
Gi Potpourri?

Spruceman (55)

1/31/2017 1:44 PM

Really could stand to find some local guys into gi wrestling. Some I have proposed it to say it's not erotic enough as there too much cloth separating two men. There are workarounds to that "problem;" but guys can be stubborn about anything at times.


gijudo (0)

3/10/2017 9:41 AM

(In reply to this)

Love fighting in gi. Just find it so hot to see 2 men in gi and pants trying to grapple with each other, until such time where the jackets and pants become so loose...


Spruceman (55)

12/24/2016 2:17 AM

All these months and so little posted. I guess guys are not very much into gis


RomaFighter (41)

12/25/2016 8:55 AM

(In reply to this)

I like wear gi, fight with gi, get me horny


Sensei Karate (1)

7/04/2016 11:42 PM

I love to wear gi. Too bad we are so far away.


Spruceman (55)

4/08/2016 2:43 PM

Might be a dumb question; but are there folks into donning a gi and doing the whole enchilada? Mixing sport wrestling, grappling, light body blows, judo, and anything else within reason? Love the feel of wearing a gi and using the opponent's gi to control him. Sure would like to find men into this in the Washington DC/Arlington-Alexandria VA met area into something like this. The operative word here is "gi," the rest up to the wearers.


Sensei Karate (1)

7/04/2016 11:44 PM

(In reply to this)

I love to wear gi. Turns me on. Too bad we are far.

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