers in any way other than incidental contact such as handing out awards at tournaments or as a ref (but you are insured here). I strongly suggest you find a BJJ school where u are covered as everyone is a member or allowed guest, and besides, more frequency as well to train.


badladuk (40)

9/18/2015 11:54 AM

I'm a younger guy into older guys. I first wrestled when I was 20 making contacts from Takedown and my first opponent was 48 my second was 59. Now I'm 38 the oldest guy I've wrestled /boxed is mid 70s and the youngest was 30 which was the same age as me at the time. I appreciate not everyone is like me but don't think that everybody follows a certain blueprint. Hope you older guys out there get the fun you deserve. Simon


Spruceman (55)

9/18/2018 2:42 PM

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I hope I am still around when you make it over this way in the future.


Edlime (1 )

9/18/2018 2:47 PM

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You can bet on that foxy


Spruceman (55)

9/18/2018 2:56 PM

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Sure thing. Come take me on. You are off to a great start with your first past opponent being the top man of the site, past-opponent wise.


Edlime (1 )

9/18/2018 2:59 PM

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Highly recommended great start wrestling was good driving was 4hours to do a two hour journey!!
but it was well worth it enjoyed ,,


gardenboy (18)

9/18/2015 4:16 PM

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Hey buddy the UK is very lucky to have you!


Butch Nelson (19)

9/16/2015 4:18 PM

The age thing only becomes an issue for guys that are strictly interested in whether or not they are sexually attracted to you. Gay men are pretty superficial as a general observation. I do think that wrestling is a demanding sport having competed in USA Wrestling tournaments up to 50 and wrestling at a USA Wrestling club up to 2013. The straight wrestling world is far less concerned and I found that even high school wrestlers had no issues wrestling me at 55. I do think I had to get over the age issue and just wrestle.


ltwtveteran (21)

9/17/2015 5:31 PM

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I have had the identical experience as Butch has had regarding competitive wrestling. There may be age bracketing in addition to weight bracketing to make the match-ups more fair. But ultimately, no young man ever walked off the mat when he saw a senior wrestler. One high school senior told me afterwards that he was a bit intimidated, but he emerged victorious nonetheless. I was definitely the crowd favorite.
On this site, a younger man looking at my profile is more likely seeking a "dad" figure or a "coach" than a wrestling partner.


DRessel (0)

9/17/2015 3:44 PM

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"Butch", Thanks for this insight and I believe that you are correct, but let's face it- most of the men who join sites like Meetfighters are primarily those who are physically attracted to males, and thus view wrestling from that perspective.


builtbod (42)

9/15/2015 5:57 AM

I really don't think it is an issue for most men over 50....many of the really good guys out there are in their 50's...its the group out there that are over 60 that seem to have the problem.
their is a stigma at 60...not 50....and as far as I can say...just be yourself...the younger ones who are good guys find no problem wrestling around with a guy over 60..never mind 50...as long as the older guy is in good shape...and has a good attitude..I met up with an awesome young 30 year old on my 63rd birthday....then met up with a 67 year old in great shape two weeks later....was all the same to me...just forget about the joints and believe in yourself guys...60 is the new 25...LOL


Spruceman (55)

1/15/2016 3:22 AM

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And it gets really bad over 70; as so many of the cohort are no longer physically able to wrestle – to put it mildly; and many in younger cohorts believe all of us have one foot in the grave. They don't even bother to read the profile or look at pics, but move on to the next listing here.


Spruceman (55)

1/16/2016 5:26 PM

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To put it in perspective: Since none of my doctors (including an M.D. friend) has no problem with me wrestling, etc. at my age – one saying it could be beneficial, life extending, salubrious (to be redundant) ; I fail to see why less qualified folk here and on similar sites, feel guys my age should not. Maybe an optional flag would be in order for folks to indicate they have medical clearance to engage in things here.


Spruceman (55)

1/17/2016 12:01 AM

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Second line of the above should "...read has any problem..." eliminating the double negative.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

1/15/2016 8:04 PM

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Yesterday, due my BJJ facility not having regular classes due an Aikido Seminar, I got on the trolley (San Diego has excellent public transit, car never needed) and went to an alternate BJJ gym (my Sensei had arranged this for us while our facility was in use for the seminar) and it was situational rolling night. There were 6-7 of us there, thus we would all go 6 times and then rest one from many positions such as passing the guard, mount, one standing and passing guard, side control, turtle, back control, and half guard. Not one person there inquired about my age (66.5) or acted any different towards me. I tapped or got tapped as much as anyone else there. WE did this for both gi and no gi. The rolling intervals were 3"-5" with a one min rest between to reset and change partners as everyone went against everyone at one time or another regardless of belt level (we had from white all the way up to brown there, I am blue) and from about 65kg-100kg (I am 83kg)and from 1 year on the mats to 10 years +. It seems that a BJJ school may be the best way to get in more time on the mat than dealing with all the ageism and bigotry on this site.Today am planning to get on the express bus and participate in a BJJ class at one of the local Universities here. Thanks


Spruceman (55)

1/15/2016 8:25 PM

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About 8 year ago, I went to classes that covered the whole range from wrestling to judo to mma; and found it to be quite open to both genders and a wide range of ages --- I was the second oldest guy there. The head honcho even wrote me up in the school's on-line newsletter.

