Stakes, Spoils, and Post-Match Punishment


Armybob (59)

6/01/2014 4:44 AM

Hi Boy,

The first stake you could expect is getting over my knees for a well deserved spanking on your bare ass!!
To harden you up a bit and show some respect to your challenger!!

What do you have in mind if you would win?


MMTwister (23)

6/01/2014 11:58 AM

(In reply to this)

I've only done two stakes matches, the first I got my opponents sweaty balls in my mouth, the second I had my head and eyebrows shaved off, I preferred the latter do I'd be up for that again


Armybob (59)

6/01/2014 5:47 PM

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So you lost two times so far.

I guess with a shaved head you look more agressive!! Some gutpunching might harden you further :)


MMTwister (23)

6/01/2014 6:27 PM

(In reply to this)

Yes, on the occasions I have done stakes I lost. It was a good experience being shaved as the loser, good fun, you're not wrong about the aggressive thing haha! I am developing an interest in gut punching too, certainly something I will try


jason (27)

6/01/2014 8:38 PM

(In reply to this)

It seems bondage after a match is an awesome stake. This has happened to me a number of time. Spanking and nipple and ball torture are also popular. I had one winner who said that if wanted to be released from bondage -I would have to cum 3 times in 2 hours. I won that stake!


MMTwister (23)

5/31/2014 2:13 PM

Hello, I've recently been getting a lot of offers for stakes matches but I haven't much experience with them. My question to you guys is, if I was to have a stakes match with you, and you won, what would you like to do to me?

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