Lift and carry funs

Group Game: Lift the person above!

YoungLiftee (1)

12/07/2021 10:38 PM

But who could lift me?


small chubby fighter (0)

12/05/2021 10:43 PM

I doubt very much that I will be able to find someone who can lift me as I weigh 84 kg.


Luvtalls (0)

12/06/2021 1:32 PM

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A lot of guys can lift you.


Daniel Erwin (7)

12/05/2021 5:59 AM

Can someone lift me specifically on back and shoulders


younglifter (0)

12/05/2021 3:59 PM

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Easily, someone can else can even join in if they want


Whowantliftme1 (0)

12/08/2021 7:00 PM

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Good idea...


Daniel Erwin (7)

12/05/2021 4:08 PM

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Let's do it


small chubby fighter (0)

12/04/2021 11:34 PM

I'm also looking for someone who thinks they can lift me in overhead press, currently I weigh 84 kg


j50yomuscle (2)

12/05/2021 1:23 AM

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I could lift you easily.


j50yomuscle (2)

12/03/2021 7:22 PM

I can lift you Luvtalls...


twigster (0)

12/04/2021 2:30 PM

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but could you lift me? :)


Luvtalls (0)

12/03/2021 2:30 PM

I’ll put you up Twiggy… who to put me up? The bigger the better


twigster (0)

12/03/2021 6:15 AM

i'm 115 lbs / 52 kg, and 6'6" / 197 cm... so i would make for an unusual lift! anyone up for the challenge? 💪


SmallFry (9)

8/15/2021 5:15 AM

Who wants to lift me?


Luvtalls (0)

8/15/2021 1:03 PM

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I’ll put you up, no problem Smallfry


Steezin (0)

8/12/2021 11:24 AM

I haven’t been lifted by a guy in like 5 years 😭


YoungLiftee (1)

8/14/2021 6:29 PM

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I'll lift you!


YoungLiftee (1)

8/16/2021 11:09 PM

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So no one will lift me?


Luvtalls (0)

8/10/2021 5:20 PM

It all depends on the strength of the lifter. Some guys wouldn’t even consider lifting me but most bigger guys can put me up no problem.


j50yomuscle (2)

8/10/2021 6:38 PM

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Yes I certainly could.


Luvtalls (0)

8/10/2021 3:27 PM

Sounds good to me! Love to be in the air! Docchuki I could put you up no problem!


docchuki (0)

8/10/2021 3:49 PM

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Oh nice… I guess I’m not as heavy what I always think I am…;-)) would love it..🙏🤗


Luvtalls (0)

8/10/2021 1:52 AM

Can I jump on piggyback?


younglifter (0)

8/10/2021 8:40 AM

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On me? with someone else? :)


Whowantliftme (0)

8/11/2021 10:59 AM

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If you have videos your.... better!


Whowantliftme (0)

8/10/2021 7:03 PM

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Who has video or photos of overhead?

Maybe @younglifter's ... who seems to me to be the strongest one!


docchuki (0)

8/10/2021 11:46 AM

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Yeah, me again…;-))


docchuki (0)

8/10/2021 1:25 AM

If I get to choose, then I’d love the double-shoulder, me on the very top of course…;-)


Luvtalls (0)

8/09/2021 1:27 PM

Anyone willing to help me lift j50yomuscle? Need a hand with this big boy!


BamaJDon41 (10 )

8/10/2021 5:30 AM

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I'll help you lift J50. I'm sure he'd like to be the liftee for a change.😫


j50yomuscle (2)

8/10/2021 2:08 PM

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Yes two of you lift me, your champion. After I have lifted the two of you! 😉


BamaJDon41 (10 )

8/10/2021 5:36 PM

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Sounds great to me!😃


froliftee (15)

8/07/2021 7:44 AM

This is more of a cyber game but I thought I'd share it. Here's how it works:

  • The first respondent says how they'd lift and carry the OP. It can be as detailed as you like.
  • The next person will state the same for the one immediately above them. And so on and so forth...
  • Also if you feel strong enough, you could even say how you'd lift the 2 (3?) people above all at once. :)

So to start it off, how would the first respondent lift and carry me?


j50yomuscle (2)

8/08/2021 2:19 PM

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You are lightweight, so I can carry you around holding you overhead.


small chubby fighter (0)

8/08/2021 4:34 PM

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You look very strong, weight 83 kg. Do you think you could lift me on the overhead press?


j50yomuscle (2)

8/09/2021 12:04 AM

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Yes no problem


docchuki (0)

8/09/2021 10:25 AM

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So, then I’ll try to pick you up, just in a bearhug…if I can‘t I need to be taught a lesson…what do you think this could be? ;-)


j50yomuscle (2)

8/09/2021 12:32 PM

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Crush you in my bear hug. Then lift you overhead and throw you across the room onto a mattress. 🙂


docchuki (0)

8/10/2021 3:26 PM

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Nice…what a dream…;-)) love it…🤗


younglifter (0)

8/10/2021 12:37 AM

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I'd lift both j50yomuscle and docchuki :) Double piggyback maybe? or both on my shoulders? their pick


docchuki (0)

8/10/2021 5:54 PM

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If I get to choose, then I’d love the double-shoulder, me on the very top of course…;-)


Whowantliftme (0)

8/10/2021 8:34 AM

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I weight 74 kg.... 😁🤣


small chubby fighter (0)

8/10/2021 1:12 AM

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you look very strong you think you could with me in overhead weight 83 kg


docchuki (0)

8/10/2021 12:46 AM

(In reply to this)

If I get to choose, then I’d love the double-shoulder, me on the very top of course…;-)

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