Instructors (with only one exception) were super and my classmates were as well. The one exception, apparently did some "research" on the Internet & found out my being gay, based on some snide remarks he made. Thereafter he did quite a bit to try to humiliate me. I kept mum, as one never wants to piss off his MMA instructor (among other professions).

But that was about the time the rotator cuff childhood injury resurfaced and I had to cease going there – If it not so costly, I'd resume somewhere else, as that location no longer exists.

Found it interesting the marked contrast between the attitudes in a non-sexual environment and what we see on gay or mainly gay sites. It's as if we were our own worst enemy in many cases.


femdomme69 (0)

11/04/2015 7:04 PM

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Wow, looking like you do with that body, meeting up with anyone shouldn't be a problem.
Myself i prefer bigger guys, but what's the matter with age? I prefer older guys, they are always more experienced.. Don't know why anyone would NOT want to wrestle an older guy.


calwrestler (146)

11/11/2015 5:38 PM

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Well-said !
I'd wrestle you anytime, anywhere ! =)


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

11/11/2015 6:05 PM

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If so, then why isn't anyone in San Diego willing ro answer emails or join me at the open mat sessions in town?


gardenboy (18)

9/18/2015 5:23 AM

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Damn! That is one hell of a build at any age! Bob


soxaholic (5)

9/16/2015 9:40 AM

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60 is closer to being dead than 25 and who knows....maybe that is not such a bad thing..


DRessel (0)

9/15/2015 6:11 AM

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Well, I don't think that "60 is the new 25", but I would settle for 60 being the new 45 !!! Best wishes and thanks for responding.


builtbod (42)

9/15/2015 6:13 AM

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its the new "25"..if you want it to be


harrier (4)

9/15/2015 1:52 PM

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You have that right man.... feeling better now than in my 30s


DRessel (0)

9/15/2015 5:35 AM

I have only been a member of Meetfighters for a short time, but from what I have learned so far it seems to me that most of the younger men are not really interested in this site to find wrestling partners, but to find LIFE partners who fulfill their "Mr.Perfect" requirements. If they simply wanted to find other men with whom to practice wrestling as a sport, there would not be as many problems in finding wrestling buddies.


deanohio2 (19)

8/14/2015 12:13 PM

Have to look at the other side of the issue also: some of us do not like wrestling younger guys for various reasons and prefer wrestling older men. I am sure that some guys are minors who are lying about their age; that's one reason, as well as the "aggression" issue mentioned earlier. This is not a matter of bigotry but a matter of safety. Deano


soxaholic (5)

8/14/2015 12:52 PM

(In reply to this)

Good point Deano.....who wants a boy when there are so many men available....


pdxphil (17 )

8/12/2015 9:18 PM

Hi Guys
It is good to hear from you all. I honor all you older guys that are into wrestling & boxing!

I got into wrestling and boxing 4 years ago when I was 59 years old. Of course I had been a part-time gym guy for years. I was a scrawny kid... into art... and I disowned sports in High School... but I thought wrestling was cool.
Since my start at this...I had little luck finding serious wrestling partners... I felt is was mostly due to my short size 5'6". –

Boxing.... the last thing I thought I could do at my age!
I discovered a really cool coed boxing gym here in Portland.. I dared myself to try out some workouts there – and I liked it. This boxing club has a wacky Portland eclectic group of members all races, women, dykes, short guys and boxing trainer around my size & age.
I felt empowered and I liked the structure of the boxing classes. So I felt like I had the support and camaraderie of the club to gain confidence. This club is probably very unusual... as boxing clubs go.
I am the oldest member of the boxing club and still I look out of place a bit ... and it gets awkward at times when I get paired with a younger tough guys who want a fierce partner. So, I try to avoid those situations as much as I can.

I also do my best to exercise without buddy support – I do shadow boxing, weight training, and step aerobic fitness classes.

Anyway despite my bad luck at finding a same age buddy locally – I think meeting likeminded older guys that wrestle or box is really inspiring, So I have gone to wrestling events in NYC and Cincinnati to wrestle with some of you guys. Of course I can't afford this too often.

I do what I can...
I take any and every advantage to practice wrestling or boxing I can. I still am very proactive about meeting and letting guys know I want a workout buddy. I am open minded... I will box paired-up with fun loving dykes at the boxing club. I love keeping in practice and learning new techniques. I feel great after an intense workout… and I have a developed “Elvis Pelvis” when I need it. LOL

I suggest to all of you to keep and open mind – find a buddy if you can...or hire a trainer or maybe try a related martial art sports club that will help you feel empowered with support to keep you motivated.

Look me up when you visit Portland... I have a space to wrestle and/ or box! It is about having fun and feeling strong.

Good luck to all of you...




jerseybearhug (11)

11/14/2015 12:05 PM

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Id wrestle with you any time. 10 x 10 mats nj near philly. Im alan. Short men are hot


ManhattanMaulers (47)

8/14/2015 6:39 PM

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Next time you head to NYC, give me some notice and I will make plans to meet you there.


nu2rasln (42)

8/13/2015 3:30 PM

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Yes Phil, I will be looking forward to visiting Oregon, I missed wrestling you at Cincinnati wrestling event.


soxaholic (5)

8/12/2015 11:26 AM

I'm 60 and proud of it.....lots of guys miss out by excluding people our age.....their loss. You never know when lightening will strike so it seems that you ought to avail yourself to as many opportunities as possible........

Think positive....you aren't getting older....YOU ARE GETTING BETTER!!!!!!


Butch Nelson (19)

8/12/2015 4:37 AM

who cares?


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

9/14/2015 8:56 PM

(In reply to this)

You start to care when no one in your own city (A very large city I might add) is willing to wrestle with you, or in many cases even answer your emails, when 3 people have blocked you when nothing more than an inquiry was sent them, and when you have 600 profile views and no one is available to wrestle you that is reasonably close. That is when I start to care.


DRessel (0)

9/15/2015 5:23 AM

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Amen, brother! I have only been a member of Meetfighters for about two weeks, and I have already experienced the truth of what you are saying. By the way, the large city close to me is Philadelphia.


nu2rasln (42)

9/15/2015 1:49 AM

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I don't quite understand why that is going on, I was from san francisco bayarea, small compared to your area, maybe it's the type of wrestling you are interested in, just a guess.


DRessel (0)

9/15/2015 5:38 AM

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Sir, My own guess would be that the San Francisco area has quite a generous number of men who would enjoy a man-to-man physical sport like wrestling. It DOES make a difference where you live.


friar155 (12)

8/11/2015 8:52 PM

I'm an over fifty wrestler and I enjoy wrestling other over fifty wrestlers also enjoy wrestling younger wrestlers each to their own choice


TooTallToTangle (11)

8/11/2015 4:34 PM

I think most of us, if we are honest, have in our minds what would be the "perfect" match. With the 20-somethings it is just more a matter of wanting to wrestle with peers. When I was that age these online forums did not exist. What wrestling happened after high school or college was usually with our friends. Most of them were our own age or close to it. So we never really gave it much thought. Now that through the web we have access to guys who still like to fight in adulthood we like to think that anyone should be fair game! Like other commenters have already stated though, not all wrestlers here are strictly into it for the wresting! Just continue on,man. Enjoy the matches you do get. If you ever get to Seattle I will be happy to turn you every which way but loose!!


deanohio2 (19)

8/11/2015 10:13 AM

Hey Bud; Frankly, a lot of guys are just into the sexual aspects of wrestling and/or are not particularly competitive. Yeah, you sound really experienced and probably scare them...seriously! If you would like, you could say something in your profile about being a fun, easy-going guy and are sensitive to the skill level and style of your opponents. That may put guys a little more at ease. Some action shots in your gallery will help also. Deano


musdad (2)

8/14/2015 9:23 AM

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I think you are right, there is a sexual aspect in this for a lot of men, at the same time at our age there is a fear of not being able to handle a really aggressive, well built younger man. In the gym we may be stronger, but most of us have lost flexibility . I have come to the view that I should be open to all sorts without embarrassment just to get the experience.
Added to this is the problem that in Ireland we do not have a mat room where older men can go, as they do in the UK.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

8/10/2015 6:40 PM

I am sure that many here get ignored or rejected due age, despite being on the mats as much as any of the younger members. Any suggestions for dealing with this ridiculous bigotry/ I once asked the administrator about making the age requirement on one's profile optional but was told just to change my age accordingly.I do not believe in dishonesty,though I guess I could put 99 in for age?

What is strange is that I am on the mat more than almost all here, training jiujitsu almost every day, and with the excellent transit system available in San Diego gong to open mats and other opportunities to train and roll as well. Lip service is available in many cases, getting someone on the mats, extremely difficult here. The other issue is that once you mention going to a jiujitsu school facility or gym to wrestle most back out? Why?


DRessel (0)

9/15/2015 5:45 AM

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"Leaving out" your age or lying about it would only delay the inevitable disappointment, bad feelings and rejection which are bound to happen when the truth is revealed. In other words, it just doesn't pay.


Chris55 (3 )

8/10/2015 10:23 PM

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Am very impressed with your training for jujitsu every day and trying to make the most of other opportunities. Great to have an excellent transit system as well.
Not quite sure what the answer to this is, but to keep trying.


jason (27)

8/10/2015 7:01 PM

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I have that problem also, from time to time. Do not take it as a rejection. One young man said if he wrestled me it would remind him of wrestling his father. I told him thanks for your honesty. Keep wrestling!!

